News - Articles and Letters - 2011 |
option4 Update#149 - More at stake than just a fishing license |
July |
Accord Update#43 - Abundance of topics at Oturei hui |
June |
option4 Update#148 - Back to the future |
June |
option4 Update#147 - We don't know how lucky we are |
May |
option4 Update#146 - Broad fishing interests at risk |
April |
Accord Update#42 - Fish for life and health |
April |
option4 Update#145 - Proportional shares eat into fishing future |
March |
Accord Update#41 - A hotbed of issues at next hui |
Feb/Mar |
option4 Update#144 - Common law or statutory fishing right |
February |
option4 Update#143 - Standby to protect your fishing interests |
January |
Accord Update#40 - A harsh lesson of statutory management |
January |
News - Articles and Letters - 2010 |
option4 Update#142 - Latest news, Xmas gifts and tagging study |
December |
option4 Update#141 - No excuse for incompetence and mediocrity |
December |
Accord Update#39 - Ministerial approval generates celebrations |
December |
NZ Fisher Update #1 - More fish in the water |
November |
option4 Update#140 - What will it take for MFish to listen? |
November |
Accord Update#38 - Ministerial dallying causing frustration |
November |
Inequitable trade off in fisheries carve-up, by Trish Rea |
29 Oct |
Ngapuhi chairman's response letter to MFish kahawai claims |
21 Oct |
MFish Chief's letter objecting to Ngapuhi's kahawai statements. |
21 Oct |
Kahawai under strain - Ngapuhi perspective on kahawai decision |
7 Oct |
option4 Update#139 - Squealers, dreamers and kahawai dealers |
Oct |
Accord Update#37 - Lack of leadership riles northern interests |
Oct |
option4 Update#138 - Kahawai, blue cod and Reel Action wind-up |
22 Sept |
Accord Update#36 - Accord wary of closed-door decision forums |
Sept |
option4 Update#137 - What are the Minister's kahawai priorities? |
Sept |
option4 Alert #16 - Restore our precious kahawai and survey |
11 Aug |
Accord Update#35 - Will the mighty kahawai ever be plentiful? |
August |
option4 Update#136 - Should we be scared? |
August |
Hokianga Accord Update#34 - More or less kahawai? |
July |
option4 Update#135 - Cautious optimism about kahawai proposals |
July |
Antarctic Toothfish Hypocrisy, North & South article (5.7MB) |
June |
NZ Spearo option4 Update#4 - High stakes at risk for sea lovers |
June |
Hokianga Accord Update#33 - Matariki, A new beginning |
June |
option4 Update#134 - NZ's fisheries are well managed? |
June |
Hokianga Accord Update#32 - Hui backs local management |
May |
option4 Alert #15 - Access to the foreshore under threat |
27 May |
option4 Update#133 - Massive turbines for Kaipara Harbour |
May |
Hokianga Accord Update#31 - A mighty Kauri has fallen |
April |
option4 Update#132 - Creating an over arching body for fishers |
April |
Marine degradation catalyst for alliance, Mangawhai Focus article |
9 April |
option4 Update#131 - Winner of Hiwi the Kiwi raffle |
19 Mar |
Hokianga Accord Update#30 - Next hui for more fish in the water |
March |
option4 Update#129 - A bouquet and a precautionary quest |
March |
option4 Update#130 - Hiwi the Kiwi Goes Fishing raffle |
19 Feb |
Hokianga Accord Update#29 - Exciting relationship developments |
February |
option4 Update#128 - Dodgy principles in crayfish proposals |
February |
Hokianga Accord Update#28-Support for Deep Water Cove rahui |
January |
option4 Update#127 - Compensation, what are the principles? |
January |
News - Articles and Letters - 2009 |
option4 Update#126 - Black Magic lures and a boat prize |
December |
Hokianga Accord Update#27 - Species remain public property |
December |
option4 Update#125 - Compensation: the one that got away |
December |
option4 Update#124 - Rights changes 'real possibility' |
November |
option4 Update#123 - Foreigners in our fisheries |
October |
Hokianga Accord Update#26 - Seaweed - last commercial target |
October |
option4 Update#122 - Pre-determined 2030 Vision process |
October |
Marlborough Blue Cod issue needs action, by Lloyd Hanson |
22 Sept |
Quota system not working for NZ, by Grant Dixon |
18 Sept |
Hokianga Accord Update #25 - Minister to "fix" skewed 2030 |
Sept |
Foreigners not the only scandal in fisheries, by Trish Rea |
14 Aug |
option4 Update#121 - Matariki, a new year, a new challenge |
August |
Hokianga Accord Update#24 - Matarlki, a new management year |
August |
option4 Update#120 - How many fish do we actually catch? |
August |
Hokianga Accord Update#23 - Common aspirations for fisheries |
July |
option4 Update#119 - 2030 catalyst for environmental alliance |
July |
NZ Spearo option4 Update#3 - Vigilance required in fisheries |
June |
Hokianga Accord Update#22 - Positive progress at Whitiora |
June |
option4 Update#118 - Amateur zones - panacea or pitfall? |
June |
Hokianga Accord Update#21 - Hui dates and venue confirmed |
May |
option4 Update#117 - Prospects of amateur fishing zones |
May |
option4 Update#116 - Kahawai, management and innovation |
April |
Hokianga Accord Update#20 - New dates for hui and rahui |
April |
option4 Update#115 - Ministry management a disgrace |
April |
option4 Update#114 - More snapper, spearo special and kahawai |
March |
Hokianga Accord Update#19 - Next hui confirmed |
March |
option4 Update #113 - Fanatical fishos top the scales |
March |
NZ Spearo option4 Update#2 - Tax breaks for generous Kiwis |
February |
Hokianga Accord Update#18 - Where are the fish? |
February |
option4 Update #112 - Do more eggs equal more snapper? |
February |
Hokianga Accord Update#17 - Mischief-makers thwart project |
January |
option4 Update #111 - Abundance is the key |
January |
News - Articles and Letters - 2008 |
option4 Update #110 - A glimmer of hope as Christmas nears |
9 Dec |
Hokianga Accord Update#16 - Mountains to sea management |
December |
option4 Update #109 - History never repeats? |
December |
Hokianga Accord Update#15 - Solid support for Kerikeri mataitai |
November |
option4 Update #108 - Concerns still for process |
November |
NZ Spearo option4 Update#1 - More fish in the water |
October |
Hokianga Accord Update#14 - Sweet and sour reception |
October |
option4 Update #107 - At least we can still catch fish, can we? |
October |
Hokianga Accord Update#13 - Fisheries Act Amendment |
Sept |
option4 Alert #14 - Sea's bounty at risk from dodgy practices |
Sept |
option4 Update #106 - Smokescreen covers cracks in Bill |
Sept |
Hokianga Accord Update#12 - Hasty legislation outcomes |
August |
option4 Update #105 - Critical issue veiled in secrecy |
August |
Hokianga Accord Update#11 - What fish? There are no fish |
July |
option4 Update #104 - The immeasurable joys of fishing |
July |
Hokianga Accord Update#10 - Improving legislation for more fish |
June |
option4 Update #103 - Unjustified punitive measures |
June |
Hokianga Accord Update #9 - We can do better! |
May |
option4 Update #102 - Guardians of the Sea |
May |
option4 Update #101 - option4 century and will blue cod survive? |
15 April |
Hokianga Accord Update #8 Successful recipe for environment |
April |
option4 Update #100 - Celebration time! |
April |
Hokianga Accord Update #7 - Hokianga here we come! |
March |
option4 Update #99 -Marine reserves coming to a place near you |
March |
Hokianga Accord Update#6 -Environment and reserves hot topics |
February |
option4 Update #98 - A promising start for our fisheries |
February |
option4 Update #97 - Brighter prospects for management |
February |
Hokianga Accord Update #5 - Promising start to 2008 |
January |
option4 Update #96 - Fisheries ignorance tackled |
January |
News - Articles and Letters - 2007 |
Hokianga Accord Update #4 - Where has $17 million gone? |
December |
option4 Update #95 - Christmas is here and the fish are biting |
December |
option4 Update #94 - Just do it, manage our fisheries sustainably |
December |
Hokianga Accord Update#3 - NZ Fishing News supports the forum |
November |
option4 Update #93 - Dolphin commonsense called for |
November |
option4 Update #92 - Startling fishing technology revealed |
October |
Hokianga Accord Update #2 - Marine protection, on who's terms? |
October |
option4 Update #91 - Set netting debate keeps rolling on |
October |
Hokianga Accord Update #1 - More fish in the water |
Sept |
option4 Update #90 - Are fishermen at risk of extinction? |
Sept |
option4 Update #89 - Using the QMS to achieve abundance |
August |
option4 Update #88 - Deeming, next hui and kahawai appeal |
July |
option4 Update #87 - Legalised overfishing |
July |
option4 Update #86 - Kahawai Challenge - mark your diaries |
June |
option4 Update #85 - Fishing rights not for sale |
June |
option4 Update #84 - Industry appeal against kahawai win |
May |
option4 Update #83 - A positive sign of things to come? |
May |
Shared Fisheries, a house built on sand, by Bill Kirk |
April |
option4 Update #82 - A Pakeha recreational fishing perspective |
April |
Update Special - Chesters fishing contest, you aint seen nothing |
March |
option4 Update #81 - Shared Fisheries submission completed |
March |
option4 Alert #13 - 'The Peoples' Submission' finalised |
February |
option4 Update #80 - Government is after our fish again! |
February |
option4 Update #79 - Fishing freedom is priceless |
January |
News - Articles and Letters - 2006 |
option4 Alert #12 - Shared Fisheries preliminary view |
December |
option4 Update #78 - Shared Fisheries will affect all fishers |
December |
option4 Update #77 - Big cuts to bag limits likely |
November |
option4 Alert #11 - Challenging week in High Court |
November |
option4 Alert #10 - At last the Kahawai Challenge gets to Court |
November |
option4 Update #76 - Sustainable shared fisheries |
October |
option4 Alert #9 - More fish in the water, will you help? |
Sept |
option4 Update #75 - Conservation without confiscation |
Sept |
Truth is stranger than fiction, Trish Rea |
30 Aug |
option4 Update #74 - Who said history never repeats? |
August |
option4 Update #73 - Shared Fisheries and the Minister |
July |
Non-commercial fishers slam Ministry paper |
19 Jun |
option4 Update #72 - Making a difference |
June |
option4 Update #71 - The Ultimate Challenge |
May |
option4 Update #70 - Fishing for food or profit? |
May |
Fish depletion letter to editor, Steve Sangster |
April |
option4 Update #69 - Sharing success in fisheries |
April |
Fish suffering due to MFish and quota system, Glen Wilson |
option4 Update #68 - Recreational fisheries important to all |
March |
option4 Update Special - option4 winner of Chester's contest |
March |
option4 Update #67 - Give option4 your mandate in battle |
February |
World-class fisheries management, MFish Chief Executive |
Recreational fishers unfairly punished, Steve Radich |
11 Jan 06 |
News - Articles and Letters - 2005 |
Kahawai Update #14 - Big thanks and Xmas lucky draw |
December |
option4 Update #65 - Unique fisheries forum |
December |
Kahawai Update #13 - Proportional allocation, the simple truth |
December |
option4 Update #64 - Danger ahead for fishing |
November |
option4 Update #63 - Good and bad news on submissions |
November |
Kahawai Update #12 - Legal challenge only hope |
October |
option4 Update #62 - Tangata whenua invite fishers to forum |
Sept |
option4 Newsflash #2 - Bouquet for United Future Outdoor Rec |
Sept |
option4 Update #61 - Promises for improved fisheries |
August |
option4 Update #60 - Confiscation in the name of conservation |
July |
option4 Alert #8 - Have your say on important fisheries |
July |
option4 Newsflash #1 - Serious impacts on bag limits |
July |
option4 Update #59 - More fish in the water |
June |
option4 Update #58 - United we stand |
June |
option4 Update #57 - Public lose again in fisheries management |
May |
option4 Update #56 - Marine protection and fisheries |
May |
option4 Update #55 - Spotlight on fisheries (mis)management |
April |
option4 Update #54 - MPAs - politically driven madness |
April |
option4 Update #53 - Meritorious |
March |
option4 Update #52 - Stand and fight or kahawai is off the menu |
February |
option4 Update #51 - option4 - Why, how and now |
February |
option4 Update #50 - Divide and conquer |
January |
News - Articles and Letters - 2004 |
option4 Online Update #45 - Big issues, kahawai and foreshore |
August |
option4 Update #49 - Kahawai challenge - a future investment |
December |
Paul's Fishing Kites - Important kahawai message |
December |
option4 Alert #7 - Kahawai, stand and fight or lose it |
December |
option4 NZFN Update #48 - Adaptive Management Programmes |
November |
option4 Update #47 - Minister in Court over kahawai |
November |
option4 Online Update #46 - Kahawai and marine protection |
October |
option4 NZFN Update #46 - Kahawai - who's saying what |
Sept |
option4 Online Update #45 - Big issues, kahawai and foreshore |
August |
option4 NZFN Update #45 - Kahawai decision, what will it bring? |
August |
option4 Online Update #44 - Foreshore, kahawai and aquaculture |
July |
option4 NZFN Update #44 - Private or public foreshore |
July |
option4 Online Update #43 - Reserves, kahawai and humour |
June |
option4 NZFN Update #43 - Protecting our environment |
June |
option4 Online Update #42 - Kahawai, MFish and the law |
May |
option4 NZFN Update #42 - A Ministry out of control |
May |
option4 Online Update #41 - Kahawai and big game submissions |
April |
option4 NZFN Update #41 - Time to stand up for a fair go |
April |
option4 Alert #6 - Kahawai quota proposals |
April |
option4 Online Update #40 - Kahawai - Our fish - Our people |
March |
Property rights in fisheries, by Steve Radich |
February |
option4 Online Update #39 - MFish kahawai claims |
February |
Let Them Eat Cake, by Mark Feldman |
February |
option4 NZFN Update #39 - Kahawai - Ministry claim no scarcity |
February |
News - Articles and Letters - 2003 |
option4 Online Update #33 - Rights and reserves |
December |
option4 NZFN Update #33 - Its time for you to get involved |
December |
option4 Online Update #32 - Planning for the future |
October |
option4 NZFN Update #31 - Reserves - twisting the truth |
October |
option4 Online Update #31 - Kingfish - courage under fire |
Sept |
option4 Online Update #30 - Rights and marine protection |
August |
option4 NZFN Update #30 - Great Barrier marine reserve |
August |
option4 Online Update #29 - Great Barrier Island proposal |
July |
option4 NZFN Update #29 - DoC bargain Barrier sold for $120 |
July |
Put that kingfish back so commercials can catch their new quota |
July |
option4 Update #28 - The right to fish for food |
June |
option4 Alert #5 - Great Barrier marine reserve proposal |
18 June |
option4 Alert #4 - Auckland West Coast proposals |
4 June |
option4 Update #27 - What option4 stands for |
May |
option4 Update #26 - Rights reform process |
April |
option4 Online Update #24 - Consensus achieved and working |
April |
option4 Update #25 - First Reference Group meeting |
March |
option4 NZFN Update #24 - Consensus achieved |
February |
option4 Alert #3 - Tiritiri Matangi marine reserve proposal |
22 Feb |
option4 Alert #2 - Fiordland regulation proposals |
28 Jan |
option4 Update #23 - Kingfish - how much quota? |
January |
option4 Alert #1 - Volkner Rocks marine reserve |
11 Jan |
News - Articles and Letters - 2002 |
option4 Update #22 - Process - what process? |
December |
Something smells off in the world of fishing quotas, J Gardiner |
November |
option4 Update #21 - Brick bat and bouquet |
November |
option4 Update #20 - Public consultation |
October |
option4 Update #19 - Ministry of Commercial Fisheries? |
Sept |
option4 Update #18 - Does their arrogance deserve your vote? |
July |
option4 Update #17 - Open letter to the Minister of Fisheries |
June |
NZ Fishing News Editorial, Grant Dixon |
May |
option4 Update #16 - Not the reply we were hoping for |
May |
option4 Update #15 - option4 responds to Cabinet Paper |
April |
option4 Update #14 - Is this public consultation? |
March |
option4 Update #13 - Cabinet Paper presentation |
February |
News - Articles and Letters - 2001 |
option4 Update #12 - Minister says no consensus |
18 Dec 01 |
option4 Update #11 - Time to put up or shut up |
10 Nov 01 |
option4 Update #10 - Ministerial Group update |
option4 Update #9 - We the silent majority |
option4 Update #8 - Boat show winners |
 |
18 Jun 01 |
option4 Update #7 - Boat show here we come |
option4 Update #6 - Licencing off menu |
option4 Update #5 - One down three to go |
NZ Fishing News - Editorial, Grant Dixon |
February |
News - Articles and Letters - 2000 |
option4 Update #4 - option4 delivers |
23 Dec 00 |
option4 Update Special - Submissions still coming in! |
22 Dec 00 |
option4 Update #3 - option4 submission online |
13 Dec 00 |
option4 Update #2 - Soundings deadline extended |
21 Nov 00 |
option4 Update #1 - Get stuck in |
7 Nov 00 |
Soundings Stir Public Fishers, Hon. Pete Hodgson |

2000 |