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Chesters Contest

option4 Winner of Chesters Contest

6th March 2006


Marlin, kingfish and john dory were more abundant at this year’s Chester’s Plumbing Supplies 16th Annual Fishing Contest held in New Lynn, Auckland on February 18th.

Great conditions for the two days meant the fanatical fishos could target their favourite areas on both coasts. Aside from the gamefishing, all anglers seemed to have more success on the first day of the competition.

Crayfish, snapper over 6kg, hapuku, trevally and gurnard were features of the contest. The marlin weighed in at 104kg and 104.6kg respectively. An unprecedented number of anglers attended the weigh-in and subsequent auction.

Competition was hot for the major prizes as well as the “best presented” prize. It was a pleasure for the option4 weigh-in crew of Paul Barnes and Trish Rea, that so many people now iki and ice their fish as soon as they catch it. 

Chester’s Branch Manager, Alan Radcliffe, happily presented option4’s cheque of $3000 to Scott Macindoe of option4.  

Not stopping there, Chesters also donated $3000 to the Manukau Volunteer Coastguard, whose dedication to looking after west coast users is legendary.

Also onsite for the day was the Kahawai Legal Challenge team. Paul Thompson and Richard Brown had a great time talking with contestants while fundraising for the campaign to support the June court case.

Grant Chester, Alan, Dave and all the New Lynn staff deserve your support when you next buy plumbing or bathroom supplies. Other Auckland branches are in Albany, Silverdale and Ellerslie.



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