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Dolphin Management

Dolphin Threat Managment Plan Proposals

A Selection of News

2007 - 2008


Process - 2010
Introduction to 2007 process
Process following decisions
Ministers' 2008 decisions
Public awareness
Proposal documents

Introduction - 2007

A nationwide set net ban proposal has fishermen up in arms.

The total ban was one of three proposals included in the August 2007 document released by the Department of Conservation (DoC) and Ministry of Fisheries (MFish): Hector’s and Maui’s Dolphin Threat Management Plan.

The August document and consultation round was preceded by an earlier proccess conducted by DoC and MFish to discuss the Hector’s Dolphin Threat Management Discussion Document, dated April 2007.

Taonga (treasures) of the sea

Without exception fishermen have been expressing their concern for the survival of both Hectors and Maui dolphins. And not since the Shared Fisheries debate earlier in the year have we witnessed such unified calls for commonsense action from the authorities, based on assessing the real threats facing these taonga (treasures) of the sea.

Maui dolphins are found on the North Island’s west coast and Hector’s dolphins around the east, west and southern coasts of the South Island.

South Island fishers have been struggling to convince authorities that Hector dolphin numbers have been increasing, not decreasing as some of the ‘science’ has alleged. There is a marked reluctance to accept anecdotal evidence of this.

Northern fishers have maintained that the most serious threat to the ongoing viability of Maui dolphin would be to ignore the real issues and introduce measures that will do little or nothing to protect them from further decline. The actual cause of mortality needs to be properly determined and addressed.

Why are we even discussing imposing fishing restrictions when the real cause of dolphin mortality has not been identified?

Submissions - closed

Submissions were due by 24th October 2007.

Contact for further information is:

TMP Submissions

PO Box 11-146

Wellington 6011



The following documents form part of the record of this process. The most recent documents are at the top of each section.


Dolphin Threat Management Plan

Process - 2010
Due to resource constraints option4 did not submit in response to this 2010 process. Any decision or related material will be posted here in due course.
MFish letter advising of the reconsideration of measures to manage fishing-related threats to Maui and Hector's dolphins off the North Island West Coast and northeastern coast of the South Island. Submissions due by 12 October.

31 Aug 10


MFish Initial Position Paper (IPP) detailing the various management options that could apply to Maui and Hector's dolphins off the North Island West Coast (NIWC) and northeastern coast of the South Island. Four options are offered for the NIWC and three for the northern end of ECSI.

31 Aug 10


Process post-decision
Jim Anderton, Minister of Fisheries, said the Government would strongly defend the fishing industy's suit filed in response to his earlier decisions to introduce a package of regional measures to ban or restrict set netting and trawling.

12 Sep 08


Interim relief from new fishing restrictions to protect the livelihoods of fishermen whose businesses will otherwise be destroyed has been sought in the High Court. Action has been taken by four commercial fishing entities.

12 Sep 08


Ministers' 2008 decisions
Jim Anderton, Minister of Fisheries, decides on management measures to try and protect Hectors and Maui dolphins. All areas are affected with the most impact on South Island commercial and non-commercial fishers.

29 May 08


The Minister of Conservation announces the same measures aimed at protecting dolphins. In addition to the fisheries management controls there will be four new marine mammal sanctuaries created around New Zealand.

29 May 08


Maps showing the various set net and trawling closures around the North and South Islands are available on the MFish website.........

29 May 08

More Info...

A brief submission from option4 to MFish regarding the latest consultation round. option4 object to the ad-hoc process and reiterate concerns expressed in the substantive submission made in October 2007.

24 Apr 08


Southland fishers submit there is almost nil threat to Hector's dolphin numbers on the east, south and west coasts of the South Island and that dolphin numbers are increasing.

12 Apr 08

More Info...

Letter to Minister of Fisheries

An impassioned plea to the Minister of Fisheries to make dolphin management decisions based on sound, credible and correct data and not on questionable science and emotions.

8 Apr 08

More Info...

The Wellington Recreational Marine Fishers Assn are concerned that the decisions or lack of them by officials will ultimately be responsible for the extinction or recovery of Maui dolphin.

24 Oct 07


option4 supports the status quo as being a valid option for the ongoing management within the Manukau Harbour with more enforcement and increased on-the-water surveillance.

24 Oct 07


A very thorough submission from the Akaroa Harbour Recreational Fishing Club including detailed information on Hector’s dolphin management on the South Island’s east coast. A useful reference document.

23 Oct 07


Satellite image of Banks Peninsula depicting the ‘cloudy’ water areas referred to in the Akaroa Harbour RFC’s submission as Page 16A.

23 Oct 07


More Info...

B & J Mills are strongly against the proposal to move the present set net ban line further into the Manukau Harbour…......

23 Oct 07


Bob Meikle’s submission on the Threat Management Plan reflects his 70 years practical experience of fishing and enjoying the South Island’s east coast environment…........

23 Oct 07


The Titirangi RSA gets in behind local fishers, some with 50-60 years of fishing experience, and supports calls to local Councils to address pollution in the Manukau Harbour.

23 Oct 07


Alan Key and Nelson Cross of Balclutha submit that any changes in fishing methodology and availability will have major implications, socially, economically and culturally.

18 Oct 07


Public Awareness

Media release

The Ministers of Fisheries and Conservation announce a new consultation round based on new information from NIWA and sightings of Maui Dolphin.

19 Mar 08



Meeting report

Report of a meeting held with MFish to discuss the Hector’s and Maui Dolphin Threat Management Plan.

15 Oct 07


Media release

Ngapuhi opposes flawed dolphin plan - Media release from Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi.

12 Oct 07


Media release

Ngati Whatua iwi has serious concerns over the way lobby groups were driving government enviroment policy and ignoring the effects on iwi.

11 Oct 07


Media release

Peter Jackson and Pam Goddard were amongst 50-odd people hot under the gills about the government's set net ban proposals who met at the Laingholm Village Hall last night..............

10 Oct 07


Dolphin meeting with John Tamihere - 9th October

An invitation to a public meeting to be held on 9th October at the Laingholm Hall, Laingholm, to discuss the Dolphin Threat Management Plan draft proposals from DoC and MFish.

9 Oct 07

More Info...

Media release

Marlborough recreational fishers consider a total set netting ban to save the Hector’s dolphins to be unjustified and impractical.

9 Oct 07


MFish 'open days'

A schedule of 'open days' to discuss the Dolphin Threat Management Plan proposals organised by the Ministry of Fisheries and Department of Conservation.

Oct 2007

Set netting debate rolls on

option4 Update #91 broadens the discussion on the proposals to manage dolphins and fishing methods that are considered a threat to the ongoing survival of the dolphin population.....

Oct 2007

More Info...

Nothing is broken, Nothing needs fixing!

Unambiguous statement from the Counties Sport Fishing Club in response to the April 2007 Hector’s Dolphin Threat Management Discussion Document from MFish and DoC.

12 Jun 07


Meeting report

A brief report of the meeting held at Titirangi RSA to discuss the joint DoC and MFish Hector's Dolphin Threat Management Discussion document.

29 May 07


Ministers' letter to Regional Councils

The Ministers of Conservation and Fisheries assures the regional councillors that conservation of dolphins is a high priority and that the current set net ban on the northwestern coast corresponds with the known Maui range.

Apr-May 07


Proposal documents
MFish letter requesting comments on the new information released by MFish and DoC. Additional NIWA and sightings information included in this letter. Submissions due by 20th April.

4 Apr 08


Download the full documentation or section-by-section from the
Ministry of Fisheries' website. Please follow the link.........

Oct 2007

More Info...

A four-page summary of the Draft Threat Management Plan proposals from the Ministry of Fisheries.

5 Sep 07




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