Legal Challenge – An Investment in our Future
Fishing News
Dec 2004
This challenge is the opportunity
for all anglers to make a real contribution to the future of not
just kahawai, but all recreational fisheries. It's time to get off
the fence and participate. The days of leaving the task to a handful
of people cannot go on. If all you can give is the money then fine,
but don't just say you will, do it. Do it today and tell your mates
and family members. The issues always come down to numbers whether
that is dollars or signatures. Not everyone has the time or the
inclination but for the cost of a bag of pillies and a snack you
CAN help.
It's an investment in the future and it's an investment for you
and your kids and all the future generations of kiwis to come. We
have all seen the gradual decline in inshore fisheries. It isn't
a myth or an aberration of climate. Too many fish have been taken
without consideration of the legal rights of the public of New Zealand.
Catching a feed isn't that easy any more and yet the ability to
manage the fisheries to ensure that a reasonable catch is probable
rather than a possibility does still exist. The Minister of
Fisheries and the Ministry are being taken to task and without money
the legal process will not be able to achieve the result we all
Take ten minutes to do the right thing. A few dollars to safeguard
your fishery. The alternative isn't worth thinking about. When was
the last time you had an increase in your bag limit? Fact is, it
wouldn't matter. The fish aren't there to catch and the only catches
that keep going upwards are the commercial ones. Let's get some
equality into the decision-making process and have your rights recognised.
There's too much at stake to not get involved.
If you're serious about fishing
you have to be serious about helping. No one will do it for you.
Compared to an $88 annual trout licence fee, an investment
by you now is a small price to pay for years of pleasure and the
opportunity to make sure that there'll be food on the table.
"Daddy, what did you do to save the fishes"? .....
See the Kahawai Challenge
Update elsewhere in the magazine for more details.
Marine Protection
- Missed Opportunities
Point Marine Reserve "activity"
It is concerning to learn
that the Department of Conservation (DoC), in their infinite wisdom,
will not be preparing and presenting a Proposal document for their
Nugget Point marine reserve initiative. Instead, they will be conducting
a series of "drop in" meetings this year with some public meetings
to follow.
Four "drop in" meetings have
already been held with more to follow - Owaka Visitor centre –
January 5 & 6, 10am to 5pm; DoC Dunedin office – January
17 & 18, 10am to 5pm.
We could be cynical here
and suggest that DoC is trying to avoid adverse reaction to their
proposal by not consulting with the wider community and not producing
a proposal document. Considering all eight "drop in" meetings are
being held on weekdays during working hours, it is hard not to question
how serious the Department is when they say " your feedback
will be an important factor in the department's decision on how
to proceed with this matter."
Working from the 1992 marine
reserve application document they are likely to move the boundary
lines and include this in a "fresh application" around April 2005.
Remember, the application stage is the formal stage of the marine
reserve process. You will have two months once the application is
lodged to object or submit in support = 60 days, an outrageously
inadequate process for permanent, no-take marine reserves that have
no formal requirement to review.
When will DoC get it - that
people have had enough of inadequate, biased and exclusive processes
that do not take into account public opinion? Tired of being ignored?
Email Nelson Cross, Chairman of Nugget Point Recreational Fishing
Club to find out more at njcross@xtra.co.nz
Nelson has organised a public meeting at Kaka Point Hall, January
10 th 2005 at 7.30pm. All welcome to attend.
Protected Areas Strategy
After months of waiting, DoC have finally released their Plan for
Marine Protection that they have been working on in conjunction
with the Ministry of Fisheries. Full analysis of the document still
needs to be completed but submissions are due by 21 January 2005,
just as well we have all holidays to read, digest and make informed
comment on 21 pages of DoC dialogue.
Unfortunately the Strategy
is not what we were hoping for; a more coordinated and integrated
approach has been the clear and unequivocal call from the public.
DoC have been assuring us for some time now they do want to make
progress and include the public in their processes – yeah
Strategies Workshop
A Ministry of Fisheries (MFish)
four-day workshop was held in Wellington at the end of November
to discuss different management strategies for our fisheries.
It has become clear to us during the development of the Kahawai
Legal Challenge that important inshore shared fisheries need to
be more carefully managed than commercial only fish stocks. Ensuring
a larger baseline population is the only way to improve the quality
of recreational fishing and the ability to fish for food. MFish's
plan is to have some Stock Strategies developed by August 2005.
Foveaux Strait Ecosystem Management
NIWA has initiated a proposal to conduct research in Foveaux
Strait and option4 have given the program its full support. An application
for funding has been lodged with the Foundation for Research Science
and Technology (FRST). The project will be studying in part, the
correlation between dredging and fish populations. There is a suggestion
that Foveaux Strait could be divided into sections that would be
rotationally dredged allowing some areas to regenerate and provide
improved habitat for other species.
This research is expected to contribute to the ecosystem management
that will see our marine environment improve with no anticipated
need for a reduction in bag limits. This is an innovative and exciting
management concept for our marine environment. DoC would do well
to take note of NIWA's approach to consultation and overall management.
New Species into the QMS
In August option4 submitted
to the proposed introduction of seven new species into the Quota
Management System (QMS) on 1 October 2005. We supported Albacore
Tuna and Skipjack Tuna being introduced but objected to the shellfish
species not already included in the QMS to be given away in perpetuity
in the form of quota rights.
We now learn that consultation process has to be restarted due to
the Fisheries Amendment Act (No.3) 2004 being passed into law and
effective as of 1 October 2004.
option4 believe the way the
QMS is being used does not adequately recognise the interests of
future generations of non-commercial fishers to access fisheries
of traditional and cultural importance.
Zealand Big Game Fishing Council database
Congratulations to NZBGFC
for their investment in establishing a database for those who belong
to or are simply interested in the activities of game fishing clubs
et al. Well worth while taking the time to subscribe to receiving
really good information – please visit https://www.nzbgfc.org.nz/
Please make a secure donation online
using your credit
card here.