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Southland Dolphins

Letter to Minister of Fisheries

By Nelson Cross and Alan Key

8 April 2008

April 8, 2008

Minister of Fisheries
Hon. Jim Anderton

Re: Resubmission to Hector’s Dolphin Threat Management Plan


On Tuesday, April 1, 2008 in the public notices section of the Southland Times a notice regarding new information on the above was notified. This notice stated that due to new information further submissions were invited from interested parties.

It was stated that this information would be available from a Tracy Steel of MFish at a Wellington phone number (04) 819 4585.

It was also stated that any submissions should be received by April 20, 2008. On ringing this phone number to access the “new” information, a recorded message stated that Ms Steel was on annual leave and was unavailable.

On Thursday, March 20, the government stated in a press release that the decision on Hector’s and Maui dolphins was to be delayed for six weeks. Given the Easter break and the Anzac day/weekend this only leaves seven working days to receive/analyse and deliberate on submissions received up to April 20. Can you, minister, make an informed decision on the above within this timeframe?

Given all this and considering the legal definition of consultation re Wellington Airport v Air NZ we can only confess to disappointment and no little confusion as to how this “extra” exercise can be proceeded with credible and intelligent submissions.

As has been stated:

  • The “new” information is not available
  • Submission/consultation time is far too short.
  • Consultation does not meet acceptable standards re Wellington Airport v Air NZ.
  • Relevant research from Te Wae Wae Bay is not yet available to assist you in your decision due to unacceptable delay in the document regarding peer review, even though DoC, in the original Hector’s dolphin plan, stated that this would, in fact, be available to you (page 142, para. 4).

This whole process seems to have been driven by emotion rather than fact.

As recreational fishers we are as anxious to protect threatened species as anyone. But the threat must be based on sound, credible and correct data, not the questionable science and emotive posturing that has so far been presented by some groups.

We are also disappointed that we have been asked for submissions without being privy to all the information available. To simply say that it’s not ready (DoC Te Wae Wae Bay research) is not good enough. While we accept that research should be and is ongoing, current research should be available to all and not, as we suspect, deliberately withheld by DoC because it is against present postulation regarding threats, numbers etc.

We cannot emphasise enough the need for honesty. Sound, robust documentation and credible research is unchallengeable through the courts or otherwise.

If you wish to contact us we would be only too pleased to discuss these or any other issues with you and we can be contacted at:-

Alan Key

Nelson Cross

Concerned recreational fishers

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