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option4 Update #88 31 July 2007




Deeming = Legalised overfishing

Over 2,000,000 snapper have been taken. Overfishing legalised…. [more]


Invitation to the next Hokianga Accord hui

More fish in the water for tomorrow’s mokopuna......[more]


Kahawai Legal Challenge Appeal

Nearly $10,000 has come in since the KLC Appeal was announced. Thank you.

Another $70,000 has to be found to cover the legal fees alone. If you want to protect your fishing future now is the time to do it. Please contribute as much as you can.


We still have Kahawai Legal Challenge tee shirts for sale in most sizes.

Give Jo or Chloe a call on 0800 KAHAWAI (0800 52 42 92).

Dial: 0900 KAHAWAI (0900 52 42 92) to contribute $20 via your phone account.

Online: Secure online donation facility here

Post: Cheques to ‘Kahawai Challenge Fund', c/o New Zealand Fishing News, PO Box 12-965, Penrose, Auckland.

Stay on kahawai catches

MFish say kahawai catches to remain until after the February 2008 Appeal. [more]

We need more fish in the sea. Time for action, you bet….[more]


Shared Fisheries

The Fisheries Minister meets with industry and others but not option4 [more]

The People's Submission on the MFish Shared Fisheries proposals. [more]


Fisheries Management

Joint recommendations to make Coromandel scallops more sustainable.... [more]

option4 endorses the NZ Big Game Fishing Council’s call for cautious management of tarakihi...[more]

Persistent catch in excess of quota and chronic deeming are not justifiable reasons for increasing commercial catch limits for school sharks.......[more].

option4 and the NZBGFC joint submission reiterating concerns that deeming is preventing the rebuild of depleted fisheries......[more]


Scallops and netting

Regulations for netting in the Kaipara and west coast scallop season reviews are underway now. Read the proposals and email us your feedback by mid-August.

MFish proposals are online now...[more]


Freshwater Issues

The Hokianga Accord's sustainability concerns for northern eel (tuna) fisheries are encapsulated in this submission to MFish....[more] 

Your views are being canvassed on tradeable water rights and minimum river flows…[more]


Thank you for your support and willingness to stay informed.

Please help If you value the work option4 do on your behalf please make a donation. There is so much more we could do to improve the advocacy we provide.

For two easy ways to make a contribution please go here and invest in you and your children's fishing future.

Spectra fishing line

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