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option4 Update #92 - 8th October 2007




Marine Protected Areas policy

MPA policy - Are fishermen at risk of extinction?….[more]


Joint MPA submission from option4, the Hokianga Accord and the NZ Big Game Fishing Council….[more]


Far north iwi endorse the Joint MPA submission….[more]


Marine Reserves

Delay in opening Wellington's south coast marine reserve has not pleased everyone….[more]


Dolphin Threat Management Plan

Set netting debate keeps rolling on….[more]


John Tamihere wants to hear your views on the dolphin proposals this Tuesday in West Auckland….[more]


Only two MFish 'open days' left to discuss the dolphin plan - Waiuku and Wellsford….[more] (12Kb PDF)


Hokianga Accord

Startling fishing technology revealed at the ninth Hokianga Accord hui in August......[more]


The Hokianga Accord is beyond just fish, its about shaping our future - full report of the mid north iwi fisheries forum August hui.......[more]


Waipapa marae, Auckland University, 16 Wynyard Street, is the venue of the next Accord hui on the 9th and 10th of November.......[more]


Email us your details if you want to be notified in advance and receive a hui agenda.


Kahawai Legal Challenge

Kahawai Legal Challenge decision is the Minister of Fisheries best defence….[more]


Over $10,000 has come in since the KLC Appeal was announced. Thank you. These funds will go towards paying the legal costs of the Appeal, which are expected to be around $80,000.00.


If you want to protect your fishing future now is the time to do it. Please contribute as much as you can.

Ways you can help

We still have Kahawai Legal Challenge tee shirts for sale in most sizes.

Give Jo Harris a call on 0800 KAHAWAI (0800 52 42 92).

Dial: 0900 KAHAWAI (0900 52 42 92) to contribute $20 via your phone account.

Online: Secure online donation facility here

Post: Cheques to ‘Kahawai Challenge Fund', c/o NZ Fishing News, PO Box 12-965, Penrose, Auckland.

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Please help If you value the work option4 do on your behalf please make a donation. There is so much more we could do to improve the advocacy we provide.

Spectra fishing line

Fishing News

Regards from the option4 team.

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