Island Tuna (eel) Management Proposals
The Ministry
of Fisheries (MFish) issued new proposals for the future management
of North Island Tuna (Eels) in June 2007. The Initial Position Paper
(IPP) had options for the four shortfin stocks and four longfin
stocks. Options were to reduce the total catch in each fishery and
then determine the reductions required in commercial catch and recreational
allowances, if any. Any management changes would take effect as
of October 1st 2007. Submission deadline was July 27th, 2007.
North Island tuna (eel) were introduced into the quota management
system (QMS) in 2004 with total allowable catches (TACs) and total
allowable commercial catches (TACCs) set at a ‘starting point’
level, in acknowledgement that further adjustments to catch levels
may be required.
In recognition of the poor information, vulnerability of the fishery
and eel’s cultural importance the TACs were set under section
14 of the Fisheries Act 1996. This allowed the previous Minister
to determine management objectives for the fishery. These were to
improve the stock structure (i.e., size composition) and abundance
of tuna (eels) over the medium term (10 years), while bringing to
a halt any decline in the fishery over the short term. The Minister’s
intention was to ensure that:
- The fishery is sustainably managed;
- The fishery’s availability to non-commercial fishers is
- The relationship with interdependent stocks is improved.
MFish believe the present management strategy and its intended outcomes
are not presently being met, and further refinement of total catch
levels is required.
MFish Proposals – Total Allowable
The TACCs in seven of the eight tuna (eel) stocks have never been
reached, since 2004. MFish proposed two options for reducing the
TAC for both the shortfin and longfin stocks. MFish has particular
concerns about the sustainability of longfin tuna (eels) at current
catch levels. Continuing with present TACs for shortfin stocks are
unlikely to rebuild the fishery, which is still in a depleted state.
Shortfin Proposals
MFish proposed to reduce the TAC for shortfin tuna (eels) to either:
- A mid-point between the current TAC and recent catch levels
i.e. an average of 2004/05 and 2005/06 catch
- A level at or near recent catch levels.
MFish proposed to reduce the TAC for longfin tuna (eels) to either:
- A level at or near recent catch levels
- Reducing the TAC to a level set 20% below recent catch levels.
Customary – to be provided for in full
Recreational – allowance to remain at existing
levels or reduced by the same proportion as the TACC.
Other Mortality – to remain as is.
Commercial TACCs
Reduced in proportion to the recreational allowance, or whole reduction
applied to the TACC.
To achieve
a good level of understanding of complex fisheries management scenarios
we believe it is important to read the information in chronological
order so you can follow the process.
The various
documents have been broken up, reorganised or supplied in pdfs.
This facilitates downloading as intact some of these documents are
big and unwieldy.
Please note: These
documents are presented from the most recent at the top of
the list.
Island Tuna (Eels) |
The Hokianga Accord, supported by
the NZ Big Game Fishing Council and option4, recommends a 30%
reduction in the shortfin eel TACC and a 50% TACC reduction
for longfin eel due to particular sustainability concerns. |
27 Jul 07
(PDF 130Kb)
MFish confirm the
release of the management proposals for North Island tuna
(eels) in this letter. Submissions are due by 27th July 2007.
15 Jun 07
(PDF 180Kb)
MFish Proposals
MFish proposals for the future management
of the North Island tuna (eel) stocks are included in the
initial position paper (IPP). |
15 Jun 07
(PDF 380Kb)
The Ministry of
Fisheries advice of the upcoming review of management measures
for a variety of fisheries including North Island tuna (eel)
stocks. |
11 Jun 07
(PDF 30Kb)
Please provide your feedback to the Hokianga
Accord. |
Thank you for taking the time to participate. |