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Coromandel Closure

Coromandel Shellfish Closure



In October 2004 the Ministry of Fisheries advised that the Hauraki Maori Trust Board had requested an extension to the prohibition made under section 186A of the Fisheries Act 1996 to the harvesting of cockles and pipi between Ngarimu and Wilson's Bays, Coromandel Peninsula for a further period of two years.

Before determining whether to extend the notice MFish had to consult with people who the Minister considered representative and having an interest in the species or area concerned.

The Ministry of Fisheries advised the deadline for receiving submissions was 22 November 2004. option4 requested and was granted an extension to 3 December. Our submission was sent on 3 December 2004.

option4 welcomed the opportunity to participate in the process and support the Hauraki Maori Trust Board's application. We also acknowledged the obvious need to extend this closure without making local communities "jump through the hoops" of this type of process. If successful, this would be the third closure and the beds have not been fished legally for the past four years. It is clear that the problem is environmental.



To achieve a good level of understanding of complex fisheries management scenarios we believe it is important to read the information in chronological order so you can follow the process.

The various documents have been broken up, reorganised or supplied in pdfs. This facilitates downloading as intact some of these documents are big and unwieldy.


Please note: These documents are presented from the most recent at the top of the list, older docs below.


Minister's Announcement

The Minister of Fisheries annoucement that the closure to the harvesting of cockles and pipi in the western Coromandel would contine.

21 Dec 04

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option4 Submission

option4 support the continued closure for a further two years, continuing the rahui and recognise the importance of these sustenance species.

3 Dec 04


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Ministry Confirmation

MFish confirm they will accept our submission and any other late submission up to 3 December 2004.

25 Nov 04

option4 Request

option4 request an extension to the submission deadline of 22 November. We felt it was important to make a submission due to the importance of these species to sustenance fishers.

25 Nov 04

MFish Advice

The Ministry of Fisheries advise they are consulting on the proposal to extend the closure from Ngarimu to Wilson's Bays on the Coromandel Peninsula.

27 Oct 04

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Reference Material
Section 186 of the Fisheries Act 1996 - regulations relating to customary fishing.

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Section 186A of the Fisheries Act 1996 - temporary closure of fishing area or restriction on fishing methods.
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Section 186B of the Fisheries Act 1996 - temporary closure of fisheries.
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