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Hui Information

Hokianga Accord Hui

General Information

by Trish Rea

7 March 2006


Regular meetings of the Hokianga Accord ensure that recreational, customary and commercial fishing interest groups are kept up to date with matters relating to shared fish stocks and marine protection issues.

The Hokianga Accord is a Northland based forum supported by the Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry personnel and has been endorsed by the Minister.

The meetings (hui) are very welcoming and are usually overnight events commencing the first day at 10.00am and finishing the following day after lunch.

Protocol requires visitors (manuhiri) to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start i.e. 09.45am for a 10am start. A formal welcome (powhiri) is performed by the local iwi/hapu with introductions to follow. After that it is off to the dining room (wharekai) to have welcoming refreshments and chat.

The business begins in earnest before noon and continues on into the night with plenty of breaks to keep people fresh and motivated. Finishing before midnight the hui achieves so much in such a short time, with people jumping out of bed in the morning for more.


Who can attend?

Those contemplating attending for the first time are most welcome. Families, partners, or wife/husband are encouraged to share the experience with you. For catering purposes numbers need to be confirmed before the hui. This ensures there is plenty of food and resources available on your arrival.

You can confirm your attendance or if someone else will be coming on your behalf, by emailing or calling Trish Rea on either 09 8186205 or 0274 175121. Email hui@option4.co.nz


How much does it cost?

A very reasonable koha is required to cover costs; this is usually in the vicinity of $50 per person for an overnight event. The koha would be confirmed in a general email notice sent out prior to the hui and during your conversation confirming your attendance. Trish Rea is usually the person nominated to accept your koha on your arrival.



Mattresses, pillows, pillowcases and sheets are provided in a communal sleeping hall which doubles as the meeting house (wharenui). By nature, the children gather together and usually make their own space to enjoy the overnight stay.


What to bring?

  • Sleeping bag/duvet/blankets. You are welcome to bring your favourite pillow if you prefer.
  • Toiletries and towel
  • Slippers, as no shoes are allowed within the wharenui
  • Good humour

There is no alcohol permitted on the marae and smoking is only permitted outside and clear of the buildings.


What to do before the hui

Those contemplating attending the Hokianga Accord for the first time are most welcome.

Reports and articles covering previous hui are online at: https://option4.co.nz/Fish_Forums/hokianga.htm

It is important that you read the previous reports so everyone is prepared to work through the new material on offer at the hui.

An agenda will be sent out prior to the hui for your information and feedback.
For those of you who have not had the privilege of being on a marae, the first time can be rather daunting but it does not take you long to feel right at home and in amongst friends.

The Hokianga Accord look forward to your valuable input into these hui


More information

For more information or to confirm your attendance at the next hui please contact the Hokianga Accord.

Trish Rea

Phone: 09 8186205

Mobile: 0274 175121

Email: hui@option4.co.nz

Web: https://option4.co.nz/Fish_Forums/hokianga.htm

Directions to Whitiora Marae are here » » »


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