option4 Rebuttal of Kahawai IPP 2004
When a species
is introduced into the Quota Management System (QMS) the Ministry
of Fisheries issues its suggested management proposals to the Minister
in an Initial Position Paper (IPP). The Minister uses this information
to base his final decision on when setting the TACC and allowing
for the public and customary Maori fishers.
option4 are concerned about the inconsistency in the advice given
to the Minister regarding the amount of kahawai being "allowed
for" for Maori customary fishers. The following is an extract
from the kingfish Final Advice Paper (FAP) 2003.
Customary Maori Catch
- The level of customary catch for a fishstock may not be known.
In such instances an estimate of take is made on the best available
information. In the future there will be information relating
to the level of catch from customary fishing authorisations. Increased
use of the customary regulations throughout the country will result
in the information regarding customary catch being more complete
and accurate. Where information relating to catch is available
for the species in a separate QMA it is appropriate to take that
information into account when providing for customary Maori interests
for that fishstock. For some species and stocks, in particular
deepwater species, there may not be any Maori customary catch.
In this instance a zero allowance would be provided.
- The consultation process for the sustainability measures round
involves sending copies of all proposals to over 80 iwi and hapü
throughout New Zealand. Where they have provided any information
of the extent on customary Maori take, this has been used. Other
rationale could be considered on a case by case basis including:
- where a species is known to be of importance to Maori,
but no information is available, an allowance similar to the known
recreational catch is recommended;
- where a species is not of particular importance to Maori, but
it is thought there may be some take, 50% of the recreational
catch estimate is recommended (rounded to the nearest tonne);
- where it is considered unlikely that there is or has been any
customary Maori catch in a particular fishstock then a zero allowance
is recommended.
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