PO Box 37951
Dear Minister
From our very
first meeting you have emphasized the need to build trust between
all the parties involved in the fisheries rights debate. The Cabinet
Paper FIN (01) 216 is a betrayal of that trust. It contains half-truths,
has omitted critical parts of the debate and continues to promote
the proportional share agenda of the Ministry of Fisheries.
We have analysed
the Cabinet paper FIN (01) 216 Recreational Fisheries Reform. We
fail to see any genuine recognition of the views of 98.5% of submissions
to " Soundings." Our response is attached for your information.
It is not acceptable for the Ministry to ignore, misrepresent and
downplay the public's right to gather food from the sea. Unless
there is a genuine attempt to incorporate the views of he public
in any future consultation process, we can only assume the Ministry's
agenda is government policy. We understood from you and the Ministry
that future discussion would be based on Moyle's Promise. This is
obviously not so.
You have shown
a willingness to engage with option4 and the public of New Zealand
over their rights to fish. We need to get the rights issue debate
and resolution back on track. You have previously stated to us that
you would be prepared to come to Auckland and meet with us if there
was a need to do so. We believe that the need for such a meeting
is urgent and therefore seek an informal meeting with you before
the 25th of March to have a free and frank dialogue.
We remain,
Yours faithfully,
Paul Barnes
option4 Project Leader
of the Minister for Fisheries
The Chair
Cabinet Finance Infrastructure and Environment Committee
- This paper
comprises a report on the outcome of the public consultation process,
and recommended options for progressing with the reform to improve
the management of recreational fishers.
- I recommend
a further period of consultation with a view to developing a specific
proposal for reform, and have instructed the Ministry of Fisheries
to provide me with a strategy for further consultation. In the
interim I have instructed the Ministry to develop proposals to
improve the information collected on the nature of the recreational
agree that better information on recreational harvest is necessary,
however, we do not agree with the Ministry's proposed means of
achieving it. The Ministry proposes to improve the accuracy of
the information on recreational catch by implementing more regular
surveys and using charter boats to provide catch information.
Running the surveys will not increase the accuracy of the estimates
- it will create the same level of accuracy more often! What is
needed is a revised sampling regime which will improve the sampling
stratification and therefore the accuracy of the estimate. The
use of charter vessels is of dubious value. Previous Ministry
surveys using the charter fleet have indicated the fleet works
in only a limited range of geographical areas (compared with the
recreational sector as a whole) and that less than 10% of fishers
use charter vessels. A standardised CPUE project with volunteers
using a variety of recreational methods may give a much more reliable
result, charter boats who offer to participate could be included
- I propose
reporting back to the Committee with a recommended option for
public consultation no later than 1 February 2003 and subsequently
to report back on the outcome of public consultation no later
than 1 June 2003.
has real concerns regards the ability of the Ministry to conduct
meaningful public consultation throughout New Zealand in the proposed
- While all
New Zealanders have the right to go recreational fishing, there
are signs that their ability to catch fish is being eroded. The
quality of recreational fishing includes access to fishing areas
as well as catch rates and size of fish. Catch rates and size
of fish are being affected by:
- Increasing
numbers of people going recreational fishing in popular areas,
many of which are also popular commercial and customary fishing
- Environmental
deterioration, such as habitat destruction from land-based
pollution and
- environmentally
damaging fishing methods
- Lack
of clear guidance on what share of the available catch should
go to recreational fishers versus commercial, and poor information
to support that decision.
- A low
propensity on the part of recreational fishers to act collectively
to protect their rights and promote their interests.
- Illegal
seems the Ministry can't bring itself to say that the quality
of recreational fishing has been affected by commercial fishing.
In fact the very reason we have the QMS is because commercial
fishers had severely depleted the most valuable inshore fish
stocks with pair trawlers and purse seiners in the 1970s and
early 1980s. The conservation measures of the QMS were undermined
by the Quota Appeal Authority and when the Minister cut SNA1
quotas because the biomass had reached 11% of the virgin stock
he was challenged in court by the fishing industry for redistributing
rights to recreational fishers. The impact of commercial fishing
on New Zealand fish stocks and the quality of recreational
fishing has been totally omitted from the bullet points above.
Reading this summary the impression is given that the greatest
threat to the quality of recreational fishing IS recreational
fishers and environmental factors.
advice to Cabinet fails to adequately communicate the level
of scepticism the public has about the effectiveness of the
Quota Management System and fisheries management in general
in New Zealand. Whilst the public are bombarded at every opportunity
by Ministry and Industry awarding praise and accolades on
the Quota Management System, the public are regularly on the
loosing end of the stick with countless examples of failure
of the system to adequately constrain effort or rebuild stocks
appropriately. The Minister is advised that the public have
not enjoyed fishing as good as what it is now since the 1970's
- tell that to those who fish for snapper in the Marlborough
Sounds, flounder and mullet in the Kaipara, gurnard in the
Hauraki Gulf, those who aspire to catching a Broadbill or
tuna, the crayfish divers in CRA2, the Paua fishermen of Marlborough
Areas that
recreational fishers can access are being affected by:
- Marina
developments, marine reserves, marine farming, and restrictions
on access to wharves and private land
- These issues
signal a need for:
- A clearer
definition of the relationship between recreational fishing,
and customary Maori and commercial fishing rights.
- Improved
area-based management of recreational fishing
- Consideration
of ways to ensure recreational fishers can protect their own
interests and rights
- From a broader
fisheries management perspective, all three harvest groups (customary
Maori, recreational and commercial) are missing out on potential
benefits. Because the Minister of Fisheries has some discretion
in setting the commercial and recreational shares, both sectors
lobby the Minister to protect and enhance their share. This can
cause tension and divert attention and resources from working
together to improve fisheries management outcomes. For example,
fishing could be improved by supporting initiatives to rebuild
stocks through improved husbandry, less damaging techniques and
The use of the term share (recreational
share) is used seven times in the Cabinet paper; the term is misleading.
The situation in law is that the Minister shall allow for Maori
customary non-commercial fishing interests and recreational interests.
The Minister must make a deliberate allocation for the recreational
sector - not provide them a share which may simply vary with the
total allowable catch. The distinction is important since the
Ministry believes the recreational catch should be defined as
a proportional share of the total catch so as to minimize the
impact on the commercial fishery. option4.co.nz has continually
stated their opposition to the proportional share approach recommended
by the Ministry.
the SNA1 court case, commercial fishers have wanted to cap recreational
take. A cap on recreational take is fundamental to the Ministries
proposals on Proportional Share that was the basis of the Soundings
Process. While it may be the nature of politics that the Ministry
doesn't say what it means, to us in the public it is perceived
as plain dishonest to leave out all reference to the proposed
cap. If a key issue in this debate is a cap on recreational take
it needs to be clearly stated in this document and not hidden
from Cabinet. If it is not the intent of the "recreational
share" to be a cap, then state that instead.
- There is
also a continued need to improve information on recreational take
in fisheries where recreational take is significant in order to
- Guide
and support sustainability decisions
- Inform
allocative decisions
- Enable
the development of co-operative management regimes
Previous Cabinet Decisions
- The objectives
for this review of the management of recreational fishing are
to [FIN (00) M 20/3 refers]:
- More
clearly specify the relationship between recreational and
commercial fishing rights, and recreational and customary
fishing rights
was formed with the express intent of ensuring that the public
was involved in determining these relationships, as the outcome
of this process will define the publics right to harvest.
There was little or no effort made to address the relationship
between recreational and customary fishing rights. Maori do
a lot of fishing. Much of the fish caught by Maori are caught
whilst fishing under the Amateur Fishing Regulations. Maori
make up a significant part of what is known as "the recreational
sector". There is much work to be done to determine clearly
the relationship between recreational fishing rights and customary
fishing rights.
- Ensure
spatial allocation issues affecting recreational fishing can
be addressed
- Encourage
recreational fishers to take greater responsibility for managing
recreational fishing
- On November
2 1998, Cabinet [CAB (98) M 41/7-11 refers], inter alia:
e) Agreed that the proposals of [...] reform of the management
regime [...] of recreational fisheries be the subject of a public
consultation by way of a standard Ministerial or departmental
consultation document.
- On July 31
2000, Cabinet [FIN (00) M 20/3 refers], inter alia:
a) Agreed that the Minister of Fisheries report back to the Committee
on the outcome of the consultation process, further analysis and
recommended options for change by 31 March 2001.
- The report
back date was subsequently extended to 31 December 2001 [FIN Memo
(01)1 8/5 refers].
Joint Working Group on Recreational Fishing Rights
- Over the
past decade recreational fishers became increasingly concerned
about some aspects of marine recreational fisheries management,
with much of their frustration focusing on access their local
- Recreational
fishers made their concerns known to the previous government.
The Minister of Fisheries came to the conclusion that more clearly
specifying the harvesting and management rights and responsibilities
of recreational fishers could resolve many problems. The government
was already following this course of action for customary and
commercial fishers. It is also a course comparable countries have
followed, including many Australian states.
- At the New
Zealand Recreational Fishing Council (NZRFC) annual conference
in July 1998, the Minister challenged the NZRFC to work collaboratively
with Government to test the public's views about better defining
recreational fishing rights and management responsibilities.
responded positively and accepted this challenge. A joint NZRFC/Ministry
of Fisheries working group (JWG) was formed to develop options
to identify and secure New Zealand recreational fishing rights
and responsibilities.
- Regular meetings
of the JWG were held in late 1998 and early 1999 to develop background
papers for discussion with NZRFC members. Six papers on recreational
fishing rights were discussed during workshop sessions at the
1999 NZRFC annual conference in Auckland. Following the workshop
sessions the JWG continued to meet to develop a draft public discussion
document based on the feedback received. In December 1999 the
JWG met with SeaFIC, Te Ohu Kai Moana, ECO and Royal Forest &
Bird to seek their views on the draft document.
- The JWG prepared
a revised draft public discussion document, based on the feedback
received from the workshops and the meetings with the other sector
groups. As part of the process of obtaining Cabinet approval to
release the discussion document, the draft was circulated to government
departments for comment in May and again in June 2000.
Public Consultation
- I released
the discussion document-Soundings the NZRFC annual conference
in Nelson on 21 July 2000. The consultation strategy included
wide distribution of the discussion document and public meetings
and Hui. About 14,000 copies of Soundings were distributed over
the public consultation period. Thirty-five public meetings were
held throughout the country. In addition a number of clubs organised
meetings of their own and invited speakers from the JWG and option4 Group*. (Please read response comment
at bottom of page) In response to growing public interest,
the deadline for submissions was extended from 30 November to
20 December.
Section 18 is a classic example of how
the Ministry spin doctors play down the importance of the consultation
process and as well misrepresenting the purposes of the formation
of option4.
In short, 18 is a deliberate distortion of the truth.
FACT: The Ministry completely failed to consult properly with
the public - on two occasions notification of the meeting appeared
in print as the meetings were occurring. (South Auckland, West
Auckland) It will be a straightforward exercise demonstrating
the inadequacy of this consultation process.
The truth is that option4 were so concerned by the white wash
of this process that they themselves organised several other Auckland
meetings. Various members of option4 went from Dargaville to Gisborne
to ensure that the public's rights were not swept over, as has
happened three times previously. Firstly, the formation of the
Quota Management System, then the Pearce Report, then the Wheeler
- A total of
62,117 submissions were received. The overwhelming majority of
all submissions received were from recreational fishers (99%).
A significant feature of responses is the form letter distributed
by the option4 Group, which affected a total of 61,178 submissions.
In addition to this, 950 other submissions were received (610
Soundings submission forms and 329 letters from individuals and
organisations). An independent contractor prepared a summary of
the submissions.
Amongst the 329 letters are many Submissions
from organisations and clubs with hundreds and sometimes many
thousands of members endorsing the principles of option4. These
include, for example, the New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council
and Yachting New Zealand. It is also relevant to comment here
that at the AGM of the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council
in 2001 all 4 principles of option4 were adopted.
- In early
August, the JWG sent a letter to iwi inviting tangata whenua to
comment on issues and options raised in Soundings and seeking
their views as to how they wanted to be consulted. By mid February
13 hui had been held. In the South Island hui were held with representatives
from Te Tau Ihu and Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu. In the North Island
11 Hui were held, and a number of other tangata whenua groups
were contacted but they sought no Hui.
- The Joint
Working Group presented me with a summary of submissions and a
report outlining the process undertaken and the Group's interpretation
of the submissions. Their findings are outlined below.
are a group of recreational fishers who formed in response to
the Soundings public discussion process, specifically to oppose
licensing and promote other options within the package.
* option4 was not formed "specifically" to oppose licensing!
Licensing of the peoples right to harvest food for sustenance
was never and never will be a runner. This was simply a red herring,
which eventually backfired on the Ministry with a public outcry.
Options 1,2,3 in the Soundings document are really variations
of the same ill-conceived intent to lock the public of NZ into
an explicit share (proportionalism) and effectively make the public
minor shareholders in their own fishery within the Quota Management
To suggest that option4 was formed to "promote other options
within the package" is not true either.
option4 has a clearly set out package of principals based around
the very reasonable requirement for the public to have a priority
right in their own fishery to harvest, as promised by the last
Labour Government and its Minister of Fisheries, Colin Moyle.
The "The Moyle Promise"...."preference will be
given to non-commercial fishing
..where a species is not
sufficiently abundant to support both non-commercial and commercial
fishing. ""
Furthermore, the footnote implies that those who support option4
do so primarily because they oppose licensing - nothing could
be further from the truth. At the Auckland Boat Show in 2001,
3 months after the Minister had announced licensing was not an
option, more than 3,000 people (over eight percent of those attending
the show) signed letters to the Minister of Fisheries stating
that although the licensing issue is dead the recreational right
issue urgently needs to be addressed. A similar level of support
was subsequently recorded at the Hamilton and Tauranga Boat Shows.
of the Joint Working Group
- The key
lessons and conclusions that the JWG presented to me are as follows:
- There
is widespread support for change. The public wants to improve
the quality of recreational fishing and recognise a need for
better specification of rights, in particular rights to participate
in the management of recreational fishing. Views about the
way forward were diverse, and in some cases contradictory.
While the nature and extent of the necessary change is still
unclear, it is evident that the status quo is unsustainable.
- Recreational
fishers do not support licensing.
- A lot
more work is needed to engage iwi in the debate about better
specification of recreational fishing rights. This has not
proved an easy task and, as a consequence, the JWG still does
not have a full appreciation of iwi views.
- The commercial
sector acknowledges the public right to go recreational fishing.
Some of the customary sector acknowledges this right but others
consider it a privilege. Both sectors do not want the process
of better specification of rights to be done in a manner that
adversely affects their current rights.
- People
are passionate about recreational fishing. The majority just
want to go fishing, and do not wish to participate in the
complexities of fisheries management. One
could say the same about both the commercial and customary
- There
is, in general, a poor understanding about how we manage fisheries
in New Zealand. There is also a poor understanding, and acceptance,
of the nature of customary fishing rights.
The statement 'Views about the way
forward were diverse, and in some case contradictory.' is
misleading. The Ministry has promoted this view to explain
their poor performance in promoting a future management policy
for recreational fishing during the 'Soundings' round of consultations.
The fact is that more than 98.5% of the more than 60,000 submissions
on Soundings supported the four principles of Option4.co.nz.
Subsequently the other two major recreational fishing organizations
(NZRFC and NZBGFC) approved the four principles as their position.
Yet the Ministry refuses to acknowledge that New Zealand recreational
fishers whole-heartedly support an option which was not proposed
by the Ministry.
This paragraph's comment on a diverse and contradictory recreational
viewpoint is in contrast with paragraph 27 of the Cabinet
paper where the Minister acknowledged that there is widespread
support by recreational fishers to the Marine Recreational
Fishing Policy released by Minister of Fisheries Colin Moyle.
- The recommendations
of the JWG were as follows:
- Support
the further development of policy to:
- Better
define the public share of and access to fisheries, and,
- Improve
the management of recreational fishing (note, there is widespread
support for statutorily mandated national and regional representative
bodies, which are government funded).
- Agree
that further policy development does not include any form
of licensing of marine recreational fishers.
- Note
that any future public policy debate on the recreational share,
access and management would benefit from a broad scale education
and information programme on NZ fisheries management.
- Support
exploring ways to improve the measurement of the recreational
- Support
the need to improve the input and participation of Iwi in
the further development of the recreational rights policy
There is widespread recreational
fisher support for a better defined allocation and access
to the fishery. However there is no evidence for 'widespread
support' for mandated representative bodies. Given that the
Ministry did not keep minutes of the public meetings on 'Soundings',
and that 98.5% of the submissions supported the Option4.co.nz
principles which do not canvass the issue of representation,
we challenge the Ministry to substantiate their comment. We
believe it is a serious breach of Public Service practice
that Cabinet has been provided with advice which has no basis
in fact.
The Ministerial Consultative Group
- As a consequence
of these broad findings I sought to continue the process of consultation
with the recreational sector by establishing a Ministerial Consultative
Group (MCG). This Group was composed of representatives from the
NZRFC, Option4 and other major recreational groups who submitted
to the Soundings process. This group acted as my sounding board
for policy proposals as officials developed them.
Although the MCG comprised of representatives
from NZRFC, Option4 and other major recreational groups, the paragraph
is misleading in suggesting that the Minister's group represented
the mandate from those groups. Although option4.co.nz and others
sought to develop a joint terms of reference for the MCG, the
Ministry decided that they would unilaterally determine the terms.
One of their terms was that the Chatham House Rule applies. In
other words the MCG members were not to represent their organization's
interest but were to act as individuals. It is therefore incorrect
to imply the group had the mandate and could speak for its member
- The MCG met
five times in total and received a large amount of information
from the Ministry of Fisheries. This included a detailed policy
package developed by the Ministry of Fisheries drawing on the
contents of the Soundings document and the findings of the JWG.
The paper's comments on the consultation
misses the point that although detailed submissions were provided
by the MCG members on the Ministry's papers and repeated requests
for discussion on the issue, the Ministry has refused to discuss
the content of the MCG members submissions or seek to accommodate
their views.
- The MCG concluded
that the process of further defining rights and management responsibilities
would require more time to reach consensus. This would allow the
recreational sector to achieve a greater level of understanding
of the problems they currently face and to allow a full assessment
of the risks involved in any proposed changes.
Paragraph 26 makes a significant error
in not commenting on the major conclusion of the MCG process -
that the recreational right needs to be defined, we are at a loss
to see how the Ministry could have omitted this point in advising
of recreational fishing management
- The Hon.
Colin Moyle, Minster of Fisheries, released the National Policy
Statement on Marine Recreational Fisheries Management in 1989
and this included the objectives of recreational fisheries management.
The Ministerial Consultative Group and I agreed these objectives
provide a sound basis for continuing discussions on identifying
an agreed reform proposal. There was also recognition of the need
for more comprehensive information on the nature of recreational
- Objectives
of marine recreational fishing management can be derived from
the policy statement on marine recreational fishing made in 1989
by the then Minister of Fisheries, the Hon Colin Moyle. Since
that time major changes have occurred to the fisheries management
environment including the Fisheries Act 1996, the Deed of Settlement
Act and the shift in focus from centralised planning to locally
based planning through new mechanisms such as Fisheries Plans
which entail a much greater role for stakeholders. It is useful
to restate the aim and objectives of the policy statement in light
of the new constraints imposed, and opportunities presented, by
the new environment.
- The aim of
fisheries management is: "To enable the fishery resources
of New Zealand to be utilised in a manner that maximizes the benefits
to the social, economic and cultural well being of New Zealanders
while ensuring sustainability."
- "The
National Objectives for marine recreational fishing are:
- Access
to a reasonable share of inshore fishery resources equitably
distributed between recreational fishers
- Improve,
where practical, the quality of recreational fishing·
- To increase
public awareness and knowledge of the marine environment and
the need for conservation of fishery resources
- Improve
management of recreational fisheries
- To reduce
conflict within and among fishery user groups
- To maintain
current tourist fisheries and encourage the development of
new operations where appropriate
- To prevent
depletion of resources in areas where local communities are
dependent on the sea as a source of food
- Provide
more opportunities for recreational fishers to participate
in the management of fisheries"
- Preference
will be given to non-commercial fishing in areas readily accessible
to and popular with the public, where a species is not sufficiently
abundant to support both non-commercial and commercial fishing.
This is
the fundamental principle which was omitted from the Cabinet
Paper. This principle is an essential part of the agreement
between the parties involved in the MCG. Without this principle
option4 could not commit to continuing to participate in the
consultation process. This principle supports option4's submission
of a priority right for the recreational fisher.
- The National
Objectives provide the framework for recreational management.
However, the method of implementation needs to be developed within
the current environment
next phase of reform
- The consultation
process undertaken thus far concludes the first phase of reform.
The process considered a wide range of possible policy options.
These options included licensing and devolution of management
responsibilities. Some of these options, particularly any form
of licensing, are now confirmed as inappropriate in the New Zealand
environment at this time
- New groups
representing the recreational sector have emerged as a direct
result of the consultation process. This has improved the extent
of representation available to the sector. The good relationship
that has been developed with the JWG through the Soundings consultation
process does not however exist with these new groups to the same
- It is now
possible to build on the progress made and develop a specific
proposal for reform within this new environment. This second phase
of reform will require a focus on building a consensus around
a specific proposal. There is a need to continue to work closely
with the recreational sector and build on the improving relationship
with the Government.
- The development
of a reform proposal will require further work, recognising both
the national objectives and the constraints imposed by the wider
fisheries management environment. It is proposed that after a
period of further consultation I report back to the Committee
with a specific proposal in the form of a consultation document
no later than 1 February 2003. Public consultation will then be
sought and the results of that process will be reported to this
Committee no later than 1 June 2003.
reality is that 98.5% of submissions to the Soundings process
supported the principles of option4. It would seem appropriate
that this new reform proposal is based on these very principles.
This could eliminate the need for extending the next consultation
round due to the limited time frame allocated for this process.
- The development
of a final policy package for reform will be constrained by a
requirement to:
- Avoid
the under-mining of the fisheries Deed of Settlement Recognise
the legitimate rights of other fisheries stakeholders including
the commercial and customary sectors
- Operate
within the fiscal constraints imposed by the Crown and the
rules surrounding expenditure of public funds
- Recognise
the explicit consideration given to sustainability of fishstocks
and the
- Environmental
principles of the Fisheries Act 1996
- Be consistent
with any outcomes of the Oceans Policy process and with the
biodiversity strategy
- This public
consultation will carry a fiscal cost which would be met within
existing baselines. Initial estimates of these costs are $125,000.
on recreational harvest
- The achievement
of the above goals and the future management of recreational fisheries
will rely to a large extent on the quality of information available
on the nature and extent of recreational harvest. This will be
true irrespective of the final outcome of the current review of
recreational fisheries management. All participants in the consultation
process recognised this and they also recognised that there are
some gaps in the information currently collected.
final outcome of the current review process will have a huge impact
on the future management of recreational fisheries. Compliance
by recreational fishers is more likely to be achieved if they
agree with the measures being taken to improve the fishery and
sustain it for future generations.
- Therefore
there is a clear need in the short term to address the issue of
information regarding the recreational harvest. I have instructed
the Ministry of Fisheries to address these issues within the current
Fisheries Act 1996 framework.
- The Ministry
will develop an information strategy that addresses the information
demands of sustainability, the integrity of the harvest rights
of stakeholders and other management requirements. This strategy
will incorporate at least the following two areas where a need
for improved information has been identified:
- The nature
and extent of the harvest from charter vessels
- The frequency,
consistency and accuracy of the recreational harvest surveys
- These initiatives
will carry a fiscal cost that the Ministry will meet within existing
baselines. Indicative costs of potential elements of the strategy
the frequency of the four yearly recreational harvest survey
($1,000,000 per survey) |
reporting from charter boat operators |
Total |
$500,000 pa
These policy
proposals were put to the MCG in July. The feedback requested
and delivered was thorough and well founded. There has been no
response to that feedback, much of which disagreed with the value
and purposes of the above decisions. This process of consultation
leaves a lot to be desired as far as MCG participants are concerned.
There is little point in working on feedback if it is not only
going to be ignored but also goes unacknowledged and debated.
To learn of outcomes of consultation process such as MCG in "fait
accompli" manner such as this element of the Cabinet Paper
and Minute of Cabinet decisions is not acceptable. If readers
of this response would like to know what the considered advise
of the MCG participants is they will have to ask the Ministry
to lift the confidentiality of the MCG process - a process unlikely
to get much support from the Recreational Sector in the future.
Not the intent of the Minister, we are sure.
- This paper
has been prepared in consultation with the Ministry for the Environment,
The Department of Conservation, Te Puni Kokiri and the Treasury.
- The fiscal
costs arising from the recommendations in this paper amount to
$625,000 in 2002/3 and $500,000 in the out years. These costs
will be met from within existing baselines.
- The recommendations
in this paper are consistent with customary fishing rights and
the fisheries Deed of Settlement
- I intend
to make an announcement on the progress that has been made with
the reforms and the recommended path forward following cabinet
Impact Statement and Business Compliance Cost Statement
- There are
no regulatory impacts or business compliance costs associated
with the recommendations in this paper.
- It is recommended
that the Committee:
a) note that the first round of public consultation has
been completed and the need for further work has been identified
b) note all parties to the discussion following the public
consultation agree the following objectives of recreational fisheries
management provide a basis for continuing the discussions:
- Access
to a reasonable share of inshore fishery resources equitably
distributed between recreational fishers
- Improve,
where practical, the quality of recreational fishing
- To increase
public awareness and knowledge of the marine environment and
the need for conservation of fishery resources
- Improve
management of recreational fisheries
To reduce conflict within and among fishery user groups
- To maintain
current tourist fisheries and encourage the development of
- new operations
where appropriate
- To prevent
depletion of resources in areas where local communities are
dependent on the sea as a source of food
- Provide
more opportunities for recreational fishers to participate
in the management of fisheries
(c) note
that I have requested that the Ministry of Fisheries work
closely with the recreational sector to develop a specific
proposal for reform to enable implementation of the objectives
outlined in (b)) above within the constraints of the current
fisheries management environment which are:
- Avoid
the undermining of the fisheries Deed of Settlement
- Recognise
the legitimate rights of other fisheries stakeholders including
the commercial and customary sectors
- Operate
within the fiscal constraints imposed by the Crown and the
rules surrounding expenditure of public funds
- Recognise
the explicit consideration given to sustainability of fishstocks
and the environmental principles of the Fisheries Act 1996
- Be consistent
with any outcomes of the Oceans Policy process and with the
biodiversity strategy
d) agree
that the Ministry of Fisheries develop and implement an information
strategy to improve the nature and extent of information on
the recreational harvest
e) agree
that the Minister of Fisheries report back to the Committee
on the outcome of further analysis and a recommended option
for public consultation no later than 1 February 2003
f) agree
that the Minister of Fisheries report back to the Committee
with the outcome of public consultation no later than 1 June
Hon Pete Hodgson
Minister of Fisheries