Consensus letter sent
to the Minister of Fisheries pointing out issues that were fundamental
to the resolution of the shared fisheries debate. This letter was
signed by the NZBGFC, the NZRFC, Ngapuhi and option4. |
May 06

Release - David Benson - Pope
Recreational fishers to
get new voice in fisheries decision-making |
Jan 05

write to David Benson-Pope
The NZACA congratulate
the new Minister, discuss marine reserves and offer him their expertise.
All in one letter!...... |
May 2004

option4 letter to the new Minister, David Benson-Pope
The Minister is urged to manage our fisheries resources in the best interests of the public, long term conservation and growth. Read the full letter from option4 here... |
26 Mar 04

Hodgson Leaves Fisheries
Pete Hodgson leaves as Minister of Fisheries and wishes option4 every success for the future. |
8 Mar 04
write to the Minister regards his upcoming allocation decisions
for Kingfish as it enters the QMS
Last month we received your letter stating your decision
to put some shellfish species into the QMS on the 1st of April 2004.
This reminded us that soon you will be thinking about proposals
for setting the TAC, TACC, Maori and recreational allowances for
7 May 03

Minister writes - "good that the recreational fishing
sector now speak
with one voice on reform issues. This means we can now focus on
the issues
and a constructive process to identify what is achievable and what
is not".
We would like to point out that the consensus was reached before
the occassional papers were released. In fact we believe the failure
to progress the process has nothing to do with the consensus or
lack thereof. Typical spin.
The Minister then goes
on to outline "Constraints" ie the Treaty Settlements
and QMS - nothing new.
Further denial of the
Moyle promise as ever being Government policy although
he acknowledges that improvements to the current regime should recognise
intentions of the Moyle promise where this is possible.

of consensus between NZBGFC, NZRFC and option4
to the Minister. The purpose of this letter
is to advise you that there is complete consensus between NZRFC,
NZBGFC and on the following key recreational fisheries
management principles. This consensus has existed for some time
and is now formalised in this document.
8 Dec 02

last minute effort to urge the Minister
to consider the new Receational
Harvest Estimates when setting the TAC for the first time and making
allowance for recreational fishing in this very important public
fishery. This letter was sent after submissions to the IPP had closed but
before the Minister had made his decisions. |
5 Sept 02

Hodgson replies to option4 concerns regards ongoing consultation
let me assure you that I am committed to the ongoing discussion
and debate on options for the reform of recreational fisheries management.......
I strongly refute your suggestion that I, or my Ministry consider
listening to the public to be unnecessary - the process outlined
above is a direct consequence of public submissions received in
the first round of consultation .....
6 June 02

letter sent to all MP's re open letter to the Minister
Cover letter sent to all MP's advising them of the need for them
to prepare
a position and be ready to state their position.......
2 June 02

Hodgson replies to option4 response to Cabinet Paper.
The Ministry is going to prepare a public discussion document
with some recommended changes to the management regime and all stakeholders
will get the opportunity to comment on it before I make my decisions
25 Mar 02

letter to the Minister of Fisheries
option4 writes in open form to the Minister expressing dissapointment
with lack of progess and points out the stall out of the public
consultation that is suppossed to have been occuring..............
13 May 02

responds to the Cabinet Paper outlining areas of concerns and disagreement.
Recreational Fisheries Reform - option4 concerns and disagreement
highlighted throughout the document in blue.
11 Mar 02

writes to the Minister expressing concern about proposed regulation
changes in Fiordland and asks for meeting to discuss the long overdue
review of Amateur Fishing Regulations.
We wish to express our grave concern about the direction and
intention of the Guardians of Fiordland Fisheries (GOFF) as stated
at their meeting on 09/10/2001 at the Invercargill Workingman's
Club, and other meetings.
20 Nov 01

Paper on "Recreational Fisheries Reform" process and outcomes
presented by Minister Hodgson to Cabinet Committee
The paper reports on the outcome of the public consultation
process on recreational fisheries reform, and recommends the next
14 Nov 01

writes to the Minister re Broadbill
The NZBGFC has been asking for some restraint on the commercial
catch of Broadbill Swordfish for 3 years now. Your letter to me
on the 30 August 2000 gave me encouragement that positive steps
had been taken on this issue with Broadbill being scheduled into
the 2001/02 sustainability round. That review required consultation
with interested parties in time for regulation changes on 1 October
2001 to address this matter.
23 Nov 01

Press Release on result of Soundings and Cabinet decisions
The Ministry of Fisheries will improve the information it collects
on recreational fishing catch over the next year, to provide a better
basis for government decisions on on the future management of marine
recreational fisheries.
29 Nov 01

writes to the Minister
The decision made at our last MCG meeting to thoroughly debate
the legal aspects surrounding the publics fishing rights in
the marine environment offers us real encouragement, as we will
be debating the foundation upon which future legislation will be
3 Aug 01

The Ministry of Fisheries
offers their Minister advice on the feedback given by MCG participants
on draft Ministry Policy proposals July 2001
This document is available for you to read as it has been released
under the Official Information Act - Feb 2002
9 Jul 01

feedback to Ministry Policy Proposals at MCG July 2001 - Released
under the Official Information Act Feb 2002
option4 feedback to Ministry draft Policy Proposals tabled at
the MCG meetings in July/August 2001. Until now (March 2002) this
has not been available for distribution as it was put forward in
the MCG where the terms were Chatham House Rules. These rules were
agreed to by those involved, although not very willingly. In hindsight
they did not serve the interests of the public other than to allow
some people "inside the tent" as it were.
However thanks to the Official Information Act we are now able to
share with you what feedback we were able to offer the Minister
on his Ministries policy proposals.
We did not get the opportunity
to discuss most of the content of our feedback. The next stage of
the process was the tabling of the Cabinet Paper by the Minister
in November 2001. |
5 Jun 01

Ministers Speech at NZRFC AGM
This is the last scheduled opportunity for the Minister to deliver
a public speech before legislative reform work underway re-appears
in the form of Cabinet Papers and the Select Committee phase of
the process...
13 Jul 01

Pete Hodgson summarises his understandings of the various rights
that the public have to go fishing...........
6 Jul 01

Minister writes to the Herald (Letters to the Editor)
Scott Macindoe of the
saltwater recreational fishing campaign group Option
4 is crying wolf with his claim that there is an "official
agenda to
'privatise' the New Zealand fishery".... |
5 Jun 01
writes to the Minister
I can understand how you
may have been disappointed by the tenor of my letter dated 24 May
2001. I was trying to reflect the views of our members after they
were informed that they the role of the MAG was as "sounding
board" for MFish ideas. We had hoped for more.... |
25 Feb 01

from the Minister regarding his Ministerial Advisory Group
"Thank you for your
letter dated 24 April 2001. I am, however, disappointed at the tone.
It seems that you are not inclined towards participating in a ministerial
advisory group. I may be wrong and, if that is the case, you should
proceed to nominate some candidates for my consideration." |
15 May 01

writes to the Minister, the Honourable Pete Hodgson
Your letter states that
you are"seeking some honest feedback by knowledgeable individuals
about the issues at hand," you have also mentioned directly
the need to build trust and capacity between us, that is what this
letter is all about. |
29 Apr 01

Minister replies re MAG clarifying expectations
Minister of Fisheries,
Pete Hodgson replies to option4 letter regards Terms of Engagement.
Clarifies his expectations of Ministerial Advisory Group role.
Rather than Policy development/capacity building the MAG will be
a "sounding
board." |
12 Apr 01

writes to the Minister, the Honourable Pete Hodgson
- appreciation for full commitment from Minister
- Acceptance of invitation to join Ministerial Advisory Group
subject to
agreeable Terms of Reference
- Suggested Terms of Reference
3 Apr 01

Meeting with the Minister of Fisheries
A further meeting between
option4 and Minister of Fisheries, Pete Hodgson was held on 22/3/01. |
22 Mar 01

Meeting with the Minister of Fisheries
The first meeting between option4 and the Minister of Fisheries,
Pete Hodgson was held on 1/3/01. |
1 Mar 01

Minister responds
The Minister responds making the following points
- Clarifies his opinion of status of "National Policy for Marine
Recreational Fisheries", that was implemented by the previous
Labour Governments¹ Minister of Fisheries (Colin Moyle) in
June 1989
- Expresses opinion regards "Priority"
- Mentions the significance of Maori quota
- Confirms extension of Submission Closure date - 20/12/00
- Confirms that all those who make a submission will receive a
copy of the summary of submissions
23 Nov 00

writes to the Minister
- Asking for the Public Submission closure date to be extended
21 Oct 00

writes to the Minister
- seeking clarification about what happens after the 30/11/00
- asking for clarification on how those submissions supporting
option4 will be regarded
- asking for an opportunity to meet with the Minister
21 Oct 00

writes to the Minister, the Honourable Pete Hodgson
- offering background information on
- seeking clarification on the "National Policy for Marine Recreational
Fisheries", that was implemented by the previous Labour Governments
Minister of Fisheries (Colin Moyle) in June 1989.
20 Oct 00

For full text of
the National
Policy for Marine Recreational Fisheries |
