Customary Tools |
Temporary closure Deep Water Cove - 2009/2010 |
Hokianga Accord
Update #39
Ministerial approval for the temporary closure in Maunganui Bay, which includes Deep Water Cove, has generated celebrations in the north...... |
Dec 2010

Ministerial approval advice
The Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley, has approved the temporary, two year closure of Maunganui Bay - Deep Water Cove, in the Bay of Islands. The closure applies to the taking of all species, except kina. MFish email notice. |
17 Nov

Hokianga Accord
Update #38
Ministerial dallying is causing frustration in the north as tangata whenua in the southern Bay of Islands seek to protect Maunganui Bay, which includes Deep Water Cove. |
Nov 2010

186A Closure notice
A copy of the formal closure notice specifying the details about the temporary, two year closure of Maunganui Bay (Deep Water Cove) in the Bay of Islands. The closure applies to the taking of all species, except kina, and applies from 1 December 2010 to 30 November 2012. |
8 Nov

Hokianga Accord
Update #28
The Hokianga Accord
article supporting tangata whenua in the southern Bay of Islands in their effort to place a rahui over Maunganui Bay - Deep Water Cove. |
Jan 2010

Bay of Islands Swordfish Club
The Bay of Islands Swordfish Club submission in
support of the proposed temporary prohibition on all fishing methods, for a period of two years in Maunganui Bay - Deep Water Cove. The Club also supports the Hokianga Accord's submission, dated 15 December 2009. |
22 Dec

Hokianga Accord
The Hokianga Accord
supports the proposed temporary closure to fishing for two years in Maunganui Bay - Deep Water Cove, in the Bay of Islands. The Accord urges the Minister to provide resources for the ongoing effort to increase abundance of inshore fish stocks. |
15 Dec

MFish description of temporary closure area
The Ministry of Fisheries' map of the Bay of Islands area where the section 186A closure application will apply, if approved. The area concerned is Maunganui Bay, well known as Deep Water Cove, in the Bay of Islands. The temporary closure application needs Ministerial approval and will apply for a period of two years. |
MFish Consultation Letter
The Ministry of Fisheries consultation letter advising that Ngati Kuta and Patukeha ki Te Rawhiti have applied for a temporary prohibition on all fishing methods in Maunganui Bay (Deep Water Cove) in the Bay of Islands. Submissions due by 24 December 2009. |
24 Nov

Kaimoana Regulation
Amendment - 2007 |
The Hokianga Accord
supports the Ministry of Fisheries proposed amendment to
the Kaimoana Regulations to include freshwater as well as
marine fisheries. The Accord also wants MFish to address
concerns raised in various submissions. |
22 Nov

Proposed Amendment
Ministry of Fisheries
advice letter of the proposed amendment to the Fisheries
(Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998. Submissions
due by 23 November 2007. Any changes will apply as of 1
April 2008. |
29 Aug

Regulatory Impact Statement
MFish Regulatory
Impact Statement confirming all aspects have been adequately
considered and outline the status quo, the problem and MFish'
preferred option to amend the Kaimoana Regulations. |
22 Aug

Fisheries Management
- 2007 |
option4 submission in support of tangata whenua and the
community for a continuation of the closure of the Kaipara
Harbour scallop beds for harvesting. |
20 Jun

Ministry of Fisheries consultation letter advising of the
proposal to extend the section 186A temporary closure for
the harvesting of scallops in the Kaipara for another year. |
31 May

Fisheries Management
- 2005 |
Harvesting of scallops in the Kaipara Harbour has been banned
for two years with support from the community. |
7 Jul

option4 submission on proposals to review Regulation 27 |

Fisheries Management
- 2004 |
Closure of the western Coromandel to the gathering of cockles
and pipi under section 186A of the Fisheries Act 1996. |

Maori Non-commercial
Fishers |
Ngapuhi and other non-commercial fishers have
joined forces to achieve the common goal of "more
fish in the water". Follow the progress we are
making and learn more about the potential that exists for
us all. |

- Customary Management |
Closed Areas - Updated map showing closed areas around the
North Island. As of 21 July 2006 (for a further 2 years),
there is also a temporary closure of Ohiwa Harbour to the
harvesting of green-lipped mussel beds. |
19 Jul

Recommended reading!
Nupere Ngawaka, kaumatua of Whananaki urges people to work
together to have kaitiakitanga in place for the benefit of
the whole community.
17 Jul

A chance to prove
that kaitiakitanga is an alternative to marine reserves.
An article written by Rendt Gorter for the Barrier Bulletin. |
5 Apr

The Minister of Fisheries announcement of his approval for
the Te Whaka a Te Wera Mataitai reserve in Paterson Inlet. |
30 Dec

Mataitai and taiapure established as at February
2003 |

Reference Material |
Ministry Internal Guidelines - Mataitai Reserves
Ministry of Fisheries Internal Guidelines - providing advice on mataitai reserve applications - effects on commercial and non-commercial fishing. |
(Pdf 380Kb)

Status of customary tool applications - an update from the
Ministry of Fisheries on mataitai and taiapure. |

MFish comparison of spatial management tools applicable
in the North Island and Chathams - taiapure, rahui, rohe moana,
mataitai and marine reserves. |
An explanation of differences between Fisheries (Kaimoana
Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998 and the Fisheries (South
Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998. |
Status of customary tool applications - an update from the
Ministry of Fisheries on mataitai, taiapure and temporary closures. |
Nov 2005

Background information and an overview of the mataitai reserve
application process and answers to frequently asked questions. |
Sep 2005

Mataitai - Questions and Answers
A summary of frequently asked questions and answers in relation to the establishment of a mataitai reserve, from the Ministry of Fisheries. |
(Pdf 30Kb)

MFish Consultation - Section 12 of the Fisheries
Act clearly states the Minister must provide for the input
and participation of tangata whenua before he
does anything. |
(Pdf 84Kb)

Section 12 of the Fisheries
Section 12 of the Fisheries Act 1996 requires the Minister, before he does anything, to provide for the input
and participation of tangata whenua and have particular regard to kaitiakitanga when making management decisions. |
(Pdf 70Kb)

Section 186 of the Fisheries Act 1996 - regulations relating
to customary fishing. |
Section 186A of the Fisheries Act 1996 - temporary closure
of fishing area or restriction on fishing methods. |
Section 186B of the Fisheries Act 1996 - temporary closure
of fisheries. |