recreational allowances to a strict, proportional share of the available catch.
Proportional shares means that the commercial and non-commercial sectors will be allocated an explicit portion of the total allowable catch, and the new organisation will be tasked with managing total recreational harvest within that limit.
If the initial allocations for recreational interests are later found to be inadequate then significant cuts to individual bag limits seem inevitable, because commercial quota owners will jealously guard their portion of the allowable catch.
Penalties for excess catch
Currently commercial and amateur fishing rights are quite different. Individual commercial fishers who take more than their share of the total allowable commercial catch have to land that catch and pay the “deemed” value as a penalty.
Non-commercial interests, customary and recreational, are not strictly limited by the quota management system in any single year. The allowances are usually estimated as a longer term average catch, as total amateur harvest can be quite variable. Regulations apply, but no individual or organisation incurs penalties if the overall allowances are exceeded.