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MFish Proposal Tarakihi (TAR 1)

MFish proposes, under the Adaptive Management Programme, to include a new five-year programme for tarakihi in TAR 1 that will:

  1. set the TAC at 2 482 tonnes
  2. make allowances of 155 tonnes for customary Mäori and 310 tonnes for recreational catch
  3. make an allowance of 20 tonnes for unreported catch and incidental mortality
  4. increase the TACC from 1 398 tonnes to 1 997 tonnes
  5. implement controls (to be devised on the basis of submissions) on fishing areas so that only existing tarakihi target trawl grounds are fished, and that catch under the increased TACC is spread appropriately over those areas
  6. assign responsibility for updating standardised CPUE analysis for the TAR 1 fishery to the proponents of an approved AMP.


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