Protected Areas
Classification and Protection Standard
June 2007
This notice was
originally distributed by email on 21st June 2007.
Kia ora
DoC and MFish have now released their draft MPA protection standard
and classification system document. These agencies are asking for
submissions on this document.
Submission deadline is 31st
August 2007.
The document is available on the DoC website here
At the
end of May DoC were advised that a 60-day public consultation process
was not adequate for non-commercial fishing interests and the public
at large to consider, analyse, prepare preliminary view, discuss
and take aboard input prior to preparing a draft submission.
And that it would be a shame if the public consultation process
were to be initiated by DoC and MFish officials who know full well
that eight weeks is inadequate.
If robust outcomes are the objective of the exercise, the process
must ensure that the public are offered every opportunity to be
familiar with and informed about what is at stake. Tangata whenua
have strong kaitiakitanga obligations. The Crown has powerful statutory
obligations to tangata whenua having a non-commercial interest in
the effects of fishing on both species and areas. The public at
large need to be well informed and engaged in the process to determine
the future of their marine environment.
option4 recommended a four month public consultation process to
ensure decent outcomes as a thorough analysis of all statutory obligations
and empowering legislation would be required in the context of whatever
policy options/proposals are presented. This is viewed as the starting
As you will note DoC and MFish have chosen to proceed with a ten
week consultation period. Copied below is the commentary from the
DoC webpage.
This will be a major topic of discussion at the next Hokianga Accord
hui on August 16th and 17th. You are more than welcome to come to
this hui and participate in the discussions. Let me know if you
are keen. Venue is still to be confirmed, however it will be in
Trish Rea
option4 spokesperson
0274 175121
From the Department of Conservation website
What the Protection Standard and Classification System will do
The Protection
Standard and Classification System will help guide the establishment
of a network of MPAs by letting us know what we have and where,
and what kind of management is needed for it to meet the Standard
and remain a viable part of the network.
The Classification System has been developed to provide a nationally
consistent approach to classifying and describing marine habitats
and ecosystems.
The Protection Standard sets out the outcome we want to achieve
for every MPA site in New Zealand – that is, we want to have
the appropriate management tool(s) in place so that an MPA’s
biological diversity is maintained or recovers to a healthy functioning
state at the habitat and ecosystem level.
The Protection Standard will be used in conjunction with the Classification
system to help determine whether existing management tools already
operating around New Zealand offer sufficient protection for sites
to become MPAs and will guide identification of the range of marine
habitats and ecosystems the need to be included in our MPA network.
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