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Letter to NZFN Editor

option4 response to NZACA letter

by Trish Rea

9 September 2003


Dear Graeme

option4 would like to thank you and your executive committee for the public support expressed in the September edition of NZ Fishing News.

It is heartening to have those representing the fishing public standing together to fight off the multitude of threats to our enjoyment and right to fish. Despite what the Minister of Fisheries said at our first meeting, “ an organised  recreational fishing lobby is an oxymoron” we have collectively proven we can work together to achieve our goals.

The main thrust for option4 is information, via the website, NZ Fishing News or any other publication. The more informed people are, the more likely they are to support your initiatives when it comes to representing your members. The most effective way NZACA can assist is to encourage your membership to go online and subscribe to the option4 updates at www.option4.co.nz. option4 do not have members so there is no competition surrounding which organisation represents their interests.

We acknowledge the enormous effort made by many people throughout the country to maintain and improve the rights of the public who fish. Donations and the generous contribution of a few individuals empower option4 to continue the work we do. Without these people option4 would not have achieved what we have to date and what we plan to do in the future.

option4 look forward to a closer working relationship with the NZACA.

Yours sincerely


Trish Rea

09 8186205

0274 175121



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