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Fisheries 2030

MFish Fisheries 2030 Policy Project

2008 - 2010


Contents Background
Proposed performance indicators Areas of concern
Decision criteria - 2010 Maximising benefits
Latest correspondence and process Guardianship responsibilities
Alternative collective fisheries vision Reference documents


In July 2009 the Fisheries Minister, Phil Heatley, was due to make recommendations back to Cabinet on the Fisheries 2030 Vision, result areas and action plan. This will now occur in mi-August.

This Fisheries 2030 project was initiated in mid-2008 and aims to develop new institutional arrangements and tools to unlock the potential of the New Zealand fisheries sector and generate a significantly greater contribution to the economy.

The Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) has indicated that legislative reform may be required to support implementation of the plan. An MFish-commissioned report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) suggests significant problems exist in fisheries and advises that, “the status quo is, in this important sector, not a tenable option”.

Preliminary feedback from non-commercial fishing interests, including environmental interests, reflects major concerns regarding the lack of any attempt to consult with the public prior to implementation of the plan and any subsequent legislative change.

Areas of concern

  • This policy seeks to change fundamental rights belonging to all New Zealanders, to have access to sufficient abundance to provide for their social, economic and cultural well-being
  • Repeat of Soundings and Shared Fisheries proposals which sought to define and limit non-commercial fishing rights to a proportional share of the total allowable catch
  • People who cannot feed themselves by catching fish or cannot afford to purchase fish will be affected most
  • Poor recognition of the principles and purpose of the Fisheries Act 1996 This policy will be used as a basis for amending the Act
  • No explanation as to why MFish are proceeding with this process in the absence of the Supreme Court’s Kahawai Legal Challenge judgment and definition of how non-commercial fishing interests must be allowed for
  • No specific case studies as to the effects of implementation of this policy
  • Inappropriate language used in report, currently there is no provision for allocation of non-commercial fishing rights or trading rights
  • The Minister of Fisheries has a statutory obligation to ‘allow for’ non-commercial fishing interests, not just catch
  • Promises of more meaningful engagement with tangata whenua are diversionary tactics designed to isolate Maori from their most commonly used non-commercial right to feed their whanau under the amateur regulations
  • Lack of intent by MFish to consult with the public and allow people to have input into the strategy.

Maximising benefits

Our preliminary view is that the real objective of Fisheries 2030 is to implement a ‘maximum value’ policy and use that as a basis to amend the law so that non-commercial fishing rights, both customary and recreational, can be integrated into the quota management system.

This will enable MFish to allocate proportional shares to each sector, limit fishers to their allocation, and introduce trading rights. Commercial fishers will then have their long-sought-after share of the total allowable catch, in contrast to their current share of the total allowable commercial catch.

The inevitable outcome is the public will be confined to a defined share in depleted inshore fisheries. Any aspirations that people have of abundant fisheries will be lost in this pursuit of maximising returns.

Once-abundant are now depleted. The advent of industrial bulk-harvesting methods has allowed wholesale capture and export of many important species. Fish that were once the source of food for Kiwi families, and now out of reach price-wise.

Kaitiaki/guardianship responsibilities

The Fisheries Minister’s role as chief kaitiaki/guardian is to protect and manage our fisheries for all interests, including customary, recreational and environmental. And maintain abundance for future generations of New Zealanders. MFish’s role is to support and advise successive Ministers but not, as it seems, advocate for its own long-held policy objectives.

Clearly the government is seeking ways to address the economic crisis. Unlocking the potential value in our fisheries can begin by taking a more holistic approach to improving productivity by maximising the return of every fish taken from the water.

A change of focus from bulk-weight extraction to reducing juvenile mortality and improving yield per fish will, over time, improve monetary returns.

These changes will meet the Minister’s obligation to sustainably manage fisheries to enable people to provide for their own social, economic and cultural well-being and be of greater benefit to the nation.

It will also be more acceptable to the public than just seizing the opportunity to monopolise trading rights, define, and then confine non-commercial fishing interests to a minimal share of depleted inshore fisheries.

The following table describes the process in more detail. These details have been provided in an effort to increase public awareness of this initiative and give you the opportunity to provide your feedback.


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Please note: Latest documents are at the top of each section.

Fisheries 2030 Vision and Strategy

Proposed performance indicators

Ngati Kahu support submission

Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu advise the Ministry of Fisheries of their support for the joint performance indicator submission made by the Hokianga Accord, NZ Sport Fishing and option4. Ngati Kahu share the concerns of others about the diminishing stocks of fish.

12 Jul 10

(PDF 1.1MB)

GHBF support submission

The Guardians of Hawke Bay Fisheries advice to MFish in support of the joint submission made by the Hokianga Accord, NZ Sport Fishing and option4. The GHBF believe the joint submission raises important questions about the validity of the majority of the proposed performance indicators.

9 Jul 10

(PDF 70Kb)

Joint KPI submission

The Hokianga Accord, the NZ Sport Fishing Council and option4 joint submission in response to the MFish request for information and advice on indicators to measure sector performance. Qualified support is given to nine of 38 proposed indicators. 29 indicators rejected outright.

9 Jul 10

(PDF 560Kb)

NZ Fishing: Keep it K-iwi submission

NZ Fishing: Keep it K-iwi submission in response to the MFish request for information and advice on indicators. Indicators need to measure if a significant contribution is being made to the New Zealand economy, and the social and cultural wellbeing of all New Zealanders.

9 Jul 10

(PDF 70Kb)

MFish proposed performance indicators

MFish has compiled a list of possible performance indicators and has asked for feedback from various interest groups. This 21-page documents lists these indicators and their rationale for proposing these measures.

4 Jun 10

(PDF 220Kb)

MFish letter of advice - indicators

Ministry of Fisheries letter requesting information and submissions on their proposed set of performance indicators, designed to measure their performance against the Fisheries 2030 outcomes. Submissions due 2 July 2010.

4 Jun 10

(PDF 620Kb)

Decision criteria - 2010

Joint decision criteria submission

A joint submission from option4, the Hokianga Accord and NZ Sport Fishing in response to the proposed decision criteria. The joint submitters support the principle of developing standards but ask for case studies and a fuller explanation before unconditional agreement is given.

29 May 10

(PDF 370Kb)

MFish proposed decision criteria

In early May 2010 the Ministry of Fisheries advised their intention to use decision criteria to help them allocate resources and decide what work to do. Submissions in response to this four page proposal were due on 28 May.

7 May 10

(PDF 100Kb)

Latest correspondence and process

Report of 2030 workshop

A report of the 9 February Ministry of Fisheries-led workshop to discuss how MFish would measure the successful implementation of their Fisheries 2030 policy. This four-page report was written for a number of non-commercial interest groups and individuals.

15 Feb 10

(PDF 80Kb)


Invitation to 2030 workshop

Environmental and non-commercial fishing groups have been invited to attend a multi-stakeholder meeting in Wellington to discuss how the Ministry of Fisheries will measure their success in achieving their Fisheries 2030 vision.

24 Dec 09

(PDF 480Kb)

Summary of final 2030 strategy

A summary of the final MFish 2030 strategy from a non-commercial perspective. This document was originally written for members of the non-commercial environmental and fishing interest Alliance.

26 Sep 09

(PDF 40Kb)

MFish Chief announces 2030 release

The Ministry of Fisheries' Acting Chief Executive, Andrew Coleman, advice to Alliance members that the final Fisheries 2030 strategy has been released to the public.

18 Sep 09

(PDF 20Kb)

Primary Production Committee letter to Alliance

A reply from the Primary Production Committee to the Alliance's letter expressing concerns about the aim of the Fisheries 2030 project and offering an alternative management strategy to achieve "more fish in the water".

17 Sep 09

(PDF 110Kb)

Minister's 2030 media announcement

The Minister of Fisheries announces the release of the final Fisheries 2030 strategy document. Phil Heatley aims to enable the fisheries sector to make a significantly greater contribution to the national economy.

15 Sep 09

(PDF 30Kb)

Final MFish 2030 strategy

The Ministry and Minister of Fisheries final Fisheries 2030 strategy document. Very little change from the draft proposals. A disappointing outcome for non-commercial fishing interests.

14 Sep 09

(PDF 950Kb)

Minister's letter to Alliance

The Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley's letter to Alliance members outlining future process of the Fisheries 2030 strategy.

11 Sep 09

(PDF 130Kb)

Cabinet endorse 2030 strategy

Cabinet endorse a shared direction and strategy to "improve the environmental performance of the fisheries sector put forward by the Minister of Fisheries," Phil Heatley. Paper dated 18 August 2009.

31 Aug 09

(PDF 380Kb)

Alliance letter to Primary Production Committee

A letter to the Primary Production Committee expressing concerns about the aim of the Fisheries 2030 project and offering an alternative management strategy to achieve "more fish in the water".

26 Aug 09

(PDF 140Kb)

Acknowledgement letter from Minister's office

Acknowledgement from the Minister of Fisheries' office that the joint letter has been received and given to Phil Heatley for his consideration.

13 Aug 09

(PDF 50Kb)

Confirmation letter to the Minister of Fisheries

A letter to the Minister of Fisheries following the August 3rd meeting with representatives of non-commercial environmental and fishing organisations. This joint letter was sent to the Minister, his Cabinet colleagues and the MFish Chief Executive, Wayne McNee..........

13 Aug 09

(PDF 130Kb)

Media Release - Fishing and environmental groups join forces to fight for fisheries future

Environmental and non-commercial fishing groups have put aside their differences and formed an unprecedented alliance to combat the decline of fish stocks and marine ecosystems in New Zealand.

6 Aug 09

(PDF 30Kb)

Report of joint meeting with Minister

Representatives of non-commercial environmental and fishing organisations met with the Minister of Fisheries on Monday 3rd August to discuss the Joint More fish in the water II strategy. This is a report of that meeting..........

6 Aug 09

(PDF 50Kb)

Summary of recommendations

Fisheries 2030 - A summary of recommendations put to the Minister of Fisheries from an alliance of non-commercial environmental and fishing organisations.

31 Jul 09

(PDF 20Kb)

More fish in the water II

Fisheries 2030 - An alternative vision and strategy for the Minister, from environmental and non-commercial fishing interests. Joint submission from the Hokianga Accord, option4, the NZ Big Game and Recreational Fishing Councils, ECO, Forest & Bird, Greenpeace, the NZ Angling Casting Assoc, Guardians of Hawke Bay Fisheries and the Marlborough Recreational Fishers Assoc.

31 Jul 09

(PDF 180Kb)

Sustainable strategies for more fish in the water

Joint submission to MFish from the Hokianga Accord, option4 and the NZ Big Game and Recreational Fishing Councils. This document discusses innovative ways to increase the value derived from fishing to achieve abundance, a healthy marine environment and fish for the future.

17 Jun 09

(PDF 260Kb)

An alternative collective view

Joint letter to the Minister of Fisheries from non-commercial environmental and fishing interest groups advising we do not support the current Fisheries 2030 strategy, vision and process. An alternative view was offered as a solution to a joint vision and optimising benefits from fisheries.

17 Jun 09

(PDF 120Kb)

A report of the Fisheries 2030 joint stakeholder workshop in Wellington on the 28th May 2009. MFish acknowledged the feedback from this and the previous workshop is not necessarily a consensus position. Non-commercial environmental and fishing interests still have concerns about 2030.

28 May 09

(PDF 340Kb)

MFish confirm the next Fisheries 2030 joint stakeholder workshop will be in Wellington on the 28th May 2009. Sent an agenda and action point descriptions for further discussion.

21 May 09

Mfish agenda for Fisheries 2030 workshop, 28th May 2009.............
(PDF 20Kb)
MFish Fisheries 2030 action point descriptions, distributed in anticipation of further discussion at the May 28th workshop....................
(PDF 50Kb)
A report of the Fisheries 2030 joint stakeholder workshop in Wellington on the 14th May 2009. Report written for non-commercial fishing interests to better understand the process and discussions occurring out of the public arena.

20 May 09

(PDF 40Kb)

MFish distribute the notes taken in the Break-out sessions held during the Fisheries 2030 joint stakeholder workshop in Wellington on the 14th May 2009.

15 May 09

(PDF 50Kb)

MFish confirm the next Fisheries 2030 joint stakeholder meeting in Wellington is scheduled for the 14th May 2009. Agenda forwarded to attendees, as follows............

12 May 09

(PDF 20Kb)

MFish Chief Executive, Wayne McNee, makes a presentation to the Seafood Industry Council's conference. He advises that "the Ministry will be working with tangata whenua, stakeholders and staff to develop Fisheries 2030 for Cabinet sign off. Refer to page 8 of the following PDF..................

7 May 09

(PDF 200Kb)

Hansard record of a parliamentary question from Heatley's colleague Colin King, asking about any reports "regarding the enhancement of the fisheries sector to boost its economic potential". The Minister refers to consultation with all stakeholder, as opposed to 'engagement'.

27 Mar 09

(PDF 50Kb)

MFish respond to the request for a copy of the PwC report by sending through a link to the information available on the MFish website..........

24 Mar 09

option4 request a copy of the PricewaterhouseCooper Fisheries 2030 report from the Ministry of Fisheries.

20 Mar 09

Article about the Minister's recent announcement regarding Fisheries 2030 including quotes from Phil Heatley. Article is on page six of the following PDF....................

20 Mar 09

(PDF 15Kb)

The Minister, Phil Heatley, announces the next stage of the Fisheries 2030 Vision policy process. It will involve the Ministry "working with fisheries stakeholders to pick the best suggestions from the PricewaterhouseCooper report. From this work a direction will be confirmed and a plan of action put in place".

18 Mar 09

(PDF 15Kb)

The Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee comment on the Cabinet Paper, "Actions to Unlock the Economic Potential of the New Zealand Fisheries Sector". Minutes of Cabinet Committee's decision and eight noted points here.................

16 Mar 09

(PDF 110Kb)

The Minister, Phil Heatley, presents the Ministry's advice and Cabinet paper to the Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee for their consideration and approval. MFish to "collaborate with tangata whenua and fisheries stakeholders to build on the PwC report and confirm a shared direction and plan of action for the fisheries sector".

9 Mar 09

(PDF 460Kb)

The Minister, Phil Heatley, accepts the Ministry's advice and paper for Cabinet discussion. The MFish advice and Cabinet paper is contained in the PDF available here...............................

5 Mar 09

(PDF 460Kb)

MFish advise their Minister, Phil Heatley, about the Fisheries 2030 PwC report and provide him with a paper to present to his Cabinet colleagues, "Actions to Unlock the Economic Potential of the New Zealand Fisheries Sector".

4 Mar 09

The PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) draft November report finalised and released. "Fisheries 2030 - Vision, result areas and action plan. Unlocking the potential of the New Zealand fisheries sector, November 2008".

19 Feb 09

(PDF 260Kb)

Fisheries Minister, Phil Heatley, briefly mentions the Fisheries 2030 strategy in his speech to Te Ohu Kaimoana's Annual General Meeting. Refer to page three of the following PDF..........................

30 Jan 09

(PDF 30Kb)


Email request sent to MFish asking to be kept informed of developments in the Fisheries Outcomes Framework and Fisheries 2030 projects. Request made on behalf of the joint interests of the Hokianga Accord, the NZ Big Game Fishing Council and option4 teams.

18 Dec 08

Email from MFish's National Policy Manager, Mark Edwards, advising about Fisheries 2030 progress and that "consultation to obtain stakeholder input into the Fisheries 2030 Vision and Strategy will begin in early 2009 (subject to Cabinet approval)". Link to MFish site.......

15 Dec 08

Joint stakeholder Fisheries 2030 workshop held in Wellington with MFish and PwC representatives. Present were two amateur fishers, three environmental representatives, four fishing industry representatives and four MFish officials.

21 Oct 08

MFish Chief Executive, Wayne McNee, writes a column for the Seafood Industry's September 2008 magazine. McNee discusses the 2030 strategy and that getting "input and participation from tangata whenua and stakeholders is the key to making sure we can effectively plan for the future of our fisheries".

Sep 2008

(PDF 210Kb)

MFish and PricewaterhouseCoopers representatives meet in Auckland with seven amateur fishers to discuss the Fisheries 2030 Vision and strategy.

24 Aug 08

MFish advised option4 was not available to attend the Fisheries 2030 workshop in Auckland. The New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council representative would attend and report on the meeting.

18 Aug 08

Eight amateur fishers sent an invitation to attend a Fisheries 2030 workshop scheduled for 22nd August in Auckland.

13 Aug 08

MFish advise the Fisheries 2030 workshop for amateur fishers, scheduled for 5th August, is cancelled due to insufficient numbers of participants.

31 Jul 08

MFish National Policy Manager, Mark Edwards, sent to twelve amateur fishers an invitation to attend a Fisheries 2030 workshop scheduled for 5th August.

27 Jul 08

Reference documents
The Ministry and Minister of Fisheries final Fisheries 2030 strategy document. Very little change from the draft proposals. A disappointing outcome for non-commercial fishing interests.

14 Sep 09

(PDF 950Kb)

Cabinet endorse a shared direction and strategy to "improve the environmental performance of the fisheries sector put forward by the Minister of Fisheries," Phil Heatley. Paper dated 18 August 2009.

31 Aug 09

(PDF 380Kb)

Mfish agenda for Fisheries 2030 workshop, 28th May 2009.............

21 May 09

(PDF 20Kb)

MFish Fisheries 2030 action point descriptions, distributed in anticipation of further discussion at the May 28th workshop....................

21 May 09

(PDF 50Kb)

A report of the Fisheries 2030 joint stakeholder workshop in Wellington on the 14th May 2009. Report written for non-commercial fishing interests to better understand the process and discussions occurring out of the public arena.

20 May 09

(PDF 40Kb)

MFish distribute the notes taken in the Break-out sessions held during the Fisheries 2030 joint stakeholder workshop in Wellington on the 14th May 2009.

15 May 09

(PDF 50Kb)

MFish confirm the next Fisheries 2030 joint stakeholder meeting in Wellington is scheduled for the 14th May 2009. Agenda forwarded to attendees, as follows............

12 May 09

(PDF 20Kb)

MFish Chief Executive, Wayne McNee, makes a presentation to the Seafood Industry Council's conference. He advises that "the Ministry will be working with tangata whenua, stakeholders and staff to develop Fisheries 2030 for Cabinet sign off. Refer to page 8 of the following PDF..................

7 May 09

(PDF 200Kb)

Hansard record of a parliamentary question from Heatley's colleague Colin King, asking about any reports "regarding the enhancement of the fisheries sector to boost its economic potential". The Minister refers to consultation with all stakeholder, as opposed to 'engagement'.

27 Mar 09

(PDF 50Kb)

MFish link to the online information and PwC report, available on the MFish website.................

24 Mar 09

Article about the Minister's recent announcement regarding Fisheries 2030 including quotes from Phil Heatley. Article is on page six of the following PDF....................

20 Mar 09

(PDF 15Kb)

The Minister, Phil Heatley, announces the next stage of the Fisheries 2030 Vision policy process. It will involve the Ministry "working with fisheries stakeholders to pick the best suggestions from the PricewaterhouseCooper report. From this work a direction will be confirmed and a plan of action put in place".

18 Mar 09

(PDF 15Kb)

The Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee comment on the Cabinet Paper, "Actions to Unlock the Economic Potential of the New Zealand Fisheries Sector". Minutes of Cabinet Committee's decision and eight noted points here.................

16 Mar 09

(PDF 110Kb)

The Minister, Phil Heatley, presents the Ministry's advice and Cabinet paper to the Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee for their consideration and approval. MFish to "collaborate with tangata whenua and fisheries stakeholders to build on the PwC report and confirm a shared direction and plan of action for the fisheries sector".

9 Mar 09

(PDF 460Kb)

The PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) draft November report finalised and released. "Fisheries 2030 - Vision, result areas and action plan. Unlocking the potential of the New Zealand fisheries sector, November 2008".

19 Feb 09

(PDF 260Kb)

MFish Chief Executive, Wayne McNee, writes a column for the Seafood Industry's September 2008 magazine. McNee discusses the 2030 strategy and that getting "input and participation from tangata whenua and stakeholders is the key to making sure we can effectively plan for the future of our fisheries".

Sep 2008

(PDF 210Kb)


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