option4 was also an integral part of the four-year Kahawai Legal Challenge, which concluded with the Supreme Court decision in May 2009. The outcome was mostly positive for non-commercial interests. However, recent management decisions have poorly reflected the Court's rulings.
Over the past five years option4 has evolved into providing service to organisations seeking to achieve "more fish in the water/kia maha atu nga ika ki roto i te wai".
The Hokianga Accord and the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council have received much service.
The Hokianga Accord encompasses the non-commercial fishing interests of the mid north iwi of Ngapuhi and Ngati Whatua, hapu and whanau, option4, the NZ Sport Fishing Council and a number of environmental organisations.
After 14 overnight hui, with many people contributing, a good understanding of each other's aspirations and mutual concerns has developed.
Non-commercial fishing, whether for customary, recreational or sustenance purposes relies on having enough fish available in the places we normally fish.
To achieve this we need:
Abundant fisheries where small fish can grow to adult size;
Rich diversity in the ecosystem protected from damaging fishing practices; and
Healthy fisheries for future generations' use and enjoyment. |