Correspondence |
Foreign Charter Vessels - 2009 |
Minister's response to NIWC FCV letter
The Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley, response to the NIWC forum's letter about Foreign Charter Vessels. The Minister advises that the level of coverage amongst the FCV fleet is considerably higher than the coverage in most of the inshore fisheries. |
18 Dec 09

Minister's response to Northland FCV letter
The Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley, responds to the Northland forum's letter about Foreign Charter Vessels. The Minister advises that the Ministry has an annual plan for observer coverage, which is funded by levies from the quota owners. |
7 Dec 09

North Island West Coast forum
The North Island West Coast forum endorse the Northland calls for full observer coverage on foreign charter vessels and are concerned that current coverage is inadequate to effectively monitor the fishing practices and catch reporting on these vessels. |
3 Dec 09

Northland forum
The Northland non-commercial fishing forum letter to the Minister of Fisheries advocating for full observer coverage on foreign charter vessels (FCVs). |
17 Nov 09

2006 |
The Minister of Fisheries responds to the letter from the North Island East Coast Recreational Forum concerning the Aotea (Barrier) marine reserve. |
25 Jul 06

Letter to Jim Anderton regarding his concurrence decision for the marine reserve at Aotea (Great Barrier Island). Sent with advice paper. |
21 Jul 06

Advice paper sent to the Minister to advise of the NI East Coast Forum's objection to the Aotea reserve and why they don't support DoC's approval. |
19 Jul 06

Meeting Record |
The Shared Fisheries Policy project was number one item of business at the February meeting of the North Island west coast recreational fishing forum. |
Feb 2006
The first meeting of the North Island west coast regional recreational fishing Forum was more an introductory session for many of the group from Mokau to the Kaipara. |
Oct 2005

MFish Material |
A one page summary of the regional recreational
fishing forums from the Ministry of Fisheries. |

Ministers Announcements |
Nominations are called from recreational
fishers to participate in the regional fishing forums being
established around the country. |
Apr 05

This new initiative of regional recreational
fishing forums "will give recreational fishers greater
input into fisheries decision-making" says the Minister. |
12 Jan

Consensus |
there consensus amongst recreational fishers?
We think so. Please
read the following documents and make up your own mind. |
Consensus letter sent to the Minister of Fisheries pointing
out issues that were fundamental to the resolution of the
shared fisheries debate. This letter was signed by the NZBGFC,
the NZRFC, Ngapuhi and option4. |
19 May

Another consensus letter by all three groups and the NZ
Angling & Casting Association to the Minister spelling
out our opposition to changes to section 21 of the Fisheries
Act and supporting other MFish proposals. |

Initial letter of consensus sent to the Minister of Fisheries
expressing concerns about the lack of momentum to define and
protect our fishing rights. The letter was signed by option4,
the NZ Big Game Fishing Council and the NZ Recreational Fishing
Council. |
