United Future and Outdoor
Recreation New Zealand recognise the fact that New Zealand has a
freshwater fishery that is one of the best in the world. New Zealand's
freshwater fisheries are currently managed very well managed by
Fish and Game New Zealand's network of regional structures.
Given the high quality of
New Zealand's freshwater fishery and its management structure, we
are primarily concerned with two issues related to the freshwater
fisheries: 1) water quality and (2) right of access.
First, water quality. The
quality of New Zealand's inland waterways has been generally deteriorating
as time passes. In some specific areas, public health and the recreational
usage of these bodies of water is in jeopardy. This deterioration
needs to be addressed quickly through the introduction of appropriate
educational tools and the raising of awareness within the industries
implicated as part of the cause of this problem. Such a program
could include financial assistance to accelerate reforms within
certain industries and be reinforced by regulatory intervention
such as the establishment of a National Environmental Standard for
inland lakes and waterways.
Second, access. Access to
New Zealand's freshwater fisheries is a basic right that should
be accorded to every New Zealander. The exclusion of the average
New Zealander from specific fisheries through the denial of access
is unacceptable but is a phenomenon that is on the rise. See our
"Practical Access to New Zealand's Great Outdoors" policy
section for details of how we intend to address the access issue.
United Future and
Outdoor Recreation NZ will:
- Ensure that a program to improve water quality is developed
and implemented through consultation with all stakeholders - this
should include financial incentives to assist eligible industries
to clean up their act;
- Develop a National Environmental Standard (NES) for the quality
of New Zealand's freshwater lakes and waterways;
- As part of any freshwater NES develop strict controls to prevent
the transfer of undesirable algae, weed and pollutants between
water bodies through poorly cleaned boats, trailers and the pumping
of dirty bilges;
- Encourage the use of alternative non-renewable and renewable
resources in the place of hydroelectric generation provided they
meet strict emission standards;
- Reinstate the Queens Chain where applicable as a pre-requisite
before foreign land sales can be approved;
- Ensure that the commercialisation of trout species and other
freshwater species will remain illegal in order to preserve our
freshwater fisheries for recreation and tourism;
- Promote the principle that all New Zealanders have a common
right to access unpolluted freshwater fisheries and waterways
for recreational use.