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Statement of Intent 2006-2011

Statement of Intent MFish

Ministry of Fisheries



Every year the Ministry of Fisheries issue a Statement of Intent (SOI) setting out the strategic direction of MFish, its priorities for the next three years and an output plan. Consultation is carried out at a national level with stakeholder groups. Another process is due to occur in 2007. The following documents are part of the 2006 process and include the Ministry’s output plan for 2006-2011.

option4 has many concerns about the content of the SOI, not the least of which is the choice of language used in the document. It is difficult to understand, not written for public consumption it seems. To assist in the public’s understanding, option4 provided a Glossary of Terms with its submission.

While the SOI may not seem to have much relevance to how our inshore shared fisheries are managed, it is an important component of policy advice. Fisheries management and other decisions are based on the assertions made in the SOI, hence the need to spell out the truth on some of the more relevant sections within the document. 

There is no meaningful reference to rebuilding depleted fisheries in the document and statutory obligations have been brushed aside.

Original submission deadline for comments on the 2006 – 2011 SOI was the 28th February 2006. option4 sent its submission to the Ministry’s CEO, John Glaister, on June 7th.

Clarification Sought

option4 has asked a number of questions and has sought clarification on points that were not clear in the SOI. We will update this section on receipt of the Ministry’s answers.

Update - as of August 11th we have not received clarification or any explanation from John Glaister or the Ministry to the questions asked in the submission sent in June. We will keep you informed of progress.


Statement of Intent


The Ministry's CEO writes to option4 to advise the submission period has closed. MFish will consider the submission next year.

7 Jul 06


The New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council fully endorse the option4 submission and look forward to the answers to the questions in the submission.

10 Jun 06

This Bay Chronicle article captures the essence of the option4 submission to the MFish Statement of Intent.

19 Jun 06

The Ministry's latest Statement of Intent needed challenging. option4 submitted that MFish do not have any intent to meaningfully engage with representative organisations and the public.

7 Jun 06

Glossary of Terms

A list of terms used throughout the option4 submission and explanations for those terms.

Ministry of Fisheries
MFish begin the consultation process on the fisheries services proposed for 2006/7. The Statement of Intent for 2006-11 would be based on this consultation process. Letter of advice from MFish.

31 Jan 06

The Ministry's Statement of Intent sets out MFish's strategic direction, its priorities for the next three years and the output plan for 2006-11.

(PDF 1.3Kb)


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