Letter of Appreciation to OBC (Auckland)
Trish Rea
14 September 2006
Outboard Boating Club (Auckland)
PO Box 42-056
Auckland |
Dear Gaye
On behalf of the Hokianga Accord, A2Z Translate and the option4 team I would like to thank you, Lois, Don Glass and the Outboard Boating Club management team for the use of the club premises on August 15th. The launch of the new multi-lingual website www.fish4nz.co.nz went well, although the numbers attending the event that day were less than expected.
It is encouraging for those involved in this public awareness initiative to know we have the support of your club. The opportunity to increase the public’s understanding of how our fisheries are managed, how to conserve fish and better protect our marine environment is valuable.
The Hokianga Accord is particularly excited about the potential to increase the public’s understanding of kaitiakitanga and the use of customary management tools to manage local areas, for the benefit of the whole community. Your club’s contribution to this effort is appreciated.
For the latest news and information please visit www.fish4nz.co.nz. Please encourage all of your members to register their details online so they can receive the most updated information from the team. It is free to register and stayed tuned into developments. Once again, thank you and your members for your ongoing support.
Best Regards
Trish Rea
On behalf of the fish4nz team
09 8186205
0274 175121
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