Submissions |
These are some of the submissions made by the Hokianga Accord, either separately or in conjunction with other non-commercial fishing interests. The Accord has also contributed to a number of other documents, some of these are included below. These documents were submitted to various government agencies. |
2010 |
Kahawai review
A comprehensive 20-page submission by the Hokianga Accord, the NZ Sport Fishing Council and option4. An alternative management strategy and a series of recommendations have been developed to achieve 'more fish in the water'. |
13 Aug 10

Coromandel scallops - inseason TAC review
A joint submission from the Hokianga Accord, NZ Sport Fishing and option4 rejecting the MFish proposed in-season increase for commercial harvesters. The joint submitters want commercial dredging excluded from low-density areas, to protect the environment. |
28 Jul 10

Deemed value review
Joint submission and comments from the Hokianga Accord, the NZ Sport Fishing Council and option4, recommending all commercial catch is accounted for within the TACC. Any overcatch is taken from next year's limits. |
26 Jul 10

Trevally and Hapuku-Bass
Joint submission from the Hokianga Accord, NZ Sport Fishing and option4 advising that the process being used to set the catch limits for Hapuku/Bass 3 and Trevally 2 is illegal and the Minister needs to be wary when making decisions based on MFish advice. |
26 Jul 10

Bladder kelp - Management measures
Joint submission from the Hokianga Accord, option4 and the NZ Sport Fishing Council supporting the MFish-proposed management measures for attached Bladder Kelp seaweed, and an additional requirement to ensure sustainability. |
23 Jul 10

Bladder kelp seaweed submission
Joint submission from the Hokianga Accord and option4 advising that the proposals for attached Bladder Kelp Seaweed are unlawful, breach the Purpose and Principles of the Fisheries Act 1996 and undermine government policies such as Fisheries 2030. |
15 Apr 10

2009 |
Accord support for Deep Water Cove Rahui
The Hokianga Accord supports the proposed two-year temporary closure to fishing in Maunganui Bay - Deep Water Cove, in the Bay of Islands. The Accord urges the Minister of Fisheries to provide resources for the ongoing effort to increase abundance of inshore fish stocks. |
15 Dec 09

Draft North Island West Coast Fisheries Plan
A joint submission from the Hokianga Accord, the Wellington Recreational Marine Fishers' Association and option4 advocating for measures to restore abundance in important West Coast fisheries, as such the joint submitters do not support the draft plan in its present form. |
16 Oct 09

Seaweeds are very important environmentally
A joint submission from the Hokianga Accord and option4 advocating that Bladder Kelp in all fisheries management areas is not introduced into the QMS in October 2010. Another management tool should be used in recognition of Bladder Kelp's very high ecological, environmental, social and cultural values. |
22 Sep 09

Sustainable strategies for more fish in the water
Joint submission to MFish from the Hokianga Accord, option4 and the NZ Big Game and Recreational Fishing Councils. This document discusses innovative ways to increase the value derived from fishing to achieve abundance, a healthy marine environment and fish for the future. |
17 Jun 09

2008 |
on non-commercial fishing interests
joint submission providing the new fisheries Minister, Phil
Heatley, with non-commercial fishing interests' perspectives
on the issues facing the government in enabling the Minister
to achieve sustainable use of our fisheries. |
5 Dec 08

Fisheries Bill (No.2) - Supplementary submission
A supplementary submission from the Hokianga Accord, option4 and the NZ Big Game Fishing Council addressing the concerns raised during the Select Committee hearing on August 7th, 2008. |
11 Aug 08

Fisheries Act Amendment Bill (No.2)
A comprehensive submission from the Hokianga Accord, option4 and the NZ Big Game Fishing Council asking for the Fisheries Act 1996 Amendment Bill (No.2) to be withdrawn. |
5 Aug 08

2007 |
The Hokianga Accord
supports the Ministry of Fisheries proposed amendment to
the Kaimoana Regulations to include freshwater as well as
marine fisheries. The Accord also wants Mfish to address
concerns raised in various submissions. |
22 Nov 07

Protected Areas Strategy
Joint submission
from non-commercial fishing interest groups on the MFish/DoC
MPA Draft Classification and Protection Standards document
including specific comments on the Crown's obligations to
Maori, Aotea (Great Barrier) reserve, Akaroa Taiapure and
the Marangai Taiamai management plan. |
1 Oct 07

Regulation Review 2007
The Hokianga Accord has input into a response from option4, to proposals from the Ministry of Fisheries, to alter the season for North Island west coast scallops. |
27 Aug 07
Tuna (eel) Management
The Hokianga Accord,
supported by the NZ Big Game Fishing Council and option4,
recommends a 30% reduction in the shortfin eel quota and
a 50% quota reduction for longfin eel due to particular
sustainability concerns. |
27 Jul

Fisheries Act Amendment Bill 2007
A submission in support of the proposed amendment to section 10 of the Fisheries Act 1996, to enable a more precautionary management approach. Both the Accord and NZ Big Game Fishing Council had input into this document. |
29 Apr 07

The People's Submission
The joint submission by option4, the NZ Big Game Fishing Council, Ngapuhi, Ngati Whatua and many other non-commercial fishing interests in response to the MFish Shared Fisheries Policy document. A combined effort to protect non-commercial fishing interests, both customary and amateur. (Caution:
Large file.....900Kb) |

2006 |
MFish Shared Fisheries Policy
A preliminary view of the Ministry of Fisheries' Shared Fisheries Policy Discussion Paper. A joint effort by a number of individuals and non-commercial fishing organisations. |
15 Dec

Deemed Value Review 2006
The Hokianga Accord work in with other non-commercial fishing interests to develop an alternative management approach to ensure deeming is compatible with the Fisheries Act 1996. |
20 Oct 06

2005 |
New species into QMS
The Hokianga Accord work in with other non-commercial fishing interests to ensure MFish recognise the social and cultural importance of cockles, oysters, pipi, scallops and tuatua when managing these fisheries. |
24 May 05

Reports |
2017 |
Hui report - July 2017
An 8-page report of the 18th overnight, public hui of the Hokianga Accord, the mid north iwi fisheries forum. This hui was held on the 20th and 21st of July 2017 at the Kohewhata marae in Kaikohe. There were robust discussions that led to two resolutions that will guide discussions for the next few years. |
3 Aug 17

2013 |
Hui report - April 2013
A brief, 6-page report of the 16th overnight, public hui of the Hokianga Accord, the mid north iwi fisheries forum. This hui was the first held in Auckland since 2007. It was a wide ranging and informative hui, held at Mahurehure Marae in Point Chevalier. |
12 Apr 13

2011 |
Hui report - May 2011
A 9-page report of the 15th overnight, public hui of the Hokianga Accord, the mid north iwi fisheries forum. This hui was held at Oturei Marae, Kaipara, deep in the heart of Te Uri o Hau territory and opposition to the Crest Energy underwater turbine proposal............ |
13 May 11

2010 |
Hui report - April 2010
A report of the 14th overnight hui of the Hokianga Accord, the mid north iwi fisheries forum. This hui held at Oturei Marae, Kaipara was dedicated to Judah Heihei, co-chairman of the Accord. Judah passed away prior to the hui. |
23 Apr 10

2009 |
Fisheries 2030 meeting with Minister - report
A report of the August 3rd meeting with the Minister of Fisheries and representatives of non-commercial fishing and environmental organisations, to discuss the joint More Fish in the Water Strategy II document. |
6 Aug 09
(PDF 50Kb)

marae hui report
full report of the Hokianga Accord's thirteenth overnight hui
held at Whitiora marae, Te Tii, Bay of Islands on the 11th and 12th June 2009.
Large file.....2.0 MB) |
Jun 09
(2.0 MB)

Fisheries 2030 meeting with MFish - report
A report of the joint stakeholder meeting held on 28th May in Wellington, to discuss the MFish Fisheries 2030 Vision, objectives and action plan. Representatives of non-commercial fishing and environmental organisations express concerns about the strategy. |
2 Jun 09
(PDF 340Kb)

Fisheries 2030 meeting with MFish - report
A report of the May 14th joint stakeholder meeting in Wellington with the Ministry of Fisheries. This was written so non-commercial fishing interests can better understand the Fisheries 2030 process and discussions occurring behind closed doors. |
20 May 09
(PDF 40Kb)

2008 |
marae hui report
full report of the Hokianga Accord's eleventh overnight hui
held at Whakamaharatanga marae, Waimamaku, Hokianga. The
hui was held on the 3rd and 4th of April 2008.
Large file.....2.0 MB) |
Apr 08
(2.0 MB)

2007 |
marae hui report
full report of the Hokianga Accord's tenth overnight hui
held at Waipapa marae, Auckland University, Auckland. The
hui was held on the 9th and 10th of November 2007.
Large file.....1.0 MB) |
(1.0 MB)

marae hui report
The ninth Hokianga
Accord hui was held on August 16th and 17th at
Waimamaku, Hokianga. Theme of the hui was "more fish
in the water for tomorrow's mokopuna (grandchildren). |
24 Sep

A comprehensive report of the overnight
hui held at Oturei marae, Kaipara on April 19th and
20th 2007. Ngapuhi evidence given to the High Court
in support of the Kahawai Legal Challenge was presented to
this hui. |
7 Aug

2006 |
The 7th Hokianga Accord hui held at Naumai marae on the
20th and 21st July enjoyed a strong attendance and much constructive
korero”. |
20 Sep

Report from the 'short line out' (Working Group) hui held
in Auckland on the 20th and 21st of April, two weeks
after the full Accord hui. |
22 May

Report of the Hokianga Accord hui held at Whitiora marae
from the 6th to 7th April 2006. |
15 May

2005 |
Report from the 'short line out' (Working Group) hui held
in Auckland on the 7th of December with Ministry of
Fisheries staff. |
18 Dec

An easy to read overview of the November hui from a Customary
Fisheries Delegate, Steve Naera, to his takiwa (regional group). |
16 Nov

Report of the
Hokianga Accord hui held at Whakamaharatanga marae from
the 10th to 11th of November 2005. |
6 Dec

Full report of the Hokianga Accord hui held
on the 29th and 30th August at Whakamaharatanga marae. |
30 Sep

NZRFC President, Keith Ingram's presentation to the Hokianga
Accord hui at Whakamaharatanga Marae. |

David Benson-Pope congratulates Tai Tokerau iwi for working
with other recreational fishers to form the Hokianga Accord. |
Aug 05

Report of the first Hokianga Accord hui held at Whakamaharatanga
marae from the 27th to 29th July 2005. |

The outcome of the July hui was an agreed position from
Hokianga Accord participants and the Ministry of Fisheries. |
29 Jul

Brief report of the April hui hosted by Ngapuhi and attended
by many non-commercial fishing representatives and individuals. |

In-depth report of the Inaugural hui "Kia Timata Nga
Whakawhanaungatanga" "Let the building of relationships
begin". 29th April to 1st May 2005. |

Awareness |
Hui - Agenda
Agenda of the fifteenth Hokianga Accord hui being held on May 12th and 13th at Oturei Marae, Poutu Peninsula, Kaipara. You are welcome to attend the hui and participate in these discussions. |
21 Apr 11

Kahawai under strain - Ngapuhi perspective of kahawai decision
A decision not to reduce kahawai commercial catch limits is a national shame, Te Runanga A Iwi o Ngapuhi chairman Sonny Tau says. Article in the Bay Chronicle newspaper. Well written and worth a read......... |
7 Oct 10

Marine degradation catalyst for fisheries alliance
A lack of fish and concerns about a degrading marine environment are the catalysts for mid north Maori merging with several interest groups to halt the decline............ |
9 Apr 10

Hui - Panui
to the fourteenth Hokianga Accord hui on 22nd and 23rd April 2010. Hui venue is Naumai marae, Ruawai on the main highway to Dargaville. You and your family are welcome to join us for two interesting days of discussions. Read here for more information.......... |
31 Mar 10

Media release - Fishing and Environmental groups join forces to fight for fisheries future
Environmental and non-commercial fishing groups have put aside their differences and formed an unprecedented alliance to combat the decline of fish stocks and marine ecosystems in New Zealand. |
6 Aug

Atamira in the City-Matariki celebrations
Hokianga Accord brochures were freely given away during the Matariki celebrations. Representatives were pleasantly surprised how eager people were to understand how Ngapuhi and Ngati Whatua are working together for their fishing interests. (Large file caution........5MB PDF) |
3 Jul

Hui - Panui
to the thirteenth Hokianga Accord hui on June 11th and 12th at Whitiora marae, Te Tii, Purerua Peninsula, Bay of Islands. You and your family are welcome to join us on one or both days. Read here for more info.......... |
of Islands Mataitai plans stalled
campaign for a local fishery in the Bay of Islands has dragged
on for more than 10 years, prompting fury and frustration
at last week’s Hokianga Accord hui held at Paihia. |
17 Sep

- Our Taonga
thought that Pakeha fishermen would ever stand up for Maori
fishing rights? Article by Naida Glavish, chair Te Runanga
o Ngati Whatua. |

to the tenth Hokianga Accord hui on November 9th and 10th
at Waipapa marae, Auckland University, 16 Wynyard Street,
city - Location map |
The Hokianga Accord
opposes the argument to withdraw the Fisheries Amendment
Bill from Te Ohu Kaimoana. |
21 May

Update #82 - A Pakeha recreational fishing perspective
Speech prepared
for delivery at Te Matau a Maui Maori Fisheries Conference
in Napier on April 2nd, 2007. |
2 Apr

2006 |
The Hokianga Accord's letter of appreciation to the Outboard
Boating Club for the use of their premises to launch the new
information website The Accord is excited
by the opportunity to increase public awareness of kaitiakitanga. |
14 Sep

without Confiscation - What Doc hasn't told you
Article written
by the option4 team explaining why the community's only
avenue to manage local areas is by the use of customary
management tools and the benefits of kaitiakitanga. |

Nupere Ngawaka, a kaumatua of Whananaki urges people to
work together to have kaitiakitanga in place for the benefit
of the whole community. Recommended reading! |
17 Jul

The Hokianga Accord's call for cuts to commercial take in
depleted fisheries is captured in this article from The Bay
Chronicle... |
19 Jun

Pakeha unite over lack of fish
Maori and Pakeha
fishers are joining forces to achieve "more fish in
the water". Keri Molloy of The Bay Chronicle was at
the latest Hokianga Accord hui. Read more here... |
14 Apr

A chance to prove
that kaitiakitanga is an alternative to marine reserves.
An article written by Rendt Gorter for the Barrier Bulletin. |
5 Apr

Joint co-operation
Unless both Maori
and non Maori get their act together in terms of representation
for non-commercial interests and act in unison then both
will miss out big time. To act in unison requires common
aims and methods to achieve them. Is this possible? Jeff
Romeril explains..... |

2005 |
In an unprecedented move recreational fishers have joined
forces with Maori to promote their non-commercial fishing
interests. |

Seafood New Zealand
magazine - Guest editorial by Sonny Tau. Well worth reading...
The November hui is captured in an article by Catherine
Masters when she writes, "There was a sense of bonding
at the hui, which finished with roars of laughter". Pakeha
Paul Smit of Herne Bay says he has been "awakened in
a sense". Read more here... |

Another successful hui is covered very well in an article
written by Steve Radich for the Northern Advocate. |

Steve Radich explains so clearly why more effective marine
management is in the interests of us all. |

- Maori solution to our shrinking fish resource
A very good article
by Tim Donoghue from The Independent including coverage
of Sonny Tau's speech at the NZRFC conference. |

Sonny discusses how taiapure and mataitai can
assist the non-commercial fishing sector during the NZRFC
AGM in Wellington 2005. |

The NZ Big Game Fishing Council look forward to a successful
hui with Northland Maori. |

Ngapuhi chairman Sonny Tau discusses the hui on Tautoko
FM radio. |

Statement released to the media after the inaugural hui. |

Easy to follow background information provided
to the media covering what happened at the hui, why and what
next. |

2009 |
A letter to the Minister of Fisheries following the 3rd August meeting with representatives of non-commercial fishing and environmental groups. This joint letter was sent to the Minister, his Cabinet colleagues and the MFish CE Wayne McNee. |
13 Aug

Summary of recommendations sent to the Minister of Fisheries from an alliance of non-commercial fishing and environmental representative organisations, in response to the MFish Fisheries 2030 proposals. |
31 Jul

More Fish in the Water II - Fisheries 2030
An alternative vision and strategy for the Minister, from environmental and non-commercial fishing interests. Joint submission from the Hokianga Accord, option4, the NZ Big Game and Recreational Fishing Councils, ECO, Forest & Bird, Greenpeace, the NZ Angling Casting Assoc, Guardians of Hawke Bay Fisheries and the Marlborough Recreational Fishers Assoc. |
31 Jul

An alternative collective view - Fisheries 2030
Joint letter to the Minister of Fisheries from non-commercial environmental and fishing interest groups advising we do not support the current Fisheries 2030 strategy, vision and process. An alternative view was offered as a solution to a joint vision and optimising benefits from fisheries. |
17 Jun

The Ministry's CEO, Wayne McNee, responds to the Accord's questions raised in late 2008, seeking clarification of the Ministry's statements to the incoming Minister of Fisheries Phil Heatley. |
19 Mar

2008 |
A joint letter to the MFish CEO, Wayne McNee, asking for clarification of statements made in the MFish document, Briefing to the Incoming Minister. Signed by representatives on behalf of the Accord, the option4 team and the NZ Big Game Fishing Council. |
24 Dec

The Ministry's written response to the questions posed at the April 2008 Hokianga Accord hui. Interesting answers about Treaty obligations, Settlement funding and the recent Foreshore and Seabed settlements. |
19 May

The Minister is keen to meet with mid north iwi leaders to assist in finalising an engagement model to provide for tangata whenua's input and participation into fisheries management. |
12 May

The Accord requests a meeting with the Minister to discuss how both can work together to fulfil the Crown's statutory obligations to mid north iwi. The forum is tired of waiting for the Ministry to assist in this role. |
24 Apr

The Accord's letter to the Minister expressing
concerns about the proposed amendment to section 13 of the
Fisheries Act 1996 and offering to work with him to find a
more enduring solution to achieve sustainability. |
18 Apr

Jim Anderton's response to the Hokianga
Accord's Update
#4 asking where the $17 million of Deed of Settlement
Implementation Programme money has gone. As printed in the
NZ Fishing News March 2008 edition. |
7 Mar

At last, a response from MFish to the questions
posed at the November 2007 hui. Answers to the questions about
the $17 million Deed of Settlement funding were supplied in
an article written by Jim Anderton (see item above). |
7 Mar

Letter from MFish following the meeting
held in mid-December to discuss mid north iwi's engagement
with the Ministry of Fisheries and their role with the Hokianga
Accord. |
17 Jan

2007 |
A list of questions put to MFish from the
Hokianga Accord hui held at Waipapa Marae, Auckland University. |
9 Nov

The Minister of Fisheries, Jim Anderton,
does not accept the Crown is failing its obligations nor does
he recognise the Accord as being an iwi fisheries forum. A
response to the NZ Big Game Fishing Council's letter of 4th
September. |
7 Nov

The Hokianga Accord respond to MFish advising
the forum's Working Group is growing weary of MFish senior
manager's obstructive and divisive behaviour. The hui invitation
is re-issued on the chance they may change their minds. |
26 Oct

The Minister of Fisheries advises he is
unavailable to attend the hui but is happy to receive an invitation
to meet at another time. |
18 Oct

MFish senior officials advise they are unable
to attend the Hokianga Accord hui in November and object to
the manner in which they received the hui invitation. |
16 Oct

The Minister of Fisheries, Jim Anderton's,
interim reply to the Hokianga Accord regarding the upcoming
hui at Waipapa Marae. |
15 Oct

The Hokianga Accord's invitation to the
Minister of Fisheries and other political party's fisheries
spokespeople, to attend the tenth overnight hui at Waipapa
Marae, Auckland University, on the 9th and 10th of November. |
8 Oct

The Hokianga Accord's invitation to MFish
to attend the tenth overnight hui at Waipapa Marae, Auckland
University, on the 9th and 10th of November. |

The NZ Big Game Fishing Council's letter
to the Minister of Fisheries regarding the Crown's obligations
to tangata whenua in fisheries management. |
4 Sep

MFish respond to the New Zealand Big Game
Fishing Council's queries as to the status of the Hokianga
Accord and why it is not being recognised as an iwi fisheries
forum. |
31 Aug

2006 |
Ngapuhi write to MFish pointing out their
lack of funding for Hokianga Accord hui, their failure to
pay marae hui fees and their continued refusal to recognise
the Hokianga Accord as the mid-north Iwi Forum. |
5 Dec

Ngapuhi advise MFish they will not be attending
the Whangarei meeting as it was superfluous due to previous
correspondence explaining Ngapuhi's position and understanding
of the Hokianga Accord. |
11 Oct

MFish invite Ngapuhi to another hui to continue
discussions about the development of a mid-northern iwi fisheries
forum. |
6 Oct

MFish advise they will not pay for the November
hui. In their opinion the hui will not be a meeting of the
regional iwi fisheries forum. MFish will send staff to discuss
items on the agenda. |
28 Sep

A letter to MFish clarifying the statutory
obligations the Crown has to provide for tangata whenua's
input and participation into fisheries management. |
31 Aug

The Ministry do a full 180 on the Hokianga
Accord and deny it is the mid north iwi Forum. They wont pay
the costs either. This is not the end of the matter... |
19 Jul

The Ministry has a vastly different perspective
of the 30th June meeting held to discuss the Hokianga Accord
with tribal leaders. |
19 Jul

The Chairman of Ngapuhi acknowledges the
Ministry's input into the meeting held in Whangarei on June
30th. |
2 Jul

The Ministry are advised they have no grounds
for withdrawing funding for the Hokianga Accord. Read the
request for reinstatement of support. |
20 Jun

The Ministry maintain the Hokianga Accord
is not an iwi regional Forum and will not fund it's activities.
Read the correspondence here... |
26 May

MFish clarification of their interpretation
of "input and participation" as per section 12 of
the Fisheries Act 1996. |
12 Apr

The Working Group respond immediately answering
the challenges raised in the Ministry's letter dated 5th April. |
5 Apr

Ministry of Fisheries issue a last minute
list of concerns, on the eve of the April hui and threaten
to not participate in the Whitiora hui. |
5 Apr

Working Group's response to the Ministry's
concerns about the Accord's structure, status and funding. |
4 Apr

Ministry of Fisheries respond (late) to
the Hokianga Accord structure proposed at the December hui.
Received 20th March. |
17 Mar

2005 |
Ministry of Fisheries feedback on the Hokianga
Accord's draft Kaupapa Whakahaere (MOU). |
8 Nov

The Hokianga Accord's letter to the Ministry
of Fisheries regarding the Accord's make up and resourcing. |
30 Jun

A personal invitation to the MFish CEO to
attend the Hokianga Accord hui scheduled for the end of July. |
23 Jun

Material |
Customary management tools
More reference material and associated documents are available on the Customary Maori Management Tools page......... |
Agenda for the ninth Hokianga Accord hui
is now available. Come and hear the innovative ways you can
make a difference to more fish in the water..... |

fish in the water for tomorrow's mokopuna"
The ninth Hokianga
Accord hui is to be held at Whakamaharatanga marae, Waimamaku,
Hokianga, on the 16th and 17th August. Welcome! |
18 Jul

Confirmation that the ninth Hokianga Accord
hui will be held on August 16th and 17th in Northland. Venue
to be confirmed. |
28 May

Invitation to the Hokianga Accord hui to
be held at Oturei marae, Dargaville on the 19th and 20th April
2007. |
23 Mar

2006 |
A record of formal Hokianga Accord correspondence
as of September 2006. |

of Terms
An updated glossary
of Maori and fisheries management terms used in the hui
reports and other material published by the Hokianga Accord. |

Status of customary tool applications -
an update from the Ministry of Fisheries on mataitai and taiapure. |

Closed Areas - Updated map showing closed
areas around the North Island. As of 21 July 2006 (for a further
2 years), there is also a temporary closure of Ohiwa Harbour
to the harvesting of green-lipped mussel beds. |
19 Jul

Invitation to the Naumai marae hui of the
Hokianga Accord, including a map and directions to get there. |
3 Jul

An exciting agenda has been put together
in anticipation of some valuable input from both the Ministry
of Fisheries and the Department of Conservation. |
3 Jul

of Terms
A glossary of
Maori and fisheries management terms used in the hui reports
and other material published by the Hokianga Accord. |

Map of Iwi Forums
A map of the North Island depicting the area each of the northern
iwi forums cover including the freshwater fisheries forum. |
May 2006

Marine reserves - Concurrence role of the
Minister of Fisheries. A one page summary from MFish explaining
the process to finalise a marine reserve. |
Apr 2006

Closed Areas - A map clearly showing the
closed areas around the North Island. Certainly worth a look... |
21 Apr

MFish comparison of spatial management tools
applicable in the North Island and Chathams - taiapure, rahui,
rohe moana, mataitai and marine reserves. |
Mar 2006

The invitation to the April 2006 Hokianga
Accord hui... |
7 Mar

All you need to know about attending
a hui of the Hokianga Accord. |
How to get to Whitiora Marae, Te Tii,
Northland including a map! |
7 Mar

An explanation of differences between Fisheries
(Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998 and the Fisheries
(South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998. |
2005 |
Background information and an overview of
the mataitai reserve application process and answers to frequently
asked questions. |
Sep 2005

Chairman of Ngapuhi, Sonny Tau, addressed the
recent iwi chairpersons hui in Wellington. This speech is
well worth a read as the message that Maori fishing interests
lie in their recreational right is driven home. |

How the law is being ignored to the detriment
of Maori - a very powerful speech given to the Te Matau a
Maui Maori Fisheries Conference in Napier. |

largest iwi in the country has come out in strong support
for the collective call of "more fish in the water". |