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option4 Update #114 - 25th March 2009




Do more eggs equal more snapper?

Why not close the snapper fishery during spawning season?

The number of eggs is not what limits spawning success. It is the number of fish that survive to recruit to the fishery that is important.........[more]


Spearos special

Tax breaks for generous Kiwis are available through the Guardians of the Sea Charitable Trust..…….........[more]

Kahawai Legal Challenge

The much-anticipated Kahawai appeal was heard in the Supreme Court, Wellington, on February 12th...…..[more]

Counties Sport Fishing Club - Steelers heroes…..[more]


Kahawai research - your help required by April's end

A university student needs your help to perform a large-scale study of kahawai genetics.

Brenton Hodgson is collecting flesh samples that will be used in a population study of the species…..[more]

option4 Updates

Fanatical fishos top the scales at the recent Chesters Plumbing & Bathroom Centre fishing contest….....[more]

Use of the sea by New Zealanders for non-commercial purposes is unique by international standards.……… [more]


Hokianga Accord

We are only one recession away from fishing for the pot being a vital way for people to feed themselves but where are the fish?.........[more]

An initiative to achieve more fish in the Bay of Islands is being thwarted by a mischief-making campaign..........[more]


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Spectra fishing line
Fishing News

Regards from the option4 team.

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