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option4 Update #56 May 2005 Print this page

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Marine Protection – Politically Driven Madness

Welcome to all new recipients of the option4 Update. A mix of fisheries management and marine protection issues is covered this week. option4 has been representing your interests in a multitude of areas, read on to find out more..

Marine Protection

option4 Update #54 NZ Fishing News

Politically Driven Madness – option4's response to the Marine Protected Areas strategy as proposed by the Ministry of Fisheries and the Department of Conservation.

Apr 2005

Great Barrier and Nugget Point marine reserves

Larry Baldock of United Future puts the Minister of Conservation on notice that his Department's tactics in promoting marine reserves is being monitored by more than just fishing interests. Read the response here...

Apr 2005

West Coast Sand Mining

Local iwi and Raglan residents have totally rejected the application from Black Sands Exploration to mine 3617 sq m of the west coast between Taranaki and the Kaipara Harbour.

Apr 2005


Raglan Calling

Check out how you can have fun while supporting the initiatives to protect our west coast of the North Island.

Apr 2005

Fisheries Management

Kahawai Legal Challenge – Stand and Fight

Your opportunity to make a difference to the future management of fisheries in New Zealand is now available. Support the Kahawai Legal Challenge by joining with thousands of other New Zealanders who are outraged at losing their right to fish for food. It's easier than you think.

Apr 2005


Consulting On:

New species are being introduced into the QMS on 1 October 2005. Please read the documents on cockle, pipi and tuatua, oyster and scallops and have your say by 24 May.

Apr 2005

Coromandel Closure

In December 2004 option4 supported the continued closure of parts of the Coromandel to the gathering of cockles and pipi due to their low abundance.

Dec 2004

Minister's Meeting Update

David Benson-Pope, the Minister of Fisheries, has still not made time to meet with option4. Two attempts at meeting with him in Wellington have failed due to the weather. Repeated calls to his office since then to arrange another meeting has been met with silence.



If you weren't at the November 2004 meetings you wont want to miss these meetings with the ARC to discuss Aquaculture Management Areas (AMAs) in the Western Firth of Thames.

May 2005

Please Help

If you value the work option4 do on your behalf please make a donation. There is so much more we could do to maintain and improve the advocacy we provide. Please give generously.

Apr 2005

Supporters & Links

Paul's Fishing Kites & Tackle

A comprehensive range of quality fishing tackle, rods, reels, kites and much more....



Check out New Zealand's leading recreational fishing website for the latest news, views and fishing reports.


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