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Akaroa Harbour

Akaroa Harbour Marine Reserve Debate

1996 — 2010


Minister's decision - 2010

On 20 August 2010 the Conservation Minister, Kate Wilkinson, declined the Akaroa marine reserve proposal. Read the Minister's media statement here...


Dan Rogers Marine Reserve

In January 1996 the Akaroa Harbour Marine Protection Society (Inc) lodged an application for a marine reserve to be created over an area at the eastern entrance of Akaroa Harbour known as Dan Rogers. One of the main planks for the creation of a marine reserve was that up to that date there

Some locals decided they would select an area that was more representative of the small indented bays that are typical of Banks Peninsula to be put forward in an application under the Marine Reserves Act for marine reserve status as an 'alternative' to the Dan Rogers application. The recreational fishers had the support of the local commercial fishers and the Maori community on this, in respect of Flea Bay situated about 4km east of Akaroa Harbour entrance.

Pohatu Marine Reserve

Following the normal submission process and the required approval of the two Ministers the then Minister of Conservation, Hon Nick Smith, approved the Flea Bay application and Pohatu Marine Reserve was gazetted in July 1999. No determination was made in respect of the Dan Rogers application and, indeed, has not been determined as yet.


The Maori community eventually lodged an application for the whole of Akaroa Harbour to be declared a Taiapure. The Taiapure application has been subject to the required Maori Land Court hearing and the final report of that Court has been given. The Taiapure was gazetted on the 31st March 2006.

The Minister of Conservation, Chris Carter, has now decided that the Dan Rogers marine reserve application should be continued. Submissions in support or objections to the 1996 application are being sought.

Submission deadline:  CLOSED

If you have any information relating to this proposal please email us at akaroa@option4.co.nz


Akaroa Harbour Recreational Fishing Club oppose the Dan Rogers application and are delighted about the Taiapure.

17 Jun 06

The Minister of Fisheries office acknowledges receipt of the option4 submission on the Akaroa reserve.

17 Jul 06

(PDF 145Kbs)

option4 object to the Dan Rogers marine reserve and support the local community's initiative in the Pohatu marine reserve and Akaroa Harbour Taiapure.

13 Jun 06

Ngai Tahu oppose the Dan Rogers reserve because the approach is flawed and does not actively protect customary rights.

13 Jun 06

Wairewa Runanga strenuously objects to the establishment of a marine reserve in Dan Rogers. Irrefutable evidence Dan Rogers should be included in the Taiapure.

13 Jun 06

Te Runanga o Koukourarata object on a number of valid grounds to the application for a marine reserve at Dan Rogers, Akaroa Harbour.

12 Jun 06

(PDF 90Kbs)

Onuku Runanga object to the Dan Rogers application under section 5 of the Marine Reserves Act. They make some great points in their submission.

7 Jun 06

Tangata whenua and community representatives met with the Minister and Associate Minister of Conservation to discuss the Dan Rogers marine reserve application and the Akaroa Harbour Taiapure.
1 Jun 06
Ngai Tahu write to the Minister of Conservation and confirm their vehement opposition to the Dan Rogers marine reserve application. Chris Carter was also given a copy of the legal opinion Ngai Tahu had on the matter.
26 May 06

Letter from Akaroa Fishing Club

A letter from the Akaroa Harbour Recreational Fishing Club explaining the main points and asking for submissions.

22 May 06

What Can You Do?

Download the submission form from the Akaroa Harbour Recreational Fishing Club. Fill out the details and send to DoC and the AHRFC via option4 by the 13th June 2006...............................................(PDF 20Kb)

May 2006

Dept of Conservation information on the marine reserve application for the Dan Rogers marine reserve in Akaroa harbour.

May 2006

Map of the 'Dan Rogers' area included in the marine reserve application by the Akaroa Harbour Marine Protection Society.................(PDF 280KB)

May 2006

Jim Anderton's announcement of the Akaroa Harbour Taiapure. Eight years after the first application and sixteen since talks began.

31 Mar 06

The Maori Land Court decision and what it means for the Akaroa Harbour Taiapure and marine reserve. A mixed response...

20 Jul 05

The full background on the situation facing Akaroa Harbour locals and the hurdles they have had to overcome to protect their interests.

May 2005

Forest and Bird support a taiapure over part but not all of Akaroa Harbour. They want the Dan Rogers and Pohatu marine reserves in place.

Aug 2002

Original marine reserve application by the Akaroa Harbour Marine Protection Society Inc. Dated Jan 1996.........................(Caution: Large file 2.9MB)

Jan 1996



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