option4 & Soundings 2000 - 2001 |
option4 and Soundings
- 2001
An affiliation of concerned New
Zealand citizens and fishing people created a task force called option4
in response to the document Soundings
in 2000. The discussion document was the work of the Rights Working Group
(RWG) consisting of Ministry of Fisheries staff and members of the NZ
Recreational Fishing Council (NZRFC). The RWG asked for submissions on
the future management and rights of recreational fishers.
Soundings included three options
for the public to consider in regards to our future fishing rights. They
- Discretionary share (status quo, the current system)
- Proportional share (a fixed share of the available fishery)
- Recreational management (proportional share and management control).
option4 believes that the RWG,
in the Soundings document, adopted a set of preconceived and indefensible
assumptions about the relationship New Zealanders have with the seas surrounding
their lands, whilst at the same time having omitted reference to many
important issues surrounding the pre-existing rights of New Zealanders
to fish and harvest these seas.
option4 were determined to ensure
all possible options for the future management of recreational fishing
were considered on their merits and debated as widely as possible.
The option4 task force
have one objective:
To carry the four principles
of option4 all the way through the rights redefinition process and to
have those principles enshrined in legislation.
The principles of option4
A priority right over commercial
fishers for free access to a reasonable daily bag limit to be written
into legislation.
The ability to exclude commercial
methods that deplete recreationally important areas.
The ability to devise plans
to ensure future generations enjoy the same or better quality of rights
while preventing fish conserved for recreational use being given to
the commercial sector.
No licensing of recreational
option4 compiled a submission
, sought input and support through widespread debate, the option4 website,
articles and interviews in the media. Considerable awareness was created
among the fishing public generating extensive discussion on talkback radio.
option4 achieved a staggering
level of consensus on public harvesting rights in the marine environment.
Of the 62,117 submissions made during the Soundings process 61,178 (98.5%)
supported the objective and four principles of option4 contained
in the submission. This was an unprecedented response to a fisheries management
In addition to the option4 website
regular Updates were and
still are provided online and in the media to keep people informed of
progress. If you would like to be kept informed of progress please register
After Soundings
option4 has continued the effort
to redefine the right of the public to harvest food from the sea. The
task force maintains the objective and 4 principles and works in conjunction
with many other representative organisations to secure the rights of non-commercial
fishers in the marine environment.
If you would like to contact
the option4 team please email us at contact@option4.co.nz
Summary of
Soundings Process
This page follows the process and
option4 involvement throughout 2000 and 2001.
Soundings |
Input |
option4 take to the Auckland
Boatshow with this brochure, explaining in simple terms the outcome
of the Soundings process. |
May 2001

Meeting with Minister
option4 meet with the
Minister. Full minutes of that meeting available here » |
Mar 2001

Submission - Must Read
A taskforce of concerned,
experienced fishers and many hours of input from the public combined
to produce this most powerful submission to provide a fourth option
to manage our fisheries into the future. |
Dec 2000

Response to option4
Submission deadline extended
to 20 December and Pete Hodgson's opinion on priority for recreational
fishers. |
Nov 2000

Asks for 4 More Months
Letter to the Minister
of Fisheries requesting a four month extension to the Soundings
submission process. |
Oct 2000

Seeks Clarification
Clarification of the Soundings
process and a meeting is sought from Pete Hodgson. |
Oct 2000

to the Minister
option4 provide background
information and refer to Labour government policy for preference
for non-commercial fishers. |
Oct 2000

Overview of Soundings
option4 give an outline of initial concerns about the options
proposed in the Soundings document.
Sep 2000

Impact on Tourism
The three options proposed
in Soundings will likely result in restrictions that will negatively
impact a substantial part of the tourist trade dependant on inshore
saltwater fishing. |
Sep 2000

Documents |
Announces Release of RWG Report
Pete Hodgson's press statement
on the release of the Rights Working Group paper. |

Working Group Report
Report from
the Rights Working Group on the outcome of the Soundings consultation
Internet Explorer/MS Word compatible document .......(84
Kb) » » |

Printable format (pdf).....................document
(55 Kb) » » |
Analysis of Submissions
The independent
consultant's review and analysis of submissions made during the
Soundings consultation process.
Internet Explorer/MS Word compatible document ......(310
Kb) » » |

Printable format (pdf).....................document
(143 Kb) » » |
A document
prepared by the Rights Working Group (RWG) made up of the NZ Recreational
Fishing Council (NZRFC) and the Ministry of Fisheries to redefine
our fishing rights and the management of recreational fishing in
New Zealand. Printable format (pdf)................large
document (600 Kb) » » |
Jul 2000

Submissions |
A taskforce of concerned,
experienced fishers and many hours of input from the public combined
to produce this most powerful submission to provide a fourth option
to manage our fisheries into the future. |
Dec 2000

Te Ohu Kai
Moana (Treaty of Waitangi Fishieres Commission) supports a priority,
unconstrained share for customary harvest with second priority being
accorded to commercial rights. This means that TAC reductions would
be taken firstly from the recreational allowance..... |
Dec 2000
