The Quota Management
the Fisheries Act came into full effect on 1 October 2001 the Ministry
of Fisheries (MFish) implemented a programme to introduce
a further 50 species into the Quota Management System (QMS).
The 1996 Act (sections 12, 21 and 75A) requires the Minister of
Fisheries to consult with stakeholders on the setting of the Total Allowable
Catch (TAC), Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC), non-commercial allowances and other
management measures for species being introduced into the QMS.
In this website section option4 has attempted to capture QMS-related information.
Management issues
Issues relating to the overall management of fish stocks in New Zealand are covered in the Fisheries Management section of the website.
Important reference and policy documents
A comprehensive list of important reference documents, reports, policy documents and links to related material is available in the Important Reference Material section of the website.
Species management
Management proposals for specific species or fish stocks, related correspondence and submissions from option4, the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council (ex NZ Big Game Fishing Council), the Hokianga Accord (mid north iwi fisheries forum) and many other organisations are available on the New Zealand Fish Species Management page.
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Please note: Documents or links are presented in chronological order. Latest material is at the top of the table.
QMS summary
A straightforward summary of the Quota Management System (QMS), by Clements and Associates. |
Deemed values are a fine imposed on commercial fishers who catch fish without ACE. There has been several reviews and ongoing debate about these fines and their effectiveness. Read the latest information here..... |
Jul 2010
Foreign charter vessels
A series of correspondence about foreign charter vessels, between the Minister of Fisheries and the Northland and North Island West Coast regional recreational fisheries forums. Full observer coverage is required on all foreign charter vessels fishing in NZ waters. |
Dec 2009
Foreigners not the only fisheries scandal - Article
Our fisheries and all New Zealanders's interests are being poisoned by the failure of successive governments to address long-standing issues with the quota management system. Billions of dollars have been squandered..... |
14 Aug 09
Briefing to incoming Ministers
When a new Minister of Fisheries is appointed the Ministry of Fisheries provide a briefing paper that gives an overview of the fisheries sector and highlights key issues likely to arise over the following three years. This page follows the progress of these documents..... |
Mar 2009
Amendment to section 13 of the Fisheries Act
The Hokianga Accord, option4 and the NZ Big Game Fishing Council worked together to respond to the MFish proposal to amend section 13 of the Fisheries Act. Two comprehensive submissions were provided to the Primary Production Select Committee offering an alternative approach. |
Aug 2008
Fisheries Act Amendment 2007
Early in 2007 the Minister of Fisheries proposed amendments
to sections 10 (c) and (d) of the Fisheries Act 1996 (the Act)
to enable a more precautionary approach to be taken by fisheries
managers. Follow the process here..... |
Apr 2007
MFish Statement
of Intent
Every year the Ministry
of Fisheries issue a Statement of Intent (SOI) setting out
the strategic direction of MFish. option4 challenged the 2006 document because MFish had no intention of meaningfully engaging with the public. The 2006 process details are here... |
7 Jun
Aquaculture and finfish farming
The pressure is on to increase the value of exports from aquaculture and finfish farming. This has major implications for the health of our coastal environment. For more information go here............ |
2003 - 10
Adaptive Management Programmes (AMPs)
The clear intent of Adaptive Management Programmes (AMPs) is to fish down the stock fast enough to enable the decline in trawl catch effort to be measured within a certain time period. We fail to see how AMPs address management issues and "allow for" non-commercial fishing interests...... |
2002 - 05
Quota Management System (QMS)
An explanation of the Quota Management System (QMS), early management proposal papers and submissions by option4 and other interested parties. |
2002 - 10
Commercial submission
Tuna NZ Inc submission on the introduction of new species or stocks into the QMS on 1 October 2004. This submission contains many penetrating insights into the QMS. Well worth reading. |
Mar 2002