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Letter to Minister Oct 2000

Letter to Minister of Fisheries


21 October 2000

Paul Barnes


The Honourable Pete Hodgson
Minister of Fisheries
Parliament Building

Dear Minister,
You will now be aware of option4.co.nz, a group of recreational fishing advocates who have formed a task force to respond to the Ministry of Fisheries invitation to participate in the process of redefining the nature and extent of the right of the public to fish and gather seafood in New Zealand.

You have asked the New Zealand public to respond to the proposals outlined in the Soundings document. Thank you for the opportunity that has been provided to us as members of the New Zealand public to have our say and to be involved in shaping the future of marine recreational fishing for ourselves, our children and our children's children.

As you can see in the enclosed document we are having our say, and have established a very strong set of guiding principles, which we believe should underpin the future management of marine recreational fishing. At this time we have more than 50,000 submissions in support of these principles.

option4.co.nz, as the holder of this taonga, believe we have a responsibility to ensure that the views of each of these individuals are heard and responded to at every stage of the process.

Although page 34 of the Soundings document gives some idea of what will happen to our responses eventually, we would be grateful if you could advise us what specifically the process will be after the 30th of November. In other words Minister, we will have had our say but then what happens?

We strongly believe that the process should include the following elements:

  1. The review process related to the receipt and consideration of submissions should be transparent and participative.
  2. Each submission, whether by groups or individuals, is considered on its own merits.
  3. When representation is made that recognition be given to the number of signatures supporting a submission.
  4. That Government and MFish recognise and accept that no one group can fully represent the wide-ranging and diverse views of the New Zealand public about marine recreational fishing.
  5. That the Public of New Zealand will have an equal standing with the Minister and his Ministry in determining what the final policy will be.

option4.co.nz requests the opportunity to meet with the Minister as soon as is possible to discuss further the details of the process by which the New Zealand public can participate in this process of analysis and reporting to Cabinet.

option4.co.nz. believes that as a key stakeholder it would be involved in more targeted consultation and analysis in partnership with other stakeholders groups and the Ministry as the review process and policy is formulated.

We thank you for your consideration and look forward to your reply. Whilst your time is limited we believe that a meeting with you would be beneficial to both parties and accordingly offer you an open invitation to meet with us when next you visit the Auckland region.

Yours sincerely

Paul Barnes
Project Manager



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