Rebuttal of Kahawai Initial
Paper 2004
Complete copy of Paper including option4 rebuttal in (181Kb)
When a
species is introduced into the Quota Management System (QMS) the
Ministry of Fisheries issues its suggested management proposals
to the Minister in an Initial Position Paper (IPP). The Minister
uses this information to base his final decision on when setting
the TACC and allowing for the public and customary Maori fishers.
option4 have major concerns
with much of the information provided in the IPP.
The IPP is a very large
document so we have divided it into manageable sections so you can
follow the process and understand the issues we have with the Ministry's
If you have any information
to add to the discussion please contact
The original deadline
for submissions was 27 February 2004. option4, NZRFC and NZBGFC
requested an extension. On 26 February MFish advised the submission
deadline had been extended to 16 April 2004.
For the full Background
Infomation Package, associated documents and latest news go here