Accord Notice of Hui
May 2007
Tena koutou katoa
The Hokianga Accord Working Group is pleased to confirm the 9th
Hokianga Accord hui will be held on the 16th and 17th of August
2007. A venue is yet to be confirmed, the Working Group will advise
details closer to the hui date.
As per the normal format, the hui will commence with a powhiri at
10.00 am on the Thursday and conclude with a sumptuous hakari (lunchtime
feast) on Friday. The agenda will be completed and sent out with
venue details closer to the time of hui.
Latest News
A media release from the Hokianga Accord was distributed last week
and is now online at https://www.option4.co.nz/Fish_Forums/hokianga.htm#public
We have updated the information regarding Ngapuhi’s involvement
in the advocacy of non-commercial fishing interests on the kahawai
website, link to the site is here https://kahawai.co.nz/ngapuhi.htm
Please feel encouraged to distribute this panui to your colleagues
and contacts.
Any suggestions you have would be most welcome.
Mauri ora
Trish Rea
On behalf of the Hokianga Accord Working Group
Trish here
0274 175121
details on the Hokianga Accord activities are here » »