Fisheries Act 1996 |
Official online source of legislation, Bills and regulations |
Section 8 - Purpose of the Fisheries Act 1996 |
Section 9 - Environmental principles of the Fisheries Act 1996 |
Section 10 - Information principles of the Fisheries Act 1996 |
Section 11 - Sustainability measures of the Fisheries Act 1996 |
Section 11A - Fisheries plans |
Section 12 - Consultation obligations on the Minister of Fisheries |
Section 13 - Total allowable catch (TAC) |
Section 14 - Alternative total allowable catch for Schedule 3 stocks |
Section 14A - Alternative total allowable catch for stocks specified by Order in Council |
Section 14B - Alternative total allowable catch for certain stocks |
Section 14C - Stock may be declared no longer subject to section 14B |
Section 20 - Setting and variation of total allowable commercial catch |
Section 21 - Matters to be taken into account in setting or varying any total allowable commercial catch |
Section 23 - Effect of increase in total allowable commercial catch |
Section 97 - Special permits |
Section 186 - Regulations relating to customary fishing |
Section 186A - Temporary closure of fishing area or restriction on fishing methods |
Section 186B - Temporary closure of fisheries |
Section 199 - Powers of entry and search |
Section 201 - Powers to question persons and require production of documents |
Section 203 - Power of arrest |
Section 205 - Power to use reasonable force in exercise of certain powers |
Section 311 - Areas closed to commercial fishing methods |
MFish interpretation of various sections |
These interpretation documents were supplied by the Ministry of Fisheries in October 2001. |
Section 8 - MFish interpretation |
Section 9 - MFish interpretation |
Section 10 - MFish interpretation |
Section 11 - MFish interpretation |
Section 12 - MFish interpretation |
Section 13 - MFish interpretation |
Section 14 - MFish interpretation |
Customary Maori tools and mechanisms |
Section 186 - Regulations relating to customary fishing |
Section 186A - Temporary closure of fishing area or restriction on fishing methods |
Section 186B - Temporary closure of fisheries |
Customary Maori management tools and mechanisms in action |
A comparison between the Fisheries (Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998 and the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999. |
Important Reference Documents |
MFish definition of commonly applied expressions used in legislation. Information supplied by MFish in October 2001. |
Treaty of Waitangi - English translation of the Maori version of Treaty |
Section 10 of Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Deed |
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