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Regulation Review

Review of Fishing Regulations

by the Ministry of Fisheries



Regulation Review

The Ministry of Fisheries is currently undertaking a review of some aspects of the Fishing Regulations. MFish have released an Initial Position Paper (IPP) which covers the following proposals of particular interest to non-commercial fishers:

  • A review of stalling of set nets in the Kaipara Harbour; and
  • Review of the west coast scallop season; and
  • Review of surf clam dredge size.

The IPP that includes the proposals for these regulations was released on 29th June 2007.


Submissions on the proposals can be sent to:

Amateur Fishing Regulations Amendments

Tracey Steel

Ministry of Fisheries

PO Box 1020


Email: tracey.steel@fish.govt.nz

Deadline for Submissions

The deadline for submissions closed on 24 August 2007.

Your Input

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To achieve a good level of understanding of complex fisheries management scenarios we believe it is important to read the information in chronological order so you can follow the process.

Regulation Review
Ministers Decision 2007

Commonsense prevails

Stalling is now prohibited in the Kaipara Harbour. The west coast North Island scallop season now aligns with the northern east coast season.

6 Dec 07

(Pdf 320Kb)

option4 submission made on behalf of non-commercial fishers in the Fisheries Management Area 9 (FMA9). Preferred option is to align the season with the east coast, second option was the status quo.

27 Aug 07

(Pdf 30Kb)

Summary of Issues - option4

Scallops FMA9

A document summarising the major issues in relation to FMA9 scallops, for consideration by non-commercial fishers prior to the submission deadline.

2 Aug 07

(Pdf 40Kb)

Kaipara Harbour Stalling

option4's summary of issues regarding the stalling of set nets in the Kaipara Harbour.

2 Aug 07

(Pdf 80Kb)

Initial Position Paper - MFish

The Initial Position Paper (IPP) from the Ministry of Fisheries including the regulation review of permitting the stalling of set nets in the Kaipara Harbour, a review of the North Island west coast scallop season and the review of the surf clam dredge size.

29 Jun 07

(Pdf 85Kbs)

2006 Process
Details of the 2006 regulatory review process including background information and submissions are available here » » »
2005 Process
Full details, the option4 submission and background information on the regulation review process held in 2005.


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