A bright future
Older New Zealanders will know that our fisheries have been decimated and the environment has become degraded because of excessive fishing, inappropriate harvesting methods, poor land management practices, and sedimentation of inshore waterways.
Trust chairman, Tom Fox, says the Trust is committed to achieving sustainability, enough fish for all, and local communities working together to achieve their environmental goals.
“The Trustees are inspired by the Hokianga Accord. This forum has demonstrated the benefits of working collectively to improve our fisheries for all New Zealanders. This marks a turning point in this country’s future.”
“Our children and grandchildren’s fishing future looks bright if we capitalise on the potential of this Trust to achieve the vision, mission and goal of ‘more fish in the water/kia maha atu nga ika ki roto i te wai’.”
option4 encourage you to take advantage of the tax deductibility benefits of giving money to the Guardians of the Sea Charitable Trust. By doing so you will be helping to protect our cherished Kiwi lifestyle and unique marine environment.