To keep you informed about
developments regarding the Shared Fisheries Policy being devised
by the Ministry of Fisheries option4 have compiled this record of
the process.
option4's greatest concern
is that the Ministry of Fisheries is trying to change the way fisheries
are allocated between commercial and non-commercial fishers to a
proportional allocation system. If they succeed, fisheries will
no longer be a public resource and the fisheries will be fully privatised.
Proportional allocation of
fisheries is a method of giving all of the competing users in a
fishery, an explicit portion or share of the available catch.
If the fishery improves,
everyone's portion is increased by the same percentage.
If the fishery becomes depleted
everyone's catch is reduced by the same percentage.
It sounds very simple, and
on the surface, it appears to be fair.
The reality is that the proportional
system of allocation does not adequately provide for non-commercial
fishers, it will only make them minor shareholders in a commercial
Fisheries |
Awareness |
tells industry off
Jim Anderton tells
commercial fishers to look beyond their self interest... |
29 Oct

Recreational fishers condemn fisheries proposals
option4 slam Ministry of Fisheries proposals to proportionally
allocate fisheries resources. Find out why they are so concerned......
17 Mar

about Shared Fisheries Policy process
Most of the concerns
about proportional allocation and the Ministry's motives for
this new Shared Fisheries process is covered in the report
of the meeting with the project leader Robin Connor. |
Feb 06

Sparks flew in 2000
when the Ministry of Fisheries tried to convince the public
that proportional allocation was a fair way to manage our
fisheries. Over 100,000 people rejected proportionalism as
promoted in the Soundings document and option4 was
spawned. Read the latest Updates from option4 and the Kahawai
Legal Challenge team here.........» » »
» |

on fishery sharing
The Minister wants
to reduce conflict between sectors through the implementation
of a shared fisheries policy. |
Jan 06

wants to talk about fish takes
Coverage of the
announcement of talks in the National Business Review. |
Jan 06

to commence on allocation
MFish announcement
that the Ministry of Fisheries is to begin talking with all
sectors regarding allocation of fisheries resources. |
Jan 06

with the Minister |
The Minister of Fisheries does not want to meet with option4
to discuss to the management of shared fisheries and confirms
the Shared Fisheries policy initiative will proceed. |
Jun 07

option4 request a meeting with the Minister to discuss the
management of shared fisheries and support for the Fisheries
Amendment Bill. |
8 May

The Minister advises option4 that he expects the policy to
be available for discussion soon and lookd forward to option4's
submission to the proposals. |
20 Oct
(Pdf 185Kb)

option4 offer to meet with the Minister to discuss the development
of the Shared Fisheries Policy to ensure the best possible outcome.
28 Sep
(Pdf 275Kb)

Consensus letter sent to the Minister pointing out issues
that were fundamental to the resolution of the shared fisheries
debate. This letter was signed by the NZBGFC, the NZRFC, Ngapuhi
and option4. |
May 06

Jim Anderton's reply to option4's December request for a meeting.
He will only "consider" a meeting once MFish have
done more work. |
8 Feb 06
(Jpg 120Kb)

Notice to stakeholders "Policy Development for Shared
Fisheries" advising of discussions in the new year to try
and resolve allocation issues. |
21 Dec 05
(Pdf 200Kb)

from the Minister's office of receipt of our letter sent in
December 2005. |
20 Dec 05
(Gif 25Kb)
option4 write to the Minister of Fisheries briefly explaining
the serious issues with proportional allocation and offering
our involvement to resolve the outstanding issues. |
16 Dec

of Fisheries |
in Timetable - No Impact on Reform
MFish will not be
releasing their public consultation document until late August.
MFish do not believe the delay will have any impact on the
outcome of the project. option4 object to this new timeframe.
May 06

Update on the Shared Fisheries Policy project from the Ministry
of Fisheries. This update was presented to the recent Hokianga
Accord hui by MFish. |
Apr 2006

Briefing paper given to the Regional Recreational Fishing
Forums advising of the Shared Fisheries Policy initiative. A
lightweight document with no references to other background
information. |
Jan 2006
(Pdf 30Kb)

Report given to the Minister of Fisheries seeking his agreement
on the scope of the Shared Fisheries Policy initiative, the
process and timing for developing recommended policy.
(Caution Large Pdf) |
16 Dec
(Pdf 1.6Mb)

Allocation |
After 20 years
of failing to implement the QMS and rebuild depleted fisheries
MFish now want to change the way it allocates catches between
commercial and non-commercial fishers to a proportional system. |
10 Nov 05

The proportional policy MFish currently has seems to be a
convenient way to ignore the history of fisheries mismanagement
and to avoid compensation issues for the Crown. This is a comprehensive
analysis of the Ministry's current policy preference. This will
leave you in no doubt about what proportionalism is all about.
10 Aug 05
