Appendix One
The agreement reached between all parties present at the 18th of December 1998 meeting was refined at the 12th of March 1999 meeting between the parties. The final agreement is as follows:
- The parties[10] agree to support the establishment of a marine reserve, to be known as the Pöhatu marine reserve, from the south-west corner of Redcliffe Point to the Öunuhau Point incorporating Flea Bay, Island Nook and extending out 500m from the coastline as detailed in the attached map. The reserve will not allow any marine life to be taken for consumption purposes and no fishing regulations will be advanced.
- The parties agree to support in principle the establishment of a taiäpure in Akaroa Harbour and entrance area. Further discussions on the choice of management mechanisms within the area will take place.
- The parties agree to participate, along with a representative of the local landowners and the Banks Peninsula District Council, Te Rünanga o Ngäi Tahu, Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries, in an establishment committee for the Pöhatu marine reserve, reporting to the Minister of Conservation. The Department of Conservation will service the Committee. The Committee will also provide advice to the Minister of Food Fibre Biosecurity and Border Control on the establishment of the Akaroa taiäpure.
- The parties further agree that the process of public consultation on the taiäpure be advanced as quickly as possible. The consultative process will recognise the existence of the Dan Rogers Marine reserve application and will leave open the option of how best to achieve protection. The process will include working with the Pöhatu marine reserve establishment committee.
- The parties support the notion that the Dan Rogers application for a marine reserve lie on the table and not be further progressed by the Minister of Conservation, until the taiäpure is established.
- The parties endorse and encourage the Minister of Conservation to formally protect the nesting sites of the kororä (white flippered blue penguin) colony, and the associated indigenous vegetation on the north face of Flea Bay.
[10] |
The parties are defined as those who were invited by the Minister to attend the meetings. Those parties are: Önuku and Wairewa Rünanga, Te Rünanga o Ngäi Tahu, Commercial Fishers, Recreational Fishers, Forest and Bird, and the Akaroa Harbour Marine Protection Society. Koukourärata Rünaka were brought into proceedings once Flea Bay was identified as a possible location for a marine reserve.
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