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Regulation Letter

Regulation Review Letter to MFish

by NZ Recreational Fishing Council

11 September 2006


The Ministry of Fisheries


Dear Sarah

Proposal to amend aspects of the Amateur Fishing Regulations.

The Council thanks the Ministry of Fisheries for this opportunity for the recreational fishing community to participate in this review and as such we have endeavoured to ensure that the recreational sector has been given the opportunity to comment on the proposal to amend aspects of the Amateur Fishing Regulations. In doing so, we have identified that there are a number of aspects on which our members share differing views. We remain mindful that some issues have been derived from interpretations of the courts where they now impede on the access rights of fishers.



The NZ Recreational Fishing Council was first formed in 1978 and since that time it has grown to be recognised by the Courts and Government agencies, as being a creditable national organisation representing the wider recreational fishing fraternity.


The Council and its Representation:

The New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council represents national and regional associations, clubs, corporate and individual members. Whilst a number of these have their own policies and will make submissions to you we believe they will be consistent with this submission. However we acknowledge there will be areas where we do state a differing view.

The national organisations represented are N.Z. Angling & Casting Association, N.Z. Big Game Fishing Council, N.Z. Trailer Boat Federation, N.Z. Marine Transport Association, N.Z. Sports Industry Association and N.Z. Underwater Association. The regional associations cover the whole country and are in Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty/Waikato, Taranaki, Wellington, Tasman Bay, and Otago. The Council also has some Maori groups as members with Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu as a regional association. We also maintain a close contact with many of the tribes affiliated to Te Tai Tokerau in the north. Some of our larger member clubs include the members of the Bucklands Beach Yacht Club, Mercury Bay Ocean Sports Fishing Club, Whakatane Sports Fishing Club and Auckland's Outboard Boating Club.

The membership represented both directly and indirectly is in the vicinity of 300,000 recreational and sustenance fishers. In addition by default we represent the public interest in the fishery and those fishers who are non-members. We say by default because we are the only constituted representative body that has been recognised by Government and the Courts of doing so.

The Council has a Board of elected officers and members. The Council consults with its members and the public using various means. These include newsletters, its web site and various press releases. In addition it consults through the various fishing media and meetings it holds and receives input through those forum.


General comment.

The Council has responded in raising the various issues currently up for discussion in response to the Minister of Fisheries request. As a national representative organisation we see it as our responsibility to bring issues of concern to the recreational fishing community, forward to you so that we may use the formal processes to allow our members and the wider fishing community to make an informed comment.

Council representatives along with invited interested parties have participated in the process to date in attending joint meetings with Ministry officials. In doing so we have brought forward the views of our members and those of the newly formed recreational forums who have submitted input at the time. During these discussions we acknowledge the formal release of the IPP and agree that this paper fairly reflects the views presented for public discussion.

We are aware that many individuals and some of our national and regional members are submitting their own submissions and we encourage their participation in this process. We have been privy to the submission of Option 4 (a fisheries lobby group) and NZ Big Game Fishing Council and acknowledge their participation in this process.



The NZRFC Executive would like to thank the Ministry of Fisheries for the opportunity to review key issues of concern to the fishing. We have a long history of working with the Ministry Officials and in most cases we have prepared submissions for and on behalf of our members. We note the Ministry of Fisheries acknowledgement of the NZRFC participation in this process throughout the IPP. However on this occasion we see our role as being one of a facilitator in raising the initial issues for debate and a conduit of discussion information rather than one of being one of the adjudicator of opinion. We believe this role, is best served by the Ministry of Fisheries.


In conclusion;

We note that we still have two items of unfinished business on the table and would draw the Ministries attention to our requests pertaining an increase in the Coromandle scallop bag limit and the use of cray loops. We would ask that the Ministry places some urgency on resolving these two outstanding issues.

Finally we thank the Ministry of Fisheries for the opportunity to participate and have input into the proposals to amend some aspects of the Amateur Fishing Regulations.


Yours in fishing.

Keith Ingram




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