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option4 Update #86 27 June 2007




Kahawai Legal Challenge - Mark your diaries!

Dates for the Wellington Appeal Court hearing are 26th and 27th February 2008.


Industry appeal, MFish applies for a stay - business as usual. [more]


High Court decision - An historic win for all New Zealanders and our fisheries. [more]


Fundraising Appeal - We need at least $80,000!

THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to the Challenge fund.


Apologies to those who had problems with the last Update, we assure you the technical difficulties have been ironed out.

The team defending the kahawai judgment are adamant they wont give up and need your help to raise $80,000 to cover costs. Please contribute as much as you can.

Dial: 0900 KAHAWAI (0900 52 42 92) to contribute $20 via your phone account.


Online: Secure online donation facility here


Post: Cheques to ‘Kahawai Challenge Fund', c/o New Zealand Fishing News, PO Box 12-965, Penrose, Auckland.


Andy McEwan’s letter is an example of the support the team is receiving. Keep it coming! [more]


Shared Fisheries

Fishing rights are not up for grabs, negotiation or sale. Nor now, not ever. [more]


Must read - The People's Submission on the MFish Shared Fisheries proposals. [more]


Fisheries Management

Fishing industry pays small price for consistently abusing quota allocations. [more]


Recreational fishing groups support combating overfishing and offer an effective solution. [more]


Submission on deemed values including an alternative strategy to have more fish in the water. [more] (PDF 390Kb)


Hokianga Accord

Bring your family along to enjoy the ninth Hokianga Accord hui on August 16th and 17th. [more]


If you want advance notice of the next hui email your details. [more]


Marine Protected Areas

Draft Classification and Protection Standard document

Have your say on the process that is likely to determine future use and access to your marine environment. [more]


Hector's Dolphin Threat Management

A petition has been launched to ban the use of set nets nationwide. Make sure you have your say when DoC and MFish release the Hector's Dolphin Threat Management plan in early August. Ministerial decisions will be finalised before summer 2008.

Two meetings were held over the past month to discuss the managment implications for the Manukau Harbour. Around 40 people attended the Titirangi meeting and over 200 endorsed the Counties Sports Fishing Club's statement made at the Waiuku meeting.


Nothing is broken. Nothing needs fixing! [more]


Thank you for your support and willingness to stay informed.

Please help If you value the work option4 do on your behalf please make a donation. There is so much more we could do to improve the advocacy we provide.

For two easy ways to make a contribution please go here and invest in you and your children's fishing future.

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