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Shared Fisheries Policy Update

Shared Fisheries Policy Update #1

Ministry of Fisheries

3 May 2006


Tena koutou

The Shared Fisheries project has been underway since late December 2005.  The project will develop a policy framework to improve the management of shared fisheries.  It is driven by the aim of adding value to shared fisheries—where ‘value’ encompasses both commercial and non-commercial values.  To increase value we need to ensure that a full range of fisheries management tools is available, that each sector has opportunities and incentives to conserve and enhance the resource, and that choices and trade-offs made between the values of different sectors are transparent and lead to increases in the overall value of the fishery.

The highlight for the project so far has been the enthusiasm and additional perspectives which stakeholder groups have brought to our initial meetings on the scope of the project. 

The lowlight, and an important message from this update, has been our need to revise the planned release date for the public discussion document.  We now expect the discussion document to be released in mid to late August 2006.  We are still working toward a four-month consultation period, with a submissions deadline just before Christmas.


Stakeholder group meetings

In December 2005 the Minister of Fisheries started the project off with a request that MFish initiate discussions with key stakeholder groups to seek their comments on the main issues to be addressed in the project and suggestions as to practical options to address the issues.   Key groups were contacted in December and meetings set up for February and March.

Members of the project team have met with all 7 regional recreational fora, the Recreational Fishing Ministerial Advisory Committee, representatives of the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council and option4, commercial inshore fisheries representatives, SeaFIC, and iwi fora (or iwi forum executives) in Bay of Plenty, Te Kupenga, and Te Uru.

These meetings have given us much to reflect upon as we move into the stage of developing and analysing options to include in the discussion paper.

Key issues, comments, and suggestions raised at the meetings include:

  • Ensure all sectors have incentives to protect and enhance the resource
  • Consider the effect of illegal fishing
  • Need for professional recreational management organisation(s)
  • Need tools to address local depletion
  • Sector allocations must be able to be adjusted in future
  • Set desired sector allocations then work out how to get there
  • Buyback ITQ to provide for  improved recreational fishery
  • Manage charter fishery separately from non-charter recreational fishery
  • Need information on relative value of recreational and commercial fishing
  • Need increased funding for recreational management
  • Encourage negotiation between commercial and recreational sectors to reach area agreements or adjust sector allocations
  • Proportional allocation is a way of providing certainty so that users have an incentive to cooperate
  • Protect the incentives of the QMS
  • Allow flexibility to move toward higher value uses
  • Need to hold recreational sector accountable for staying within its fair allocation
  • Ensure the policy framework provides a ‘toolbox’, so management can be customised to reflect circumstances of particular fisheries
  • Need mechanisms to enable commercial and recreational sector to work together
  • Recreational sector needs a sustainable funding base
  • Conflict can be overstated—there are many cases where recreational and commercial sectors work well together.
  • Improved information on recreational take is crucial
  • Process for engagement during public consultation period is important
  • Use case studies to illustrate the issues and options


Activities over the next 4 months

The project team is now focused on developing and analysing ways to address the key issues.  Once this has been formulated we will seek Cabinet approval to release the discussion document and undertake the consultation process.

Given the issues identified, we expect the discussion paper to be structured around the following themes:

  • Setting the TAC to manage above Bmsy
  • Allocation of the TAC
  • Managing sector allocations
  • Finer scale spatial management
  • Improved information
  • Recreational fisheries management capacity.

The expected timeframe for the project is now:

  • Cabinet approval to release the discussion paper
mid-August 2006
  • Deadline for public submissions
mid-December 2006
  • Summary of submissions prepared
end of February 2007
  • Advice to Minister on recommended policy
end of June 2007
  • Legislative change (if needed)

The four month consultation period (mid-August to mid-December) will give us an opportunity to meet with stakeholder groups again, and undertake whatever consultation process Cabinet agrees to.


Project Contacts


Lindie Nelson, MFish, Nelson
ph: 03 545 8789
email: nelsonl@fish.govt.nz
Robin Connor, MFish, Wellington
ph: 04 819 4671
e-mail: connorr@fish.govt.nz


The project has a page on the MFish website, where we post document and updates. 

The website address is: www.fish.govt.nz/shared-fisheries

Any questions regarding the project prior to release of the discussion document, can be e-mailed to info@fish.govt.nz with the subject heading “Shared Fisheries”.


Ministry's full briefing paper given to the Minister of Fisheries in December 2005
in printable format here. Caution: (1.6Mb) » »


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