Hokianga Accord Invitation - Whitiora Hui
NZ Fishing News April edition
7 March 2006
Fishing success out on the water has been matched with the success of the Hokianga Accord in bringing together Maori and non-Maori fishing representatives. The fourth overnight hui is set for the beginning of April and you are welcome to attend.
The hui is scheduled for 6th -7th April at the Whitiora Marae, Te Tii, north of the Bay of Islands, starting at 10am on the Thursday and concluding around lunchtime the following day.
The Hokianga Accord is a forum where customary, recreational and commercial fishing interest groups gather to express their views on shared fish stocks. It has been found to be very welcoming and business always gets done.
Endorsed by the Minister of Fisheries, the Hokianga Accord’s hui are a great opportunity to learn more about why it is so important for recreational fishers to be standing together against the threats to our fishing future.
If you have never been on a marae before, don’t worry; it doesn’t take long to feel right at home and amongst friends. You are welcome to attend, listen and participate in the discussions surrounding our recreational fishing interests.
Hours of preparation goes into making these hui a success and it is essential that you read the documents available online before attending the hui.
Agenda, map and more details are also available at the above link.
To secure your place at the April hui please email trish@option4.co.nz or call Trish Rea on 09 8186205 or 0274 175121.
The Hokianga Accord looks forward to your valuable input into this occasion.