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option4 Update #130 - 19 February 2010



Hiwi the Kiwi Goes Fishing Raffle

You can win a 2009 Profile 520 Pontoon Boat and package valued at $48,000 simply by buying a book of Hiwi the Kiwi Goes Fishing raffle tickets.

Booklets of 10 $5 tickets are available now for the never to be repeated price of $40.

Don't miss out.
Buy your tickets now and be in to win!

Email Scott Macindoe for tickets or call him on 0274 506065.

Raffle closes 28 February. Drawn on 12 March under NZ Police supervision.

If you would like to know more about this initiative visit www.hiwithekiwi.co.nz.

option4 are working closely with the New Zealand Sports Fishing Council (formerly NZ Big Game Fishing Council) to support this worthwhile initiative to encourage Kiwi kids to go fishing and protect our marine environment. We thank you in anticipation for your support.

From the option4 team.

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