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option4 Update #95 - 5th December 2007




Amazing as it seems, Christmas is almost here and the fish are on the bite!


More fish in the water

Just do it! - manage our fisheries so people have a reasonable chance of catching a fish.........[more]

Secrets of our seas revealed - Prepare to be shocked!

The Seafriends Marine Conservation and Education Centre's summer exhibition is opening soon.........[more]



Hokianga Accord

A brief report of the tenth Hokianga Accord hui held in mid-November.........[more]

The Hokianga Accord appreciates the support from the NZ Fishing News team.............[more]

The mid-north iwi fisheries forum’s submission on the Ministry of Fisheries’ proposed amendment of the Kaimoana Regulations………..[more]

Email us your details if you want advance notice of the April 2008 hui.


Kahawai Legal Challenge


Making a special purchase this Christmas.

Buy a Kahawai Legal Challenge tee-shirt for your favourite person or try the three-shirt special for $50…..[more]

Maintaining fishing access for future generations is important. Details on more contributions to the Legal Challenge Fund…..[more]

More good news for the Kahawai Challenge team, this time from the NZ Big Game Fishing Council’s Annual General Meeting.……… [more]

The Challenge team are grateful to all legal counsel who have worked diligently and generously in this ‘public good' case……………..[more]


Dolphin Threat Management Plan

Ministers’ dolphin decisions delayed till March 2008………..[more]

Dolphin commonsense called for…. [more]


Pest-free Islands Campaign

The Department of Conservation's campaign - check below decks and clean your gear..........[more]

May all your Christmas dreams come true.

From the option4 team

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Spectra fishing line
Fishing News

Regards from the option4 team.

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