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Yellowfin Tuna


Yellowfin tuna are being introduced into the Quota Management System (QMS) on 1 October 2004. The Ministry of Fisheries has issued their management proposal in a document, the Initial Position Paper (IPP). The submission deadline was 27 February 2004.

Yellowfin tuna are one of 19 species gazetted for inclusion in the QMS by October. Other species of importance to recreational and Maori customary fishers are green-lipped mussels, mako shark, parore, porae, red snapper, broadbill swordfish and kahawai. For full details on all species read the IPP cover letter and full IPP documents on the Fisheries Management page.



To achieve a good level of understanding of complex fisheries management scenarios we believe it is important to read the available data in good order.

The various documents have been broken up and reorganised, this facilitates downloading as, intact, these documents are big and unwieldy.

For this fishery management proposal we present the available information:

  1. Updates relating to this species.
  2. The Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) management proposal as presented in the Initial Position Paper (IPP)
  3. Submissions to the IPP, as available.
  4. The MFish Final Advise Paper (FAP) incorporating stakeholders submissions
  5. The Ministers Final Decision for the species.
  6. Articles and Letters relating to this fishery, as available


Latest Update
Update # 41 - Kahawai and big game submissions
NZBGFC produced outstanding submissions on broadbill swordfish, sharks and yellowfin tuna. A worthwhile effort on behalf of all non-commercial fishers and in the interests of the fisheries.

Apr 2004


More Info...

IPP Documents
Ministry of Fisheries - IPP
Initial Position Paper (IPP) from the Ministry of Fisheries on the introduction of yellowfin tuna into the Quota Management System. This sets out the Ministry's view on how the species should be managed with the QMS.

Jan 2004


More Info...

NZBGFC submission on the introduction of yellowfin tuna into the Quota Management System 1 October 2004.

Feb 2004

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MFish Information
MFish - IPP Letter
Introductory letter from the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) asking for submissions on the IPP which includes yellowfin tuna.

Jan 2004

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Final Advice Paper
The Final Advice Paper for the introduction of yellowfin tuna into the Quota Management System - WARNING PDF 2.1MB

29 Jun 04

(Pdf 2.1Mb)

Ministers Final Decision
The Minister of Fisheries decision on yellowfin tuna's introduction into the QMS

Sep 04

(Pdf 95Kb)


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