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option4 Update #116 - 30th April 2009

Kahawai, area management and innovation



Kahawai Legal Challenge

Skewed priorities in kahawai management

Our priorities are askew if our fisheries are managed to feed crayfish in West Australia as opposed to feeding our own people..........[more]


A special purchase for your favourite person

Buy a Kahawai Legal Challenge tee-shirt for someone special or try the three-shirt special for $50.

option4 Updates

Ministry management a disgrace to a democratic society – the legendary words of an aspiring Minister of Fisheries.


Hokianga Accord

June 11th and 12th are the new dates for the next Hokianga Accord hui. Venue is Whitiora marae, Te Tii, Kerikeri.

Deep Water Cover rahui initiated to rebuild Bay of Island's fish stocks.



www.fish4nz.co.nz is an informative fishing and safety tips website in seven different languages including English, Maori, Samoan, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese.


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Spectra fishing line
Fishing News

Regards from the option4 team.

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