Introduction |
1. |
The Ministry of Fisheries is inviting iwi and fisheries stakeholders to participate in the consultation process for the proposed fisheries services to be provided by the Ministry in the 2006/07 financial year. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with information about the consultation process. |
2. |
The proposed services for 2006/07, including the proposed fisheries research projects can be located on the Ministry's website Descriptions of each of the proposed services are provided, along with their estimated costs and performance measures. |
Proposed fisheries services |
3. |
To assist in understanding the proposed services, a "context document" is also available at This provides commentary on "Managing for Outcomes" and covers the development of the fisheries outcome framework and the use of objectives-based management. |
4. |
The fisheries outcome framework provides a means of setting out the results that are desired from the fisheries management process, as well as demonstrating how particular incentives, management interventions, and fisheries services, are considered to contribute to achieving those results. Three contributing outcomes are set out in the text and the key work programmes to support these outcomes over the next few years. This context document will form the basis of the narrative in the final Ministry of Fisheries Statement of Intent for 2006 - 2011, however this narrative will be significantly summarised. |
5. |
For 2006/07 we are proposing a research programnme that exceeds the current appropriations on the basis that through each year our experience has been some consulted projects do not proceed for a variety of reasons. By consulting at this stage on a wider list of proposed research projects the Ministry will be in a position to substitute alternate projects to utilise appropriations. This method of managing the research programme is expected to achieve a higher level of outputs against appropriations than is currently possible. Cost recovery levies will be managed in accordance with the legislation, cost recovery rules and the Ministry' s agreement with industry on managing changes to services "in year". |
6. |
If you wish to obtain a printed copy of the proposed fisheries services, or further details of individual research projects, please e-mail Brian Ashton at, identifying what documents you require. |
Proposed 2006 Budget initiatives |
7. |
In prior years we have generally included proposed new initiative bids; otherwise these have been subject to a separate consultation process. For 2006-07, due to the stage of the development of the Government budget for 2006, we are not able to advise the timing or content of any consultation on new initiatives. It is possible that a separate consultation may be required commencing Budget day. |
Stakeholder views |
8. |
Consultation improves decision-making by providing the opportunity for individuals to participate in decisions that affect them. The Ministry wants to hear from you on the proposed fisheries services for 2006/07. |
Stages in the consultation process |
9. |
Iwi and stakeholders need to submit any written comments they may have on the proposed fisheries services by 8am on Tuesday 28 February 2006. The main stages in the process are: |
Obtaining understanding of proposed services |
- submission of questions on any matters needing clarification to the Ministry
- the Ministry providing responses, with the questions and responses also being posted on the Ministry website (for details please see paragraph 2 above)
- Ministry officials available to meet with iwi and fisheries stakeholder groups on request.
Submission of comments |
- Written submissions to the Ministry no later than 8am on Tuesday 28 February 2006 - no extension to this deadline is possible in 2006.
Minister's decision |
- the Ministry providing a report to Minister of Fisheries on recommended fisheries services for the 2006/07 year. The report will include a copy of all stakeholder submissions and the Ministry analysis of the issues raised in the submissions
- the Minister making final decisions on services to be provided
- iwi and stakeholders notified, through publication of the Statement of Intent, of final services to be provided for 2006/07 once the Budget has been introduced into Parliament by the Minister of Finance
- publication, on the Ministry website, of the advice paper to the Minister, complete with stakeholder submissions and analysis of the issues raised after Budget day.
10. |
The Ministry would like the consultation process to add as much value as possible. If you have any questions that need to be resolved in order to assist you in completing your final written submission, please send these to Brian Ashton who is coordinating this consultation process. The Ministry will undertake to provide responses to you and on the Ministry website in time for you to meet the deadline of 8am on Tuesday 28 February 2006 for final submissions. |
11. |
Ministry officials will be available for meetings with iwi and stakeholder groups if required. Please contact Brian Ashton [or your Pou Hononga] if you wish to meet. |
Written submissions |
12. |
The close off date for written submission is 8am on Tuesday 28 February 2006. All written comments must be provided by this deadline. |
Naku noa, na
Yours sincerely
Peter Murray
General Manager Corporate Services |