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How to Contact an MP

How to Contact a Member of Parliament


Tell the people, who are seeking your vote, what you will do with it if they do not respect your right to fish.

Your email will carry more weight if you personalise it. You are the voting public, don't hide behind anonymous words. Be responsible for what you have to say.

To ensure your correspondence is not filtered be creative with the subject line.

Writing or Emailing Members of Parliament

The postal address for Ministers or Members of Parliament is —

MPs name, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

No stamp required.

Emailing Ministers or MPs

If you are unsure of an email address, all Ministers and MPs can be reached by using the following formula:


Alternatively individual members of parliament have email addresses at the following sites —


Web Address

Act https://www.act.org.nz/
Green Party https://greens.org.nz/
Labour Party https://www.labour.org.nz
National Party https://www.national.org.nz
NZ First https://www.nzfirst.org.nz/index.php
United Future https://unitedfuture.org.nz/
You can find contact emails for Government organisations at https://www.govt.nz




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