Accord |
Recreational and customary fishers have joined
forces in the north to achieve the common goal of "more
fish in the water". Follow the progress
of this historic union of fishing interests. |
Advisory Committee |
The Recreational Fishing Ministerial Advisory
Committee has been appointed and held their first meeting
in August. Read more detail and the minutes of their introduction
to the Minister of Fisheries. |
option4 affiliates to the Council of Outdoor Recreation
Associations of NZ in the interests of everyone to access
and enjoy our marine environment. |
option4 write and thank the NZACA for their support expressed through a letter to the editor of the NZ Fishing News |
9 Sep 03

The NZACA write a letter to the editor of the NZ Fishing News supporting option4's effort. |
Sep 03

The New Zealand
Angling and Casting Association is the 'Parent Body' looking
after the interests of shore and small boat fishers. |
The New Zealand
Big Game Fishing Council are applicants to the Kahawai Legal
Challenge and the upcoming Appeal Court case. |
The New Zealand
Recreational Fishing Council are the other applicants to
the Kahawai Legal Challenge. |
Outdoor Recreation
NZ is working to ensure your rights in accessing the outdoors
are not eroded any further. Give yourself some time to read
their latest news... |