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NZACA Letter

Letter to Editor of NZ Fishing News

by New Zealand Angling & Casting Association

September 2003

The executive committee of the NZ Angling and Casting Association had their bi-monthly meeting last month in Auckland, and, as a result of discussions held, have asked me to write to you.

Naturally this association is deeply concerned about the happenings on the wider recreational front, especially those which affect the rights and access of recreational fishers in pursuit of their enjoyment and their ability to put a feed on the table. However, this association is ever mindful of the needs on conservation and the protection of the fisheries for the next generation. Achieving a balance between these two objectives is one which needs careful management and sensible decision making without the influences of any particular group pushing their own views which are not based on proven and sensible facts and criteria.

While this association is doing what it can to play its part, and while we are giving every support and encouragement to our member clubs and individuals to become involved, we are aware we possibly should be doing more. As opportunity arises, we will certainly continue to add our bit and make our input where and when possible.

However, we are certainly aware of the efforts of others in this regard, and the executive wish to take this opportunity to congratulate the option4 group for all they are doing and to let them know they have the support of this national organisation for their efforts. In many instances they are doing what this association should be doing more of, if we had the time and resources.

Their website, the published articles, communication with those who matter, keeping the general public informed, and now the closer ties with other national bodies, are all worthy of acknowledgement and encouragement. We will continue to recommend to our membership that they keep abreast of what option4 is doing for them to give their support in whatever way they think best.

So please keep up the good work and know that the backing and support (little though it may be) of this national association is behind these efforts.

Graeme Dawber

National Secretary




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